Q&A for How to Wait for an Exciting Event

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    I and my family are quarantined. Most of these examples involve public interaction. Are there any tips for what I can do in quarantine?
    Livia Horowitz
    Community Answer
    You can always watch a movie or show and read a book (or comic, or magazine). You may want to do something you've been putting off, like cleaning your closet. Or you can play a video game or chat with your friends online.
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    Is that I am waiting for Christmas because They are going to gift me a drone. How do I wait because none of the examples are working.
    ThePlaying HuBot
    Community Answer
    Try to change your perspective. For example, instead of thinking ''I'm too impatient to wait for this'' try thinking,'' I'm so excited to spend time with my family!''
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    Something I waited for years is happening in a week, how can I make time go by faster?
    ThePlaying HuBot
    Community Answer
    Talk with your friends. If you can't talk to them, spend time with your family. Life goes by fast.
  • Question
    I have a horse camp in 4 weeks. When should I start packing? I don't want to get too pack too early that I have to wait a really long time until I actually leave for the camp.
    ThePlaying HuBot
    Community Answer
    Try packing 3 days before horse camp. It's the sweet spot so you don't pack too early or too late.
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