How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Whistle With Your Fingers
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QuestionDoes it matter what finger I use?Community AnswerNo. It doesn't really matter what fingers you use. You can try using different combinations until you find one that works.
QuestionShould whistling make me feel like fainting?Community AnswerWhistling is basically blowing air out, so it should not make you feel like fainting. However, trying to whistle continuously for some time might lead to lead headedness and dizziness. Take small breaks while practicing to whistle.
QuestionWhy does my tongue hurt when I try to whistle?Community AnswerYou are probably pushing it too hard. You just need to push it back a little, not forcefully.
QuestionCan I still whistle with braces?Community AnswerYes, but you may have to adapt a bit.
QuestionCan younger children also whistle with their fingers?Community AnswerAnyone, including children, should be able to whistle as long as the position and formation of their fingers is correct.
QuestionWill an overbite affect my ability to whistle with my fingers?Community AnswerProbably not. I have a massive overbite, and I can whistle with and without a retainer/braces. It's just about technique.
QuestionShould I practice every day?Community AnswerYes, you should practice until you are happy with how you whistle.
QuestionI'm trying and I followed every step and tried every whistle but it just isn't working how do I get it to work?Community AnswerJust keep practicing! Try blowing softly at first until you are blowing air through the gap that is made by your fingers and don't give up!
QuestionDo I look like a dork with my fingers stuck in my mouth and no whistle coming out?Community AnswerProbably a little bit, but that's part of practicing! If you're self-conscious, you can practice somewhere alone.
QuestionI have a very quiet whistle. How do I make it louder?Community AnswerGenerally, blowing harder will increase the volume.
QuestionHow do I make the high pitch noise?Community AnswerTo increase the pitch of your whistle, stretch your lips more in a smiling shape. This can be done by increasing the angle between your fingers when you whistle.
QuestionHow long will it take to get it?Community AnswerJust practice and it will take a couple of weeks.
QuestionHow can I whistle a song?Community AnswerIt is difficult to do with your fingers, but you can try to match the pitch and notes of the song.
QuestionWhat if my fingernails are long?Community AnswerIf your fingernails are long, you may not be able to whistle as well; you may need to cut your fingernails before attempting.
QuestionDoes it matter what fingers I use?Community AnswerNo, it shouldn't matter what fingers you use.
QuestionI can't whistle with my thumb and index finger. What can I do?Community AnswerTry using different finger combinations until you get it.
QuestionDoes the size of my fingers play a part in how well I can whistle?Community AnswerNo. Good whistlers have good whistling technique, regardless of the size of their fingers.
QuestionHow loud will it beCommunity AnswerThis depends on how hard you blow and how good your technique is. If you practice often, your whistle will be loud!
QuestionCan I still whistle with my fingers if I wear dentures?Community AnswerYes! All teeth of different shapes and sizes (or dentures/braces) will not affect your ability to whistle, as long as you get the position of tongue, lips, and fingers right.
QuestionCan you give a more clear step by step explanation of this?Community AnswerThe article is pretty clear, but it may help you to look up videos of people whistling.
QuestionI feel like I am not doing it right. I followed all of the instructions step by step but it's not working. What can I do?Community AnswerYou just need to practice and practice, try different techniques and finger combinations.
QuestionI JUST CANT WHISTLE. I tried all of the finger combanations for hours I cant seem to figure out what im doing wrong!Community AnswerTry blowing softly at first, until you are able to blow air just through the gap in your fingers. This is an important step, as it is where the sound comes from. If you keep practicing you will find the sound!
QuestionHow wet are my lips supposed to be?Community AnswerTry making it a little wet at first. Try whistling. If it doesn't really work, make your lips a little wetter. Whistle again. Repeat until you find the perfect amount of wetness on your lips for whistling.
QuestionDo you have your thumb and index finger on your tongue or on the roof of your mouth?Community AnswerYour fingers should touch your tongue.
QuestionCan it be done with a tongue ring?Community AnswerHaving a tongue ring should not make a difference.
QuestionWhich part of my tongue needs to be rolled backwards to whistle with my fingers?Community AnswerThe tip of your tongue needs to be rolled back for you to whistle with your fingers.
QuestionIs it possible to get it (almost) instantly?Community AnswerYes. Some people can. It depends on how much you work for it.
QuestionCan a 10-year-old do it?Community AnswerAs mentioned above, anyone can do it.
QuestionHow do I learn to whistle with my fingers?Community AnswerFollow the instructions listed in the article above.
QuestionShould the air come out from the top of the tongue or under it?Community AnswerThe air should come out from the top of the tongue. This is so that you can get more momentum with it.
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