Q&A for How to Train a Cow to be Ridden

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    If you train your cow to be ridden, and a stranger just jumps on her, will she buck the person off?
    Community Answer
    She might, but if she is trained right and the stranger is told and shown how to ride the cow, it shouldn't happen.
  • Question
    My steer is halter broke and we take him to shows. He's been to two or three now, he's really calm and lets me touch him all over. He's 9 months, do you think I could train him?
    Top Answerer
    You could start training him now by getting him accustomed to having weight on his back, basically turning him into a pack-steer. But, he won't be ready to actually ride until he's about two-years-old. At least before then you can gradually get him used to having a saddle on his back.
  • Question
    How do I train them to do jumps without a rider on them? My calf is about 3 months and is halter trained, but she keeps going around the jumps.
    Top Answerer
    How big or tall are the jumps? If they're too tall, start off with a log on the ground, and get her to step over that, then progressively get to higher jumps. The problem is that you're starting her off at the deep end, so it's no wonder she'd sooner go around them then over them. Start at the shallow end, and work your way up.
  • Question
    When training her, what treats can I give my cow/calf?
    M Mourlam
    Community Answer
    Try alfalfa cubes, bread, carrots and fruit/other veggies.
  • Question
    At what age can you ride them?
    Community Answer
    You may start training at 3 months, but don't get on until they are about 11 or 12 months old.
  • Question
    How soon after getting my calf can I ride it?
    Community Answer
    You need to start training around 3 months old, but because they are so young and because adjusting takes some time, don't actually ride them until they are around 11-13 months old.
  • Question
    How long might halter training last?
    Top Answerer
    It depends on you, and the animal. Some animals may take a month or so to train, others a bit longer. If you push the cow to learn as quickly as possible, you might get nowhere. But if you take your time and act like you have all the time in the world to train a cow, you could have it halter-broke in no time.
  • Question
    Why would anyone want to ride a cow? Can they not afford to buy a horse?
    Community Answer
    Maybe they want to try riding a different animal, or maybe they already have a cow and want to make the most of it.
  • Question
    Are cows scared of loud machines?
    Community Answer
    If a machine makes noise that are sudden, loud, and abrupt, a cow will most likely be scared.
  • Question
    How do I make the reins?
    Community Answer
    Buy a big halter that fits and get a loop from a horse's halter. Tie a string onto it and tie them together.
  • Question
    What is the best cow breed for riding?
    Top Answerer
    Any breed is desirable. It just depends on the animal's temperament. Every cow is different with different temperaments, but breed is not an issue with which is best for riding; that's like asking which breed of horse is best for dressage, ranching, or polo. It's a non-issue. As long as the cow has a good temperament, and has been "broke" to the halter and being around people, she'll be good to start training for riding.
  • Question
    How do I saddle train a cow?
    Community Answer
    You can ride them with a saddle, but it is very hard to find a saddle that will fit a cow. It is most common to ride bareback or with just a saddle pad.
  • Question
    Can I drive the cow using its horns as handlebars?
    Community Answer
    No. Please don't do this. Not only will it mess up the balance of the animal (and you), it will upset the animal.
  • Question
    Can I ride my red angus heifer?
    Community Answer
    If she is trained and gentle, then yes, you can ride her. If she is older than five years old, she may be a little harder to train.
  • Question
    How would you train a cow to stand still when tied to a trailer?
    Community Answer
    Just give her something to eat. A pile of hay will work, or you can have someone stand there and give her snacks. Graham crackers are my cow's personal favorite.
  • Question
    Is a 12 month old Angus heifer too old to train?
    Community Answer
    No, it isn't. You just probably need to make a bond and have them get used to you. It might take longer, but anything is possible with a little work.
  • Question
    I really want to ride a calf, but I'm scared I'll fall off. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Wear a helmet and be completely sure he is trained. It really shouldn't hurt that bad if you fall.
  • Question
    Should I put a saddle on it?
    Community Answer
    You don't necessarily have to, but it wouldn't be a bad idea.
  • Question
    Can I do the same with a steer instead of a cow?
    Community Answer
    Yes, because a steer is a cow. A steer is a castrated (fixed) bull.
  • Question
    How old should a cow be before I can sit on it briefly while training it to be ridden?
    Community Answer
    It should be at least 1 1/2 - 2 years old, or it may not be strong enough.
  • Question
    Can I train a steer to be ridden?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can! Any breed or gender of cow can be taught to be ridden, but it must be strong enough for you to ride it.
  • Question
    Will the cow try to bite me during any of the aforementioned steps?
    Community Answer
    Cows cannot bite because they do not have top teeth, only bottom teeth.
  • Question
    How do I train a calf not to be scared of loud sounds?
    Community Answer
    There is no sure way that the calf will never be afraid of some noises, but noise exposure can help. Get it used to having other people or animals around talking, clapping, stomping, etc. Your calf may always be afraid of mechanical noises and such, but if you leave a noisemaker such as wind chimes or get them used to the noise of a truck/car starting and running by feeding or walking them near one, that may help as well.
  • Question
    What breed of cow would be most optimal for riding?
    Community Answer
    Devon cows might be good, as they are really gentle. I have a couple Devon cows and they are tame.
  • Question
    What would be the ideal size of a cow if I want to ride it?
    Community Answer
    Check the weight of your animal before riding if you are raising and training a calf. Cattle can carry about 50% of their bodyweight. Most adult cattle are capable of carrying an adult human.
  • Question
    What is the best breed of cow to ride?
    Community Answer
    Their is not a particular breed that is best. However, certain breeds have a calmer temperament and tolerate handling much better. Some people have had great success riding longhorns and Scottish highlanders, while dairy breeds are usually preferred for draft cattle. Any individual cow with a good temperament should be able to be trained to ride.
  • Question
    What is the easiest way to bond with my cattle?
    Community Answer
    Feed them apples and carrots so that they anticipate you coming. Try to be calm and quit, and talk to them if they can't see you.
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