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Q&A for How to Write Character Profiles for Anime Characters
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QuestionWhat if there are details about a character (such as favorite food or shoe size) that aren't relevant to the story? Is it still worth mentioning in the profile?Community AnswerUnless it is a crucial revelation about the character explaining part of their personality and/or actions, I don't think it's worth mentioning. There are things about your characters that'll be known only to you, it happens to every good writer and you should embrace it. Otherwise the profile would become irrelevant, crowded with words, and all in all boring to read.
QuestionWhat if I want to have my character be in middle school or high school?Community AnswerThat's fine. Just add school-related details. You can put their grade, their teachers, their worst enemies and more. Your imagination is limitless.
QuestionWhat if my anime character is blind?Community AnswerYou can write this in the section Other, as well as including any extra details.
QuestionWhat does it mean by "style"?Heidi KaricherCommunity AnswerHow does your character dress most of the time? What does she/he wear on special occasions? How do they do their hair? Basically, what sort of "look" do they have?
QuestionShould I make a character the opposite of my main character when making character profiles?Community AnswerSure, that can work out well if you're writing a villain, or just someone your main character clashes with. Don't take it so far that these characters are exact opposites in every way, though, because that would be a little unrealistic.
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