Q&A for How to Start Your Own Exercise Regimen and Stick to It

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    Is it too late to start exercising at 40?
    Marilin Karst
    Fitness Choreographer
    Marilin Karst is a Fitness Choreographer, Health and Fitness Coach, and the Co-Owner of Fiesta Fit Sisters. With nearly 15 years of experience, she specializes in wellness coaching and fitness instruction. She studied fitness, nutrition, and leadership at the Instituto Peruano Del Deporte. Marilin is certified by the American Council on Exercise as both a Health Coach and a Personal Fitness Trainer-Health Fitness Instructor. She’s also certified to teach Zumba Basic, Zumba Toning, and Zumba Kids.
    Fitness Choreographer
    Expert Answer
    Not at all! This is definitely a great time to think about exercising. I mean, every age is important, but when you're 40, you want to start building up some lean muscle or working on your strength to protect your bones and your body function. Do exercises that keep you moving and flexible, and you'll probably feel the benefits sooner rather than later, with less pains and aches.
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    How do I strike a balance between rest and work?
    Community Answer
    There is only one way, and that's through strict time management. If you're talking about the period of resting time between exercise sessions, I would recommend exercising every other day to ensure adequate rest.
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    How much time is required for proper sleep?
    Community Answer
    For a teenager, roughly 8-10 hours of sleep is good. Adults require slightly less sleep, and children require slightly more sleep, though it truly depends on the individual person.
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    How can I lose weight at home on my own?
    Community Answer
    Begin an exercise regimen as demonsrated in this article, and reseach various weght loss diets.
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    How do I build muscle?
    Community Answer
    Start by changing your diet: focus on protein, green vegetables, lean meats, and complex carbs. Make sure you're eating enough to build muscle but not enough to gain fat - you can use calculators online to find your target calorie intake or just adjust based on how your body reacts to different amounts of food. Then, find some toning exercises and a weight lifting program that you enjoy. Focus on eating clean and lifting weights regularly and you will be able to build muscle fairly quickly.
  • Question
    I am 15 years old and overweight. I tried exercising and eating my usual meals, but I am not losing weight. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Change what you're eating. Your usual meals aren't working. Make it a goal to only drink water or milk, no soda, fruit juices (high in sugar and additives and lack fiber), coffee, or energy drinks. Drink a glass of water upon waking, before bed, and a glass before each meal. Use smaller plates to fool yourself into thinking you're eating more. Don't give up, keep at it.
  • Question
    How can I train and eat more healthy foods when I have to go to school?
    Community Answer
    Try to meal-prep and pack healthy school lunches and snacks. Even thirty minutes 3-4 days per week of exercise (running, jogging, swimming, weight training for muscles, yoga/Pilates for flexibility) will make a big difference.
  • Question
    I'm 16 years old, and I don't understand what to eat in a healthy diet and when. Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Don't diet. Eat your usual meals. You're still growing, so you need your energy. Just find a workout that suits you and drink loads of water.
  • Question
    I'm 17 years old and I have a big belly and big arms. What can I do if I am too lazy to exercise?
    Community Answer
    Try to drink only water and focus on consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables. Also, find a form of exercise that you don't hate. This can be something as simple as walking around the block (listen to music while you're doing it), going swimming, or playing a sport with some friends. Exercise doesn't have to be torture!
  • Question
    Can I do it if I am just 10?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can follow an exercise regimen at any age, just be sure that the exercises you do are safe for your age group and don't overwork yourself.
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    How do I start my own exercise regimen if I am a young teen girl?
    Community Answer
    You can do the actions called for in the article, just be sure not to use weights until you have gone at least mostly through puberty.
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    I'm 16 years old and I want to lose some weight and increase my height. How can I do so?
    Sarah Alexander
    Community Answer
    You can do some workouts for abs, legs, butt, and arms to lose some weight, just make sure you rotate them out. To increase your height try to sit with a good posture as it will help you look taller.
  • Question
    How do I gain weight but also get some adequate exercise time? I have an extremely fast metabolism, so gaining fat isn't easy at all and when I exercise I seem to lose a lot.
    Community Answer
    Try to make sure you are getting a decent amount of nutrition in your diet and focus on consuming more foods with protein and healthy fats. When exercising, you can try and focus on muscle gain by using weight and resistance training.
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