Q&A for How to Start a Book Club

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    How does everyone get the same book? This sounds expensive.
    Community Answer
    To get the same book, you can rent the books for your club from a local library. If you have enough money, you can buy the books; check for used copies online ahead of time.
  • Question
    What if one member refuses to read the book? She wants to be in the book club but has no time to read, so she says she'll listen to all us and then she'll know what it is about.
    Liam Sawyer
    Community Answer
    Tell her that to be in the book club, she has to read the book. It doesn't make sense to not read the book and be in the club.
  • Question
    Where should I host the meeting if we aren't allowed to meet in my house?
    Maia Nadkarni
    Community Answer
    Anywhere! As long as everyone is comfortable, you can hear everyone, and there is enough space, you can hold the meeting anywhere. Try the local library, a clubhouse, or even outside in your yard if the season's weather cooperates.
  • Question
    Is this about reading the same book together and then discussing it? Is there anything else we can do?
    Community Answer
    Well, in the allocated time left over, you can discuss other books and listen to recommendations for new books. Then you can just hang out.
  • Question
    How do I start a harry potter book club?
    Carole Brock
    Community Answer
    If your friends like it, ask them to help put up posters in your school (with permission, obviously). It'll kick start the club.
  • Question
    What is the minimum and maximum number of people needed? What is the age limit?
    Community Answer
    There should be no limit for the maximum, it depends on how many members your club can handle comfortably. As for a minimum, 3-5 people can be a starting point. The age limit will depend on what type of reading you are planning for the club.
  • Question
    How long do book clubs spend on each book?
    Community Answer
    Anywhere from a week to two months. It all depends on the length of the book and the reading level of the people in the club. Most groups read one book between each meeting.
  • Question
    Why do we have to read the same book? Can't we all read a different book, pass on our comments at the meeting, and then swap?
    Community Answer
    You can, but there's a reason things are done the way they are. If you talk about a book no one else has read, you'll be spoiling it for them. Also, no one else will have much to contribute because they won't have read the book and formed their own opinions. Book clubs are usually used for more in depth analysis and sharing of experiences related to one or two topics and themes. If you're trying to talk about multiple books, and only one person has read each book, the conversation will get very muddled and confusing.
  • Question
    What is there to do in a book club?
    Community Answer
    You read the book (of course!) and discuss it at meetings. Look up some book club discussion questions online to give you an idea of what to discuss. Most book clubs serve drinks and snacks, too.
  • Question
    What if none of my friends really like books?
    Community Answer
    You can talk to a teacher about starting it at school, where you can find people from different friend groups that would be interested in joining.
  • Question
    How do I make a literature club when in school?
    Community Answer
    You'll find good tips in Start a Book Club at School .
  • Question
    Do we read the same book?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you all will read the same book and then later discuss it at meetings. The discussion doesn't have to be super deep (analyzing themes, etc.), but could just be sharing thoughts and opinions about the book.
  • Question
    How to organise a J.K. Rowling book club?
    Community Answer
    If you want to start it at your school, talk to your principle and parents before you tell others about it. If you get permission, tell your friends about it, and spread the word.
  • Question
    How can I get a book club going if I cannot find enough people to get it started?
    Community Answer
    You could start by posting short reviews of the books you have read online. Make sure they are the kind of books that interest you, because it should attract people who like reading the same books as you.
  • Question
    How do I get people to be interested in my club?
    Community Answer
    Create posters. Use bright colors, cool fonts and text features on your posters. Include meeting times and dates, as well as who runs the club and where it is held. You could also make a website or social media account for your book club.
  • Question
    Is it possible to start a book club through Instagram?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can agree on a time and day to log onto Instagram and post about the book. You could also make it more fun with hashtags for each book you discuss.
  • Question
    How do I organize book clubs between members who speak different languages?
    Community Answer
    Try having them write or record their thoughts beforehand and then translate it. You can use one of those apps that allows you to have conversations with people who speak different languages.
  • Question
    What if I don't have any ideas of books to read in the club?
    Community Answer
    Check the internet for most recommended books for your age group. There are many lists of books for suggested book club inclusion.
  • Question
    Do I need to do it a specific way?
    Community Answer
    No! It helps to have a bit of a schedule but it is up to you how you host it. After all, it is your book club.
  • Question
    How often should the book club meet and how do I let more people know about it?
    savannah fair
    Community Answer
    A book club should meet about once a week. More than once a week would seem be too much, because people have busy weeks. To tell others about the book club, try printing flyers and posting them around school. This would attract those who love to read and it would be a good way to make more friends.
  • Question
    Can a book club have members from ages 10-12?
    savannah fair
    Community Answer
    A book club can have members of any age. It's your choice on who to invite. If someone calls younger or older asks to join your book club, just tell them that they haven't made the age limit.
  • Question
    We're trying to start a bookclub, but have problems with realizing the first meeting, due to the inactivity of participants and scheduling overlap. What is the easiest way to schedule a first meeting?
    Community Answer
    Get a planner and put down dates for meetings or have 1 or 2 weekly meetings to make sure everyone knows the schedule.
  • Question
    How do I start a book club with students of different departments( Art, Science and Commercial) which will benefit everyone? If the students don't like reading, how can i make them join?
    Community Answer
    You can't make someone join a book club. All you can do is select books of general interest and hope that members will approach them with an open mind and a willing spirit. You can also put the book selections to a vote of the members.
  • Question
    Could you use this to make a fanfiction book club, or do you have to use published books?
    Community Answer
    Your book club can focus on any kind of books you like.
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