Q&A for How to Take an Order in a Fast Food Restaurant

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    What if I mess up the customer's order?
    Top Answerer
    Don't worry, it happens to everyone sometimes. Just excuse yourself, say you got it wrong and ask the customer to repeat it. Don't be nervous, just be kind.
  • Question
    How do I communicate with the person who is taking my order?
    Community Answer
    Just be respectful, polite, and make sure that you are as clear as possible. Make sure to say "thank you" after you finish.
  • Question
    How do I take an order from a customer when multiple people are all talking and trying to place their orders?
    Top Answerer
    You can politely say: "Excuse me, but could just one person do the talking? It's impossible to listen to everyone all at once."
  • Question
    What is the standard for the time it takes fast food to be served once it's ordered?
    Community Answer
    It should take roughly 4-5 minutes. If it goes over, and you are the waiter, then apologize for the long wait. But if you are the receiver of the food, try to be patient. Keep in mind that it gets very busy in a fast food restaurant and it's easy for the cooks to get backed up.
  • Question
    What if a customer is rude and begins to use foul language?
    Community Answer
    Tell them that the manager will be happy to sort the issue out with them, then go get your manager or supervisor. If you are the manager/supervisor, tell the customer that if they cannot be polite and respectful, you have the right to refuse to serve them.
  • Question
    What if the customer doesn't smile at me?
    Community Answer
    Just smile at them. They mey have had a bad day, and that doesn't mean you shouldn't be polite.
  • Question
    How do I serve someone with high blood pressure?
    Community Answer
    Have the cooks make their food with as little extra salt as possible, as extra salt is a health risk for this person.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to ask customers about allergies before taking an order?
    Community Answer
    No; customers in a fast food restaurant will likely have already checked the foods they're going to order for any potential allergic reactions.
  • Question
    How do you calm yourself when you first start out dealing with customers and you feel like you have no idea what you are doing?
    Heaven Scott
    Community Answer
    Take a few deep breaths, remind yourself that you can do it and even if you can't, all you need to do is say something like: "Sorry, I'm still learning, I'll fix that for you right away!". Keep a smile on your face at all times and be as kind as possible.
  • Question
    How do I make the customers happy with my fast food service?
    Community Answer
    The best way to satisfy your customers is to act professional, get their orders right on the first try and serve them with a smile. Be friendly and respectful.
  • Question
    What to do when customer calls you something mean, like swears like that is unholy and I have a fear of this because of it?
    Community Answer
    Don't take it personally! The customer does not even know you. That is a harsh reality of working in the fast food industry you will sometimes encounter rude and annoying customers. Do your best to handle the customer and act professionally as possible. Remember it is not about you, it's about them.
  • Question
    When is the appropriate time to order additional items?
    Community Answer
    If you notice an item is missing or want to add an additional item to your order, it is best to do this as soon as you realise. Make eye contact with your server or say "excuse me" when they are nearby. The earlier you do this, the more likely you are to get your food all at once. However, it is important to note that clicking your fingers at a server or shouting would not be appropriate.
  • Question
    If the POS system is not working, what is the procedure to take a customer order?
    Community Answer
    Usually, a pen and piece of paper is useful to carry around with you as a server. That way you can keep track. A "duplicate book" (with carbon paper) can be used to give multiple copies of the order you write down, one for your customer, one for the chef, one for you.
  • Question
    How is a customer order transmitted down the line in a fast food restaurant?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how the order is taken. on a POS system, the data the server inputs is sent electronically to a screen in the kitchen. If paper orders are used, a copy is given to the chef and displayed in the kitchen for them to see in a "tab grabber" until complete. It can then be put into the "bill spike" a sharp upright spike to hold orders for recording previous orders.
  • Question
    Is it necessary for a waiter or waitress to ask for any suggestions or comments after the service?
    Community Answer
    Questions such as "did you enjoy your meal?" or "how was your meal?" are normal. Avoid pestering your patrons too much. It is best that just one (or 2 if a shift ends during a meal) deal with each table so the patrons are not bombarded with server questions whilst eating. Comment/suggestion cards are useful for more detailed feedback.
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