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Q&A for How to Treat Vomiting Accompanied by Diarrhea in a Cat
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QuestionWhat would cause a cat to vomit and have diarrhea?Dr. Natalie Punt is a Veterinarian and the Founder and CEO of mPet- a smart phone app for pet owners to store, manage and transfer their pets medical records and health information. She specializes in small animal emergency and general medicine and veterinary practice economics. Dr. Punt holds a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from The University of California, Davis, an MS in Biochemistry from The University at Buffalo, and a DVM from Western University of Health Sciences.The cat might have an upset stomach, IBD, a GI-related cancer, pancreatitis, or a parasitic infection. Allergies, diabetes, kidney disease, or liver disease could also be a cause.
QuestionHow do I know what's wrong with my cat?Dr. Natalie Punt is a Veterinarian and the Founder and CEO of mPet- a smart phone app for pet owners to store, manage and transfer their pets medical records and health information. She specializes in small animal emergency and general medicine and veterinary practice economics. Dr. Punt holds a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from The University of California, Davis, an MS in Biochemistry from The University at Buffalo, and a DVM from Western University of Health Sciences.Take your cat to the vet, who can perform a variety of different tests to see what the issue is. For instance, the vet might do PICO analysis work for intestinal parasites or check electrolytes and blood glucose levels to detect diabetes.
QuestionWhat should I do if there is not a vet nearby?Community AnswerYou should call an emergency vet and see if they are open, and search online for the closest vet to you.
QuestionMy cat is vomiting, has diarrhea and has red patches on his skin. What could be wrong with him?Community AnswerHe could easily have worms, you could buy medicine that cures many worms at your local store or you could go to your local vet and they could tell you exactly what's wrong.
QuestionMy son's cat she is 1 year old, has her shots, spayed and chipped. She is starting to vomit her food and has diarrhea. She snuck out one night, and we found her in the morning. What could be wrong?Belle K.Top AnswererShe could be not dealing well with the brand of food. Some cats can't have certain brands, and their bodies will show it. If this does not fix it, see a vet immediately to make sure she isn't having any stomach issues.
QuestionMy cat is not vomiting after rehydrating with fresh water. Now what should I do?Community AnswerIf she is vomiting or has diarrhea, your cat has probably lost liquids and may be at risk of dehydration. If she's able to drink, put her in a cool, quiet place with fresh water. If she is unable to drink, visit your vet as she may need a drip to prevent serious dehydration.
QuestionFor 1 week my cat was drinking milk and eating bread and butter, etc. This morning he was vomiting some thick white substance and was going frequently to the toilet. As it is lockdown, what should I do?Community AnswerThis may be because of all the dairy and bread, two items cats are not meant to be eating or drinking. Many cats cannot stomach milk due to the lactose content. Let it get the bad food out of its system, expect it to need rest for a time, then feed it with proper food made for cats, like tinned cat food and cat biscuits.
Question1 month old kitten experiencing loose stools. What kind of immediate medicine would you prescribe?CageyCatTop AnswererIf you're giving the kitten cow's milk for humans, stop. This will cause diarrhea. If that is not the issue, next consider what the kitten is eating. If adult cat food, that is too rich for kittens. If the kitten is still nursing from mom, with no other intake, consider what Mom is eating.
QuestionMy cat is refusing to eat the bland food. What are options do I have?HumanBeingTop AnswererTry giving you cat warm scrambled egg. Try offering very small pieces of cooked chicken from your hand. If your cat refuses bland food for 24 hours but is otherwise behaving normally, try a small amount of their favorite commercial cat food. If your cat goes for more than 48 hours without eating, you should talk to your vet.
QuestionI cannot afford to go to the vet and there is no p.d.s.a. nearby. What can one do when the cat has sickness and diarrhea?Community AnswerIt is really scary but you have to keep it hydrated. So make it drink some water every now and then with a syringe and you can go to a pet store and ask for help. Also, some vets will help you pay over installments if you ask.
QuestionMy cat is drinking mineral water but not vomiting after drinking. So between what interval should I give mineral water again? I cannot afford a vet. So, how can I cure her at home?CageyCatTop AnswererNo one can diagnose your cat's ailment without seeing the cat. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can be from by a wide variety of issues. Giving certain types of water can worsen diarrhea. Try to scrape some money together and take your fur baby to the vet. In the meantime, for tonight, give just regular tap water and a small portion of dry (not wet) food. See a vet before your cat's health worsens.
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