Q&A for How to Surf

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    Does my weight matter when picking a board?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does. if you pick a board that is too light or heavy for you, you may have trouble controlling it in open waters, especially if you are a beginner.
  • Question
    How old do you have to be?
    Community Answer
    No age limit. Anyone can learn to surf.
  • Question
    Does the size of the board matter?
    Magdalen Ketchum
    Community Answer
    Yes. The size of your board will matter because it will directly affect how easy it is to balance on your board, and how easy it is to control.
  • Question
    What are the wind limits for a good day's surf?
    Community Answer
    Anything above about 10mph can blow out the surf, but as a beginner catching the white water, anything up to about 30mph should work.
  • Question
    Do you have to know how to swim to surf?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you most certainly do. Not only because you're in water but because if you get pulled underwater, you need to know how to swim up and that needs to be strong swimming ability, not just the dog paddle. When you've finished surfing, you might have to swim back to shore too, especially if you've gone out to get to the surf and it breaks well before shore.
  • Question
    Is there any way to practice surfing without a board and gear? I do not live near an ocean, but I want to get a head start on my practice.
    Community Answer
    Try skateboarding, or get a balance board. Go to your community pool or lake to practice becoming a strong swimmer.
  • Question
    How long does it take to learn how to surf?
    Community Answer
    It really just depends on the person. Some people can learn how to surf in a week, while other need months or even years to learn.
  • Question
    Is surfing a good fun sport?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely, it is enormously thrilling. But it is more than sport, it's also a code, a camaraderie and a way of life. Try it out -- most likely you'll love it.
  • Question
    How do I do a cutback?
    Community Answer
    Wait for a slightly less lippy section than you would for a snapback. Ride up the face of the wave, and when you get to the lip, bring your head, then arms, then chest around and your waist and board will automatically follow. Then, lead forward to resume going down the face.
  • Question
    Where can I rent a foam surfboard?
    Community Answer
    There are plenty of foam surfboards for rent in the shops close to pools or beaches. You can also shop/rent online if you want to get one in advance.
  • Question
    How long can the waves keep me underwater for?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the current and how far out you are. Even strong swimmers can get swept under waves and not be able to swim away.
  • Question
    How much does a used board cost?
    Community Answer
    That depends. First of all, you'll want to choose the kind of board you want to purchase. Do you want a longboard, a shortboard, or a funboard? In what condition should the board be? Should it be a fiberglass, epoxy or foamie? Do you want a specific brand? All of these question play a big role in the price you'll pay for your board. But, generally, a used board ranges from $100 to $400. Know that longboards and fiberglass boards are more expensive.
  • Question
    Is it fine to just use a small one? I only have a small one and there's no place to rent them nearby.
    Community Answer
    Yes! It will be more difficult with a smaller board, but with practice you will be able to figure it out.
  • Question
    Can I surf on a board without a fin?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend it. Without a fin, you won't have much control over your board.
  • Question
    Can I use my hands to get up?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. The only way to get up on a surfboard is by using your hands, but be careful.
  • Question
    How can I be a great surfer?
    Mohamed Abdi
    Community Answer
    All you have to do is practice. Get better at pop-ups, learn how to paddle better and keep at it. With practice you can be a great surfer.
  • Question
    Can I wear a pair of goggles if I'm wearing contact lenses?
    Community Answer
    Yes, goggles would be a good idea if you intend to wear contacts in the water. However, taking the contacts out would be better as sometimes water can still enter your goggles and you could risk losing a contact lens.
  • Question
    Is it easy to balance?
    Community Answer
    For a beginner, no. But it gets easier as time goes on/when you get more advanced.
  • Question
    Should I be concerned about starting to surf with a fish board, even if it seems like the right size?
    Community Answer
    In my experience, starting with a fish board can work out well. I am 5'5" and started with a 5'8" fish board; I was able to surf within a day. With practice, you should be fine too.
  • Question
    Can I practice surfing with a snowboard in the winter?
    Community Answer
    Surfing is definitely a lot like snowboarding once you get the basics down, but it's a lot harder to learn. Essentially, yes, snowboarding will help hone your skills if you already know how to surf, but you should not assume you can surf just because you know how to snowboard.
  • Question
    Is it easy to dodge the people when you have a wave?
    Community Answer
    One of the main rules of surfing is that if you are riding a wave, it is not your responsibility to look out for other surfers, but for the other surfers to look out for you. So most of the time, you probably won't need to worry!
  • Question
    How does sandy wax affect my stomach if I'm not swallowing it?
    Community Answer
    You lie on your stomach on the board when you paddle out, so if there's sand on it, the sand will rub against your stomach and give you a pretty bad rash.
  • Question
    Can I surf at night safely?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can surf at night, but it can be dangerous. It's important to go with friends, monitor the conditions, and be aware that sharks tend to hunt at night, which can increase the risk of attack. Surfing with a group under a well-lit, full moon can improve safety, but it is still risky.
  • Question
    What brand of wetsuit do you suggest?
    Community Answer
    O'Neill Psycho Tech Wetsuit Line is a good brand. Patagonia wetsuits for men and women are also good.
  • Question
    Does good experience with skateboarding help with surfing? I've been skateboarding for 3 years.
    Community Answer
    Definitely! Did you know that skateboarding was invented as a way for surfers to practice while the surf's down? Skateboarding provides you with good balance and control, which is handy when trying your hand at surfing!
  • Question
    What body type is best suited to surfing?
    Community Answer
    Anyone can surf! Typically, ectomorphs (people with a thin frame) have the easiest run at surfing, since their smaller body weight can be carried by the wind easier. However, I wouldn't dwell on what type of body you have; just try it out and practice!
  • Question
    What if you are scared about sharks?
    Community Answer
    If you are extremely nervous about sharks and are in a highly shark-populated area, try doing a shark dive, or if nothing else, go to your local aquarium to learn about them. Learning about the incredible creatures that they are may help you feel confident in the water. There are also shark bands that detour sharks away from your body because of the magnetic fields produced. Also, try going out with a few friends to distract you and for you to feel a little safer.
  • Question
    Can I learn to surf using my dad's board if I'm 5'5 and he's 6'3?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as a beginner, starting with a larger board like your dad's will be easier and better.
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