Q&A for How to Solve Riddles

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    What is at the beginning of eternity and the end of time, is in every race, but is always last in line?
    Community Answer
    The letter E. It's the first letter in "eternity," the last letter in "time," an essential letter in "race," and the last letter in "line."
  • Question
    Could you solve this riddle for me: Green jacket on the outside, white jacket as the second layer and a red jacket to finish. Inside I am pregnant with a lot of babies -- what am I?
    Community Answer
    A watermelon. It can also sometimes be stated as: There is a greenhouse. Inside the greenhouse there is a white house. Inside the white house is a red house. Inside the red house are many babies. What am I?
  • Question
    I have one letter. But my name is spelled with eight, what is the answer to this riddle?
    Community Answer
    Envelope. An envelope contains a single letter, but the word is spelled with eight letters.
  • Question
    I was given this riddle but I can't seem to solve it. "Not a quad not a quandary, not a place to do your laundry. Has a bank but holds no money. Partly damp, completely sunny. If you catch my implication, name this centralized location." What could the answer be?
    Community Answer
    a beach: not a quad (not developed or built), not a quandary (a place to relax), not a place to do laundry (where people don't wear clothes), a bank holds no money (on the banks or shore), partly damp partly sunny (where water meets land and sunrises and sets) and a centralized location.
  • Question
    Penny's mum has 5 kids. Four are called January, February, March, and April. What is the last called?
    Community Answer
    Penny. You instinctively want to say May, but the first line is "Penny's mum has 5 kids." Penny counts as one of the children, and the other 4 are listed, so the 5th must be Penny.
  • Question
    There are three doors: one leads to a room full of assassins. The second, 1,000 degree lava. The third, starving tigers that haven't eaten in 3 years. If you don't choose one, you die. What do you choose?
    Community Answer
    The third one, the tigers who haven't eaten in 3 years. The reason I say this is because the tigers are dead from starvation.
  • Question
    How do I solve this riddle? If it is dry, it weighs 2 kg. If it is wet, it weighs 1 kg. If it is burned, it weighs 3 kg.
    Community Answer
    Sulphur. It's an old Hindi riddle that requires quite a bit of chemistry knowledge. Sulphur has a specific gravity of 2, which leads it to weigh less under water. All things weigh more when burned because of the addition of oxygen; because of sulphur's atomic properties compared to oxygen's, it will weigh 11/2 as much when burned.
  • Question
    You do not want me when you don't have me, but when you have me you don't want to lose me.
    Community Answer
    The answer is a lawsuit.
  • Question
    A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. What would I add to make it weigh 12 pounds?
    Top Answerer
    Something that weighs 8 pounds, then take out the object.
  • Question
    There are ten people in a room. You go in and kill eight of the ten. How many people actually remain in that room?
    Community Answer
    Three until you or the other two leave.
  • Question
    When you get me I’m a square, when you open me I’m a circle, when you pull me apart I am triangles, what am I?
    Community Answer
    The answer is a pizza. Pizza boxes are square, pizza wholes are circle and pizza slices are triangle.
  • Question
    Mr. Smith had four daughters his daughters had four brothers, how many children did Mr. Smith have?
    Community Answer
    4 or 8 depending on whether or not the brothers are his own kids.
  • Question
    John’s uncle phoned him to wish him Happy Birthday. John said ‘The day before yesterday I was 12 and next year I will be 15!’ How can that be?
    Community Answer
    He was 12 two days ago and he is born on New Year's. He is talking about next year, like as in going from 2004-2005, and if it was 2003, for example, a couple of days before. And he just turned 13 and now it is 2004, then next year, as in 2005, he will be 15.
  • Question
    What has 4 letters, but has 3 letters, and only has 7 letters?
    Top Answerer
    The figures in the sentence correspond with the number of letters in the word/s.
  • Question
    All your cousins have an aunt but she isn't your aunt. Why?
    Top Answerer
    Try this solution to that riddle: Your mother is the aunt to all your cousins.
  • Question
    Solve this riddle:- A9 letter word, if you lose it you die, if you have 234, you can 1234, 56 is a type of disease, 89 indicates exact location & time, 2 + 7 same letter: 3 + 8 same letter: 5 + 9 same.
    Community Answer
    Heartbeat. It is a 9 letter word, if you lose heartbeat, you die. If you have ear (234), you can hear (1234), rt is a disease, at (8,9) indicates location and time, third letter, eighth letter: A, fifth letter, ninth letter: t.
  • Question
    Where can you find roads without travelers, forests without trees and towns without houses?
    Custard 008
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    The answer is a map since it shows the user roads, forests and towns but doesn't show exact details like the trees and the houses.
  • Question
    One is three, three is five, five is four, four is the magic number, hundred is seven and four is the magic number. What is the pattern?
    Custard 008
    Community Answer
    It is to do with the number of letters in the word. For instance, one consists of three characters so it has a number of 3. Four is the magic number since all the numbers eventually go to four using this method. It is always important to look at the keywords of the question to solve these sorts of riddle.
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