Q&A for How to Talk to Celebrities

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    How can I easily meet a celebrity?
    Alessandra Conti
    Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Alessandra Conti is a Celebrity Matchmaker, Dating Coach, and Co-Founder of Matchmakers In The City, a personal Matchmaking firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Alessandra is a Matchmaker behind MTV's, “Are You The One”, and is the go-to Celebrity Matchmaker for shows like NBC's Access Hollywood, and CBS's Face The Truth. Her dating and relationship advice has been featured on Forbes, Elite Daily, The New Yorker, The LA Times, and Fox News. For nearly 10 years, Alessandra has worked with clients ranging from celebrities to young professionals and leads a team of matchmakers responsible for hundreds of marriages through their knowledge of interpersonal relationships, body language, and lie detection. She holds a BA in Communications from American University and is a Matchmaking Institute Certified Matchmaker (CMM).
    Celebrity Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Proximity is key! Go to an area where a lot of actors live, like LA or New York. You're much more likely to meet a famous individual in one of these places than in a less populated place.
  • Question
    Last time I spoke to a famous person, I froze and couldn't say anything. Any tips on how to stop that from happening?
    Community Answer
    Remember, they're people, too, just like us. Even if they are famous, just try to see them as a regular person.
  • Question
    What should I do if a famous person invites me to do a duet?
    Community Answer
    Go for it! If you're nervous, remind yourself that you are showing the audience and/or celebrity what you've got! Don't let nerves or doubt drag you down.
  • Question
    How would I approach them? Would it be rude to just walk over?
    Community Answer
    It wouldn't be rude to just walk over, as long as they aren't clearly busy with something. Just be polite and keep it brief.
  • Question
    What if I want a picture?
    Community Answer
    You can ask them for a quick picture, just as you would an autograph. Most likely they will be happy to take one with you.
  • Question
    How do I get over my fear of public speaking?
    Community Answer
    Be confident and act like no one is there except the people you love and trust. Before a big speech, try practicing in front of friends and family.
  • Question
    How can I ask a celebrity for their number when I am scared to?
    Community Answer
    Never ask a celebrity for their number. They will most likely deny or ignore you. They may feel like it is an invasion of privacy, and it will make the situation feel awkward. Just be friendly and positive around them, accepting that it's a great opportunity to meet them. And consider this -- how would you feel if someone randomly came up to you and asked for your number, all starstruck? Weird, huh? It's not going to become a relationship, so keep things realistic.
  • Question
    Can I use these methods to talk to an online celebrity, such as a YouTube or Tumblr user?
    Community Answer
    Of course! It may be even easier to contact these people, as they usually have their contact info right on their social media pages. Try to make some references to their work, such as a comic or video that they posted.
  • Question
    How do I know if the celebrity got my message?
    Community Answer
    You don't really. You just have to wait to see if he or she responds. If the celebrity doesn't respond, DO NOT spam him or her with messages.
  • Question
    On Facebook, I messaged my favorite celebrity. When I double tapped the message, I saw the word "seen." Does it mean he has seen it already?
    Community Answer
    Correct! However, some celebrities have social media managers who maintain social media accounts, so word may not yet have been passed along to the celebrity.
  • Question
    I have a number of a celebrity, what do I say when I call? Or should I call?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Whether it's a celebrity or not, if you don't know someone in person, you shouldn't call. If you do know this person, just call up and talk about what you want to talk about. Start with hi, take it from there.
  • Question
    Can I offer them my business card?
    Community Answer
    That depends on your business. If you are interested in working for or with her/him, then go for it!
  • Question
    Where do celebrities lives?
    Community Answer
    Celebrities can live anywhere, but they tend to live - or at least spend a significant amount of time - in larger cities like Los Angeles and New York.
  • Question
    I like celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Morgz, and Jacksepticeye, but I'm just a kid. They might talk rudely, sexually, or inappropriately. How do I approach them in that case?
    Community Answer
    Even celebrities who are a little edgy or provocative usually know how to talk to children. It's unlikely that if you met one of these people they would say something inappropriate to you. If they did, you could just say, "I'm not comfortable with this conversation," and excuse yourself.
  • Question
    What should I ask celebrities?
    Community Answer
    Ask them the same questions you would ask when getting to know anyone. Choose questions that show you are interested but are not too personal. Here are some suggestions: Do you have any hobbies? How did you get into your profession? What is your favorite food?
  • Question
    I tend to say things like "Oh my gosh, it's...", or "Will you marry me?" to celebrities I see. How can I stop this?
    John Tinker
    Community Answer
    99/100% of celebrities will get uncomfortable when a fan says those sorts of things. Try to use self-control and maybe introduce yourself, say that you are a big fan, tell them you love and support them.
  • Question
    If I started crying because I was really happy to see my favorite idol, do you think he/she will hug me and try to make me feel better?
    Community Answer
    Actually, if you start crying, the person might just feel awkward in front of you. So don't cry; just talk to the celeb, take a selfie etc.
  • Question
    How do I make the conversation memorable?
    Community Answer
    Ask them a meaningful question, or tell them how their work has helped you. Such as, "I met my best friend because of you." or, "Your music helped me come to terms with who I am, thank you." Keep it simple.
  • Question
    Should I ask for their age?
    Community Answer
    You can just search for this information online. You might make them uncomfortable if you ask them this in person.
  • Question
    If I send a celebrity a letter is there a chance that they will answer?
    Community Answer
    It's a very slim chance. Most have assistants respond if someone responds at all.
  • Question
    Can I ask him if we can be friends and talk to each other on Twitter and if he can follow me back? Can I give him my user name on Twitter or Instagram?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can. Just don't be too disappointed if he doesn't do some or any of these things. Celebrities meet a lot of people and get a lot of requests for follows, and they can't agree to every single one.
  • Question
    Say I met Josh and Tyler from TP, how do I gather my thoughts and not say the wrong thing?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry, they meet a lot of people and they probably won't remember. Just think about what you want to say beforehand and have it in your head when you meet them.
  • Question
    Someone famous texted me back and I'm sort of freaking out. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You are 50% owner of the conversation, you can do with it what you like; take it in any direction or end it any time. The other, however, is also an equal shareholder, so that person too can also decide. If you like the conversation, continue; if not, politely end it. Avoid gushing, try and give the person something interesting about you as well. Celebrities are also just people like you and me, looking for fun and meaningful social interactions. Try to share something about yourself to stand out and give them an enjoyable conversation as well.
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    How can I ask a celebrity out on a date?
    Community Answer
    Ask like you would with anyone else!
  • Question
    If I find an email online while doing research and I want to email the person, would it seem weird if I just email, or should I say how I got the email address?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes, mention how you got the address. You're likely still going to be talking to their agent anyway, rather than the actual person. Most people change their e-mail address should it become publicly known. But sure, you can just e-mail them. It's not different than e-mailing anyone else. Be polite, get to the point, don't embarrass the celebrity, and above all, be brief.
  • Question
    How do I tell a celebrity that I am crushing on him/her?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The same way you tell anybody else. First, find a way to spend time with them, work together, go to a charity together, etc. Give them a chance to get to know you, too, which takes time. See how your feelings develop and if you think they like you back, try a little flirting. If you're just going to blurt out to any celebrity that you have a crush, there is a zero percent chance of success. This is not different for celebrities or non-celebrities. A crush is a feeling inside yourself only, the object of your crush has nothing to do with it.
  • Question
    Is it OK to cry because of how famous they are?
    Community Answer
    You can, but it might make them feel a little uncomfortable depending on the celebrity, so I would try to avoid it if you can.
  • Question
    How do I meet a famous person?
    Community Answer
    Frequent areas where famous people hang out, like fancy restaurants or trendy clubs in LA and New York.
  • Question
    When I see a celebrity I have heaps to ask or say, but I just freeze, how can I fix that?
    Community Answer
    Treat them as if you were talking to a friend or someone else you know. Try not to be overwhelmed by the fact the person you're talking to is a celebrity. Try to rehearse asking questions and play it out in your head. This can help you prepare for the situation.
  • Question
    Why do celebrities ask their fans for money if they want to come down and see the celeb?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There could be a number of reasons. If they've rented a venue for their event, they might charge an admission fee to offset their costs. They might have something planned, like a walking dinner, or a collectible goody bag, for which they want to offset the cost. It might also be to avoid a total onslaught of happy fans if admission is free. Or it might be to discourage the low-level fans and give the actual dedicated fans a real chance to interact with their idols, unbothered by hordes of screaming teens with little or no real feelings for this celebrity.
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