Q&A for How to Win a Beauty Pageant

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    I'm scared -- I've not done a beauty pageant so big but now I want something bigger. But I feel I'm ugly, too fat and I have buck teeth.
    Community Answer
    Start your beauty routine so that when a pageant comes you are already prepared. Eat healthily and take care of your body. Be passionate and enthusiastic. Love all of your features. If this is your dream, the only way to achieve it is to strive for it.
  • Question
    What will I do if I don't win?
    Community Answer
    You can always try again! If they announce the winner and it's not you, be gracious -- smile and and congratulate the winner. If you have a chance, politely ask the Judges why you didn't win, so that you can improve on those aspects. Don't assume you're going to win, assume that you're going to try your best and enjoy the occasion.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of being nervous in front of many people?
    Community Answer
    All you can do is breathe and tell yourself you will do great If you practiced, just go out there and do your best!
  • Question
    Will I be judged on my looks?
    Community Answer
    Yes and no. They will judge your looks to a certain extent, but they are also looking for sassy attitudes, nice smiles, and confidence. They also look at your modeling skills and talents.
  • Question
    Can I participate in a beauty pageant if I have facial marks?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can -- anyone can compete in a beauty pageant. Don't let things like that make you feel self-conscious. They are a part of you (and in many places a symbol of beauty).
  • Question
    Is acting a good talent to use? If so, how long should it go on?
    Community Answer
    Acting is definitely a wonderful talent one can have. You could perform a monologue. Most pageants will have a time requirement for you to follow.
  • Question
    What is so important about winning a beauty contest?
    Community Answer
    Winning a beauty pageant is not that important, but it can help some people feel more accomplished and confident about themselves.
  • Question
    What is the best answer to give at an interview when asked why I entered the pageant?
    Community Answer
    I took this opportunity because I believe I have what it takes to represent my country. I also believe that this platform can change one's vision and philosophy, and can help me to achieve my goals and all that I aspire to become.
  • Question
    Can I wear lens for a beauty pageant?
    Community Answer
    Definitely. Lens can sharpen and brighten your eyes, giving you a more powerful gaze.
  • Question
    I've never been in a pageant but I really want to. I don't have a lot of money, and sometimes, it gets tight. Is there any way I could do one for free?
    Community Answer
    You are not going to find a pageant that is free. You might be able to find a sponsor and have the sponsor help out with costs. Remember, you don't need the most expensive dress to win - just a great personality.
  • Question
    In a pageant, do I have to do my own makeup and buy my own costumes?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the pageant. Some provide everything and some don't, they should supply you with all this information when you enter.
  • Question
    Do I really need a coach?
    Community Answer
    No, but a coach could help, advise, and motivate you.
  • Question
    How old should I be in a pageant?
    Doreen Keddey
    Community Answer
    It shouldn't be about how old you are, it should be the age limit of the pageant. Find a pageant for your age bracket.
  • Question
    I'm a tween and I really want to enter a pageant. Do these tips apply to all pageants?
    Community Answer
    These tips do apply to all pageants. Remember also on pageant day to always smile and be perky and happy.
  • Question
    What if I am too young to wax?
    Community Answer
    If you are too young to wax, don't worry about it, you probably don't have very much body hair anyway.
  • Question
    If someone wins a beauty pageant, what do they do with the title?
    Community Answer
    The winner may get a chance to represent their country in an international beauty pageant or do more social service. They may even get modelling or promotional contracts.
  • Question
    What kind of books do I need to read to get myself ready for the questions?
    Community Answer
    The Questions given are not going to be scientific. It's all about testing your self-confidence and knowledge. Just be yourself.
  • Question
    What will be the first thing I should do if I win the crown?
    Community Answer
    Smile as they are handing you the crown. After that, start by looking at the judges and mouthing "Thank you." Be graceful, smile, and show that you appreciate winning.
  • Question
    What do I say when they ask why I should win the beauty pageant?
    Pranjali Narote
    Community Answer
    There is no one winning answer. Just tell them some of your qualities which the winner must have. You can even tell them what you will do if you win that title. But most important just be who you are and answer the things you are good at.
  • Question
    Can I participate in beauty pageants if I have some black spots on my back?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course. You could use makeup to cover them, or if the spots are birth marks or scars, just leave them alone.
  • Question
    Do all pageants have a fee?
    Abha Jain
    Community Answer
    No, not all pageants have a fee, but it depends on the organizers and the level of competition.
  • Question
    How do I be calm and stop shaking in front of everyone?
    Community Answer
    I say this as an actual pageant competitor and it works. I imagine I'm in my room and just checking myself out in the mirror but, as a runway walk. I breathe deeply and watch others before me or watch videos on the pageant or similar pageants. This makes me feel like I know what I'm doing. For the shaking -- use it and move your dress around to do something with them it also looks good.
  • Question
    Can they have tattoos?
    Community Answer
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    How can I win their attention
    Pranjali Narote
    Community Answer
    To win the attention of judges, you just need to be who you are. Stay true to yourself and the judges will also help you win their attention. Just be confident, calm and unique.
  • Question
    What are the most commonly asked questions and how do I answer them?
    Madelyn Collier
    Community Answer
    Most of the questions asked in beauty pageants are related to your social and family life (siblings? best friend?), your opinions ("What famous person do you want to meet?"), and the occasional curveball ("What are the 3 most important things in a kitchen and why?"). Just try to answer them truthfully and as if you were just talking to a friend. If you need time to think, repeat the question back to them, but not as if you are confused (i.e. "Which famous person? Hmm? That's hard because there are so many wonderful people in the world..."). Make sure to enunciate. Don't mumble and don't look at the floor when speaking.
  • Question
    How do I know these tips will be effective?
    Community Answer
    These tips are fairly general and proven to be effective for past pageant competitors, but if you don't feel they are right for you, seek the help of a pageant coach or past pageant winner.
  • Question
    Can sour candies help decrease any nerve-wracking moments at beauty pageants?
    Community Answer
    It's possible, but it's dependent on the person.
  • Question
    Is there any specific tone or way to talk like a pageant girl? How can I sound like a beauty queen?
    Community Answer
    There are extreme pageant types, and girls who fit the stereotype, but that isn't key. You need to be yourself, and show the judges what makes you, you. The more you try to fit in, the less you will stand out, and uniqueness is what makes a beauty queen.
  • Question
    I am a kid. Can I still become a model/person that goes on pageants?
    Community Answer
    Yes. There are some beauty pageants for kids too. Contact the organizing committee for more information about age requirements, entry forms and fees. Be aware that pageant work is expensive and time-consuming and your parents may not be willing to pay the money or drive you around a lot.
  • Question
    Is it important to speak English to win a pageant?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If your country does not do any beauty pageants, then yes, you might need to speak English if you go abroad. However, many pageants will provide an interpreter, so check first.
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