Q&A for How to Tell if a Female Friend Wants a Romantic Relationship

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    How do I turn our friendship into a romantic relationship?
    Christina Jay, NLP
    Matchmaker & Certified Life Coach
    Christina Jay is a Matchmaker and Certified Life Coach based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christina is the founder of Preferred Match (preferredmatch.ca), her matchmaking service that finds love for successful and elite individuals. She has over 10 years of coaching experience, earned her NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) certification through NLP Canada Training, and has a BA in Business Administration from Brock University.
    Matchmaker & Certified Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    That can be tricky. You don’t want the friendship to end if the relationship does not work. Honesty is the best policy and it’s best to discuss with your friend what your thoughts are.
  • Question
    What does it mean if a girl leans against you?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Leaning or other types of close physical contact (like touching your arm or letting her hand brush against yours) are usually signs of affection. However, some people enjoy cuddling up to their friends, so don’t assume it means she likes you romantically—it’s best to ask how she’s feeling in order to be sure!
  • Question
    How can you tell if a woman likes you by looking at her eyes?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You might notice her glancing at you a lot or making lingering eye contact when she speaks to you. Look for a smile that reaches her eyes when she’s talking to you (i.e., you should notice smile lines, lowered brows, and twinkling eyes), since this means the smile is genuine and not forced. You might also notice that her pupils dilate when she’s looking at you.
  • Question
    How do you know if a girl loves you secretly?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    She might talk to you often, flirt with you, find reasons to be near you or to touch you, visibly light up whenever she sees you, or act upset when you show romantic interest in other people. However, the only way to know for sure is to ask her. If you don’t feel comfortable asking her directly, try asking her friends—she might have mentioned her feelings to one of them.
  • Question
    Is someone my friend if they help me when I'm stressed, but don't get anything for me on my birthday?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they are. Presents aren't the only thing that defines a friendship. If they're there for you, they're your friend.
  • Question
    How do I know if a female friend is lying to me when she says she does not like me in a romantic kind of way?
    Community Answer
    She probably isn't lying. If she really did want to be with you even if she said no, she would do something so you would know. If she says no, she probably means no.
  • Question
    She flirts with me often and gives me all the possible hints said above. However, she tells everyone that we are just friends and tells me how great a friend I am. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    It probably means she is interested in you but she doesn't want to give away her feelings, or she's just not ready to be in a relationship right now for whatever reason. You could try asking her how she really feels sometime when the two of you are alone.
  • Question
    If a girl shows excessive interest in helping me, even if I haven't asked for help, does that mean she's interested in me?
    Community Answer
    Not always. It depends on the girl. She might just want to be your friend.
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    My female friend likes me but tells me to talk to other girls. When I do, she gets upset. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    She has a crush on you, and on the inside, she does not want you to have crushes on other girls. She gets hurt because she wants to be the only girl in your life, but doesn't want to let you know because she likely is afraid you will reject her. Talk to her about your feelings and hers, and if you want to be in a romantic relationship with her, let her know. If you prefer to remain friends, tell her so gently and honestly.
  • Question
    My friend and I had a fight. Before that, she told me she liked me. No she tells everyone she hates me, but I catch her staring at me during class, and touching her lips a lot. Does she like me still?
    Community Answer
    Yes, most likely she does.
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    How do I know if she is totally not interested?
    Community Answer
    She might say something like "you're like a brother to me" or talk about other guys around you. If she tells you everything that goes on in her life, you are in the friend zone.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my female friend told me that her boyfriend feels insecure around me but she still wants me around?
    Community Answer
    It means you're in the friendzone and staying there. Sometimes girls boyfriends get angry and they don't care, they want to keep their friends.
  • Question
    How do I ask someone if they want a romantic relationship?
    Community Answer
    Just approach them at a time when the two of you can be alone, and tell them how you feel about them, and ask them if they feel the same way about you. If you'd prefer, you could also just ask them for a date. Saying something like, "Would you like to get coffee or go to a movie sometime?" will usually be interpreted as a romantic invitation.
  • Question
    My crush said she just wanted to be friends a few years ago. But now, she says she loves me and wants to hang out sometime. What does she really mean?
    Community Answer
    Just listen to what she says now. How she felt years ago has nothing to do with how she feels now. People's feelings change. Maybe she didn't use to have romantic feelings for you, but she later developed them.
  • Question
    Why would a friend openly say he is not interested in a romantic relationship with a girl, but openly admit being in love with said girl to all their mutual friends?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Admitting to someone you like them is like the first jump into the pool, it's super scary. Rejection is something you can be sure of, so if you aim for that, you're sure to get it. The best way to go about these things is to go slow. Just talk about other things together, maybe send a few signals like holding a hug a little longer than usual, to give him a sense of how you feel before he admits how he feels.
  • Question
    I asked this girl to hangout, first she said she works, but then was trying to work this out. We chose a Sunday night to have dinner together when both of us are available. Should I consider it a date now?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if she was trying to make it work and find a time that worked, it is most definitely a date.
  • Question
    I have a friend, who's really caring. She gets mad when I don't eat, and she actually said that she loved me on text. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like she has a crush on you.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a female really likes me or just being flirtatious?
    Community Answer
    Try observing her around other people and see if she treats everyone the same way she treats you. You could also ask her friends if she's always like that or if they happen to know how she feels about you.
  • Question
    I have a crush on a female friend but I have not told anyone, but one of our mutual friends told me she likes me. I noticed most of these signs, so should I ask her out?
    WolfStar MSP
    Community Answer
    You should ask her out! If you like her, and she shows she likes you, go for it! She may even be waiting for you to ask her out.
  • Question
    Is a girl interested in me if she maintains eye contact and smiles a lot?
    Community Answer
    These are potential signs, but she might just be being friendly.
  • Question
    My crush hangs out with me, and we talk until 4 a.m sometimes. She brought me a gift I mentioned I wanted a few weeks back. So rad! Does she like me?
    Community Answer
    Yes. I think this girl likes you. If she hangs with you a lot, and sometimes brings you gifts, I think you two could be something more than friends. Drop a few hints during your late night talks that you have feelings for her and see how she responds.
  • Question
    This girl says she's not romantically attracted to me, even though we sleep together and hug all the time. Why is that?
    Community Answer
    If she says she's not interested in you romantically, you just have to accept that, even if you suspect it isn't true. Without knowing what you mean by "sleep together," I will just say that girls/young women are often very physically close, touching, hugging, sleeping in the same bed, etc., without it meaning anything romantic. It's very common, and this is probably what your friend is doing. Don't push the issue or you'll probably lose her as a friend.
  • Question
    She pays a lot of attention to me and frequently brushes up against me for no apparent reason. But when I tried texting her to find out what I could, there was no warmth. What's going on?
    Community Answer
    She is probably nervous to admit that she likes you. If you like her, make the first move or tell her about your feelings.
  • Question
    What does it mean if a girl says we have a "platonic relationship"?
    Community Answer
    A platonic relationship is a relationship that is friendly rather than romantic.
  • Question
    What do I do if I like a girl and I want to kiss her?
    Community Answer
    Tell her how you feel! Don't just walk up and try to kiss her, have a conversation about it. If she likes you back, she'll tell you.
  • Question
    I connected with a girl through a social networking site. We chatted, then she dropped her number. We started chatting on Whatsapp; the last couple of days she is not responding my texts. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask her why she is not responding. If she does not respond again or comes up with some lame excuse, you should let her go. This is difficult, but you will get through this.
  • Question
    I like someone and she might like me back, her friend is getting in the way of her liking me. For example, she sits in the middle of me and her on the bus and uses her words against me.
    Community Answer
    Her friend might do these things for two reasons. The first reason may be that her friend likes you and she is trying to separate you from your crush. The second reason may be that your crush has noticed that you like her and she is uncomfortable about it, so she told her friend not to leave her alone with you. The only way to be sure is to ask your crush how she feels about you.
  • Question
    I have a very serious crush on an old classmate. We have texted each other, but I am not sure if he is interested in me. How would I know if he is or not?
    Community Answer
    Meet him somewhere. A coffee would be good. Observe his facial expression and his body language. If he's interested, he will seem quite happy with a natural smile and he will ask about your life more than he will boast about his.
  • Question
    My crush says that she loves me more than her boyfriend. Why don't her eyes dilate like mine do when I see her?
    Community Answer
    Her eyes dilating is not a sure sign and can happen, or not happen, regardless of her attraction to you.
  • Question
    She was at first pretty flirty over texting, and hugs me and brushes against me in real life. But when I said I liked her, she stopped all flirting and became too busy to text. What does this mean?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It most likely means she was just being kind, a friend, and a little harmless innocent flirting with no other intentions. When you told her you like her, she may have realized her own behavior contributed to that, giving you the wrong idea, and now she may be trying to give you the right idea. However, she might also be angry because she gave you all these signals and all you did was say 'I like you', where perhaps she was hoping for a much stronger response. Now, don't take that as a cue to walk straight up to her and kiss her. Instead, talk to her openly and honestly. Let her know why you're confused and ask how she would like to get past this and back to normal.
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