Q&A for How to Tell if Someone Is Being Sarcastic

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    What if it's just someone passing by talking to their friends and I hear them say something about me?
    Community Answer
    Either ignore it or calmly confront them about it. Just say something like, "Did you just say my name?" or, "Are you talking about me?" If they say no, just let it go. It's just gossip, and it's not worth getting upset over.
  • Question
    If some say there is enough room in the car, and I reply yes, how would you take it?
    Community Answer
    It depends entirely on your tone of voice and/or facial expression. If you just said "yes" neutrally, it would seem you're simply agreeing with them.
  • Question
    Does this apply to both genders, and all ages?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes, the tips that are given in this article apply to all genders and ages.
  • Question
    A girl asked me if I wanted to have sex and I couldn't tell if she was sarcastic . Did I ruin it?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the context! If you were in an intimate situation or had a relationship of some sort (sexual or romantic) and the situation was appropriate, maybe she just wanted to ask if you wanted to have intercourse with her. Or, if you were in a public place/inappropriate situation/surrounded by friends, you do not have any type of relationship and her tone of voice is sarcastic or jokey, then she was just messing around.
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