Q&A for How to Walk

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    I feel like walking is just a normal part of life. What's the difference between this and normal everyday walking?
    Community Answer
    This is a tutorial for people who have been unable to walk for long periods of time due to health problems.
  • Question
    When I walk in the street cars honk at me, is this normal?
    Community Answer
    No. You should not walk in the street, it isn't safe. Use the sidewalk if there is one, and only cross using a crosswalk when there is no oncoming traffic.
  • Question
    Do I have to wear loose fitting clothes when I walk?
    Community Answer
    It is best to walk in clothes that you're comfortable in. Many people find loose clothes more comfy, but if you prefer tighter items, leggings or tight shorts and a breathable t-shirt would be best.
  • Question
    I can't walk, and it seems that this article is more about improving walking posture/speed. Can you help me actually walk?
    Community Answer
    If you can't walk because of some kind of disability/medical condition, you should talk to your doctor or a physical therapist about this.
  • Question
    What is Nordic walking?
    Community Answer
    Nordic walkers use walking poles that are similar to ski poles. Nordic walking builds fitness more than regular walking by putting more pressure on the poles and involving more of the body in the exercise.
  • Question
    How do I speed up when walking?
    Community Answer
    Move your legs faster. You just pick your feet up and move them forward at an accelerated rate.
  • Question
    What is Nordic walking?
    Community Answer
    Nordic walking is a sport or activity that involves walking across country with the aid of long poles resembling ski poles.
  • Question
    Can I use a Wii Fit Meter to track the steps instead of a normal pedometer?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that would be fine.
  • Question
    What if I can't afford a pedometer?
    Community Answer
    You can buy expensive fitness bands that you wear on your wrist, but you can also buy a cheaper pedometer for under $10 if you look around. Furthermore, you can download free step tracking apps on your smart phone.
  • Question
    What should I do after putting my feet in the heel-to-toe position?
    Community Answer
    You repeat the process as listed, and walk.
  • Question
    How do I walk without bothering geese?
    Community Answer
    It would be best to walk around them, especially if they have goslings nearby. Geese can be extremely aggressive if they feel threatened.
  • Question
    Is it normal to get a rash on my butt cheeks every time I walk?
    Community Answer
    No, that's not normal. It sounds like you have some kind of chaffing issue, and the problem may be with the type of underwear you're wearing or the laundry detergent you use. It might also be due to obesity if that is a factor for you. Try to change your underwear and/or laundry soap, and if that doesn't help, talk to a doctor or dermatologist.
  • Question
    How do I walk if I'm paralyzed?
    Community Answer
    You need to speak with your doctor about this.
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    How do I walk in heels?
    Community Answer
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    Why would I need to re-learn how to walk?
    Community Answer
    Some people may need to learn how to walk again after a severe injury or accident that affects their spine or nervous system.
  • Question
    What is the typical way a person gets out of a wheelchair?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the person and why they're using a wheelchair. Many people simply lift themselves up using their arms (more or less the way anyone would get out of any chair, but with more arm strength and less use of the legs). Others will require assistance from a caregiver.
  • Question
    What are the different styles of walking?
    Community Answer
    There are many types of walking, these can include walking such as: Speed walking, crouch walking, telemark walking, strolling, jaywalking, slow walking, hiking, meditative walking, and more. If you are referring to gait, then there are such styles as sashaying, clodhopping, dragging your feet, walking in a spirited manner, catwalk, etc.
  • Question
    If I don't like to walk, what other modes of transportation are available?
    Community Answer
    Other than driving, motorcycling, or self-propelled means of transport such as bicycle or skateboard, this depends on the size of the community in which you live. Larger, metropolitan areas offer mass-transit options like buses, trains, subways and streetcars, as well as commercial transport such as taxi or Uber/Lyft. Suburban areas will have fewer of these options, and rural or remote areas may leave you dependent on friends and family for rides.
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't have a treadmill?
    Community Answer
    Walk outside, perhaps in a park. Any walking is good for you, so don't be discouraged.
  • Question
    What causes people to fall down while walking?
    Community Answer
    Gravity and weakness. Sometimes people get really tired while they are walking.
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