Q&A for How to Talk to a Girl by Texting

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    What do I talk about with a girl?
    Community Answer
    Tell her a joke, ask how her day is going, talk about a school project, etc. Text first; girls are very nervous when they have to text the guy first. Don't flirt with her unless you've been talking with her for a while.
  • Question
    What does it mean when a girl asks for your number and then hardly ever texts you?
    Community Answer
    Possibly she just asks everyone for their number, and you are just another number for her massive list of contacts. Or maybe she was interested in you and then changed her mind.
  • Question
    How do I talk to a girl I've only talked to online?
    Community Answer
    Just remember that it isn't any different. She's the same person, and so are you. Get the conversation going by bringing up something you guys talked about online and go from there.
  • Question
    What can you do if she is losing interest in your conversations?
    Community Answer
    Find what interests her and talk about that. Try something new and spontaneous. Research online for some compelling conversation topics to keep her engaged, and ask open-ended questions that require more than a "yes" or "no."
  • Question
    What do I talk to her about?
    Community Answer
    Ask her how she is. Ask her what she has been doing lately. Tell her a few jokes. Maybe talk about something that happened at school that day. Casually mention something that is happening and ask she's interested in going too.
  • Question
    How do I best respond to "who are you" when I text the girl who gave me her number the day before?
    Community Answer
    You simply tell her that you are the guy she gave her number to the day before. Try to mention where she met you (ie: the concert) or something unique that you wore (ie: a lime green baseball cap).
  • Question
    I'm having trouble talking to the girl and getting a conversation going. How do I start a good long conversation?
    Community Answer
    Ask her how her day or weekend was, or in general, what she's been doing. Make her feel like she's the center of the conversation. If you focus too much on yourself or what you're up to, she probably won't be too interested in talking to you. You could also try asking her a more involved question like what she was like as a kid, what her religious/political beliefs are, etc.
  • Question
    Should I give up on a girl if she friendzoned me?
    Community Answer
    If you like and care about the girl, you should value her friendship. If you're *only* interested in a girl in an all-or-nothing, girlfriend-only way, that's not a good sign on your part. You certainly shouldn't push anything romantic on the girl if she's made clear she's not interested in that way, but you're free to remain friends.
  • Question
    How do I start a relationship with a girl?
    Community Answer
    That would depend on what your definition of a 'relationship' is. Technically, a relationship is just a connection, whether it's positive or negative. To accomplish an initial connection, you can just say hello and make some small talk, and your relationship will no longer be 'strangers'. As for a dating relationship, you might find the tips in this article useful: how to start a relationship .
  • Question
    How can I move past small talk with a girl?
    Community Answer
    Ask her deeper, open-ended questions. You can even find suggested lists online that can provide you with some ideas.
  • Question
    What do I do if the girl I am texting is the first to say goodbye? Does that mean she is not interested in me or is bored?
    Community Answer
    This is normal It happens to all of us. But try and strike a good conversation when talking to a girl. All girls like a confident guy so be sure you are showing that part of yourself in your texts. If she is always the first to say goodbye, she may have other interests.
  • Question
    How can I get this girl's interest? I could be talking to her one day non-stop; then a few days will pass, and she hardly responds.
    Community Answer
    If you ask her questions, try to ask her open ended questions, so she won't respond with one word answers. Then you could use that information later on to continue your conversation. She'll probably think of you as caring if you remember the stuff she tells you and use it again in conversation.
  • Question
    Should I minimize the time I talk to a girl over texting and try to have meaningful conversations in person?
    Community Answer
    In a relationship, you get a stronger connection with your "partner" when you spend time with them. It may be beneficial for you to try to spend more time in person with her, rather than texting.
  • Question
    I have known this girl for several years now; we went to primary school together and now we are in year 7. I got her number from the autograph booklet she signed for me on the last day of term, and the past few months, we have been texting and flirting. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try and hang out with her in person.
  • Question
    She had said she liked me and we've been texting for the past week. But she replies really slow and never starts a conversation by herself. How do I get closer?
    Community Answer
    If she admitted she likes you, play it cool. She may be playing hard-to-get. Try using her techniques back on her and leave her reply hanging for a day or two, which will probably have her wondering where you are and what you're doing.
  • Question
    How can I ask out a girl at the sister school of my all-boys school?
    Community Answer
    Try asking for her number. If you know anyone that is in the sister school and knows the girl you like, try talking to them to set you up for a meet.
  • Question
    Is it okay if I text her by getting her number from someone else?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Some girls might find it creepy, others won't care. If you want to be on the safe side, ask her for her number. Next time you're talking just say, "Hey, I've gotta go, can I get your number so we can chat more later?" If you're friends on social media, you could use that to ask for her number.
  • Question
    If she is not answering my text immediately, is that a good or a bad sign?
    Community Answer
    It could be that she is busy, if she does this habitually it's probably a bad sign. You could try teasing her by saying something like "You took days to answer, do you live in a cave?"
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm starting to lose touch with a relationship?
    Community Answer
    Fight hard and keep it going. Find out what she needs from you and focus on those things.
  • Question
    What kind of hints can I give her to tell her that I like her?
    Community Answer
    You could send her "good morning" and "good night" texts. Ask her about her day and see if she asks about yours. Tell her that she can always talk to you about anything. If you've known her for a while, you should just come right out and tell her.
  • Question
    How can I make her read my text whenever I text her? I have texted her, but she never replied.
    Community Answer
    It sounds like she isn't really interested in talking to you.
  • Question
    What do I do if I was texting and then the person I was texting suddenly stops?
    Community Answer
    The person may have gotten busy. Just relax.
  • Question
    I've known this girl through family friends and have only met her twice, but I really like her. What should I talk to her about?
    Community Answer
    Message her first. Talk her about your families and try to get close with her in a conversation and ask her to go out when it feels right.
  • Question
    How can I flirt with a girl if I'm too shy?
    Community Answer
    First, think of what you want to say. Then, throw away your nervousness and shame, type the sentence and send it. Do not hesitate, as this will make you think about it and you might not send it.
  • Question
    What can I answer if a girl asks who gave me her number?
    Community Answer
    Tell her the truth. If you lie or make it seem like you have something to hide, she'll think you're creepy/a stalker. Just be honest about who gave it to you.
  • Question
    I got a lady's number, she does not know me, what should I say when I text her?
    Community Answer
    Introduce yourself, and ask her how she's doing or how her day is going, along with some other questions about herself. She will probably ask you questions as well, and this can build up into a conversation.
  • Question
    I have been speaking to a girl I really like for about 2 months, but she has said she wants to still talk but simmer things down a little bit. Am I being friend zoned?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Perhaps she isn't ready for a relationship yet, or perhaps she's just not sure how she feels. I would just give her some space and see how it goes.
  • Question
    What should I do if she tells me that she's not ready to date anymore?
    Community Answer
    Wait. If you really like her, then she is definitely worth the wait. If you do move on before she is ready, though, don't feel guilty.
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    How could I get my crush to like me back, even if we never talked?
    Bernabe Valencia
    Community Answer
    Ask for her number or if you have or know her Instagram, then DM her, saying what’s sup or hi or something similar. Then how’s day going after, just get to know her by asking questions, just go for it.
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