Q&A for How to Tell if Duck Eggs Are Dead or Alive

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    Our duck has been sitting on the nest for the last 3 weeks. Are the eggs still possibly alive?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. A duckling's incubation period is about a month.
  • Question
    Is it okay to eat duck eggs?
    Connie Comadoll
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. They have a richer flavor than chicken eggs, which some people really like.
  • Question
    My egg passed the float test but when shining the flashlight through it, there were only shadows at the tip of the egg. Am I doing the flashlight test wrong, or is my chick dead?
    Community Answer
    Shadows at the tip of the egg are okay, the chick probably is just starting to grow.
  • Question
    My wild mallard duck has been sitting on 7 eggs for 1 month. Now she left the eggs and one egg is opened, but no baby duck. What happened?
    Top Answerer
    Some duck eggs fail to be fertilized, and occasionally an embryo will die in the early stages of fertility.
  • Question
    We have a first time momma duck that has been sitting on eggs for over 45 days. Is it safe to say eggs are dead?
    Community Answer
    It is. By 45 days, the eggs are dead.
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    If my ducks are sitting on their eggs, can I candle them? If so, will they continue to sit on them when I put back in the nest?
    Community Answer
    Ducks aren't very happy nesters, so the answer to this should be no. I have had experience with ducks and have learned that when disturbed, they may just scatter the eggs and leave the nest. if you want to still hatch the eggs, try putting them under a broody chicken hen. I recommend you do this to all your duck eggs, because ducks really don't care about their eggs like chickens do, and will possibly forget about them and leave them behind.
  • Question
    I rescued an abandoned duck egg. I have no access to an incubator. Currently, the egg is stacked up on at least 20 folded napkins inside a Styrofoam box with heating pad beneath it. Any tips?
    Community Answer
    Check the article Make a Simple Homemade Incubator for Chicks for instructions on making your own incubator.
  • Question
    I had a wild duck lay eggs she sat on them about week then a raccoon scared her away. She never came back. I put them in a incubator we are getting close but not sure when to stop turning
    John O'Meara
    Community Answer
    Distinctive veins should appear in the egg, while movement by day 12 is often noted. It is not recommended that you drop it in a bucket of water to see if it floats, contrary to popular belief.
  • Question
    I found a duck egg on my front lawn this morning. It's room temperature. Is it alive and should I keep it in an incubator?
    Community Answer
    It's hard to say whether or not it's alive, but do incubate it just in case. It takes about 28 days to hatch. If your incubator doesn't have an automatic humidifier, but does have a humidity scale, you can put a small bowl of water in the incubator for humidity.
  • Question
    1 week ago, the dog scared duck that flew into lake. Found 6 eggs in bush nest. Dog forbidden in backyard since. 4 days ago found eggs slightly covered. No sign of duck entire time. Eggs abandoned?
    Nevaeh Johnson
    Community Answer
    To make sure, keep your dog away and keep the eggs there, so if the mother comes back if it does not come back take the whole nest to a local pond or lake to see if they become adopted by other animals or its real mother.
  • Question
    Why my ducks eating their eggs?
    Female Undertale Memer
    Community Answer
    Egg eating can be a sign that your ducks aren't getting enough calcium in their diets. Feed a good quality layers feed and provide extra sources of calcium, such as oyster shell, to ensure your ducks are getting everything they need.
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    With a flashlight, I see veins and the air bubble but a lot of the the egg I can’t really see through it’s like a dark color?
    Community Answer
    If you see veins then it is alive, but it just might not be developed yet. You might just not have a good light.
  • Question
    We had a nest of duck eggs with a mother for over a month. 5 of the eggs went missing and she abandoned 2. The eggs were cold however with a flashlight I could see veins in one but no movement?
    Community Answer
    Put it in an incubator. If after a week the duck is still not hatched, the chick is dead.
  • Question
    I just brought home a female and two male ducks, and put them in the hen coop. They seem to be fine with the flock. When can I take them to the pond and they will come back up at night and go into pen?
    Community Answer
    You’ll need to train them to return to their coop at dusk before you can let your ducks roam away from it.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my duck is dead or alive. My egg has a small spot inside, what does it mean?
    Hayllie Butts
    Community Answer
    Are you seeing this spot under light? You say it has been like this for a long time? I don't think it is developing. That small spot may be the yolk, and likely it is dead.
  • Question
    A mallard duck made a nest by our front porch, she laid 2 eggs, covered them with leaves. I have not witnessed her sitting on the eggs. Do mallards lay eggs and not sit on them?
    Female Undertale Memer
    Community Answer
    This can be normal and there is actually nothing to worry about. The mother knows when she needs to sit on the eggs and will do so. At times they can just lay the eggs and not worry about them for a few days. Just let nature take its course and she will either sit on them or just let them die.
  • Question
    My mother duck had been sitting on 5 eggs for 21 days and now she's dead. I have no access to an incubator. How do I hatch the eggs?
    Top Answerer
    Wrap them in a light blanket and place them under a heat lamp or on top of a heating pad. They need to be kept at 98° F. Once they've hatched, continue to keep them warm (though less so as they get older).
  • Question
    A duck laid 13 eggs in a flower pot on my front porch and she has been laying on the eggs for about 3 weeks now. Last night, the mother was killed by a stray cat. Do you have any tips?
    Community Answer
    Put the eggs in an incubator as quickly as possible (you can easily find an online tutorial to quickly make your own DIY chicken egg incubator), and leave them in there until they hatch. Then, but them in a brooder (a tall sided box or, preferably, your bathtub) and raise them in there. Give them constant access to medicated starter feed and water, and fill up the bathtub, sink, kiddie pool, etc multip!e times per day to let them swim and bathe themselves. Once they are mature they will need a coop and something to swim in, and will need adult feed instead of starter.
  • Question
    Can eggs have two ducks in them?
    Community Answer
    It is possible to have two ducks (or any poultry) developing in the same egg, but the ducklings will likely be unhealthy when they hatch. One or both may die. This type of egg is known as a double-yolk egg.
  • Question
    My duck is is starting to smell and when I did the floating egg test, it just sunk to the bottom. Is my baby duck dead?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the duckling in that egg is most likely departed. However, leave the egg in the incubator until the other eggs have hatched, as the duckling may be alive, after all.
  • Question
    I had duck eggs shipped to me. One of the eggs looks more developed than the others, there is a dark spot and lots of veins. Is this a possible viable embryo? 2 days in mail.
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible that this egg contains a viable embryo. However, to get a better idea, try candling the duck egg.
  • Question
    It is day 30 in my incubator for 3 eggs and I can see them moving around when I candle the egg. But they are not hatching yet. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Just leave them alone, they don't need human assistance. They are like a baby in a mom, give them time to come out.
  • Question
    I found this duck egg in my neighbor's yard and it was 20 degrees out. I can only see almost half of the egg. What should I do?
    Addison Smith
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do is to leave the egg where it is. Although it seems like you are just abandoning it, the mom might come back to get it. And it might just be half the shell, the duck might not even be in it still.
  • Question
    Can a hen hatch a duck egg? Can a hen handle a duck baby after hatching them?
    Addison Smith
    Community Answer
    Yes. A chicken can handle a duck baby, for sure. There is a 99% chance that they will survive and she will raise them like her own.
  • Question
    I found several duck eggs in my yard, some were opened, most were not. The eggs were abandoned. None passed the candle test. What should I do?
    Addison Smith
    Community Answer
    Just leave them be. There is probably a reason they were abandoned. They might not be alive and the mother might have pushed them away. Let nature have them.
  • Question
    My ducks have been laying eggs but the eggs are cold to the touch. Does that mean they are no good?
    Addison Smith
    Community Answer
    There is a good chance that they are no good, but just to check, hold the egg up to your flashlight on your phone and look for any blood veins or movement.
  • Question
    The shell of the egg is begining to look a darker colour and it is starting to smell a wee bit, I guess the embryo has died inside?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, yes it has died. Throw to egg out before it starts to smell even worse.
  • Question
    The duck has already been sitting on the eggs. Can I still incubate them?
    Community Answer
    You can still incubate the eggs, but you need to get the eggs away from the duck first (which can sometimes prove to be challenging). I would recommend, however, that you let your duck do the sitting. It is much easier to let the duck take care of the eggs than to incubate.
  • Question
    I have a wild duck in the garden. It has been very cold and rainy in our area. She has been sitting on her clutch of eggs for 45 days. Should I remove the eggs?
    Bridget Craghill
    Community Answer
    It is up to you, however, it may be more distressing for the mother if you remove them. Ducks can handle wet weather and she chose the nesting site for a reason.
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