Q&A for How to Write Romance Novels

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    Is it okay to make unusual couples?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! You want to be original in your writing, and mixing things up can help your book stand out from other romance novels.
  • Question
    Where should I send my work, once it is written, in order to get it published?
    Community Answer
    Send it to the literary agent that you have chosen and send them a query. If they like it, then they will ask for you to send them the book, through mail or email. Don't get discouraged if the first agent doesn't choose you -- J.K Rowling had to send Harry Potter to 12 publishers before it was accepted.
  • Question
    How do I write a lesbian relationship from a straight person's perspective?
    Community Answer
    Just write it as you would any other relationship. Lesbians are people, they have normal romantic relationships like anyone else.
  • Question
    How do I get a literary agent?
    Community Answer
    There are websites for that, such as PublishersMarketplace.com, or AgentQuery.com. Make sure you read and understand the agent's guidelines before submitting material to them. Keep in mind that most agents will not accept a full manuscript unsolicited.
  • Question
    How do I stop my writing from going nowhere?
    Community Answer
    Outline your story. If you have a framework to stick to, it's more difficult to get off track.
  • Question
    Is it better to self publish or send your writing to a publisher?
    Community Answer
    Sending your writing to a publisher can make it easier for you to get your work out to a large readership, especially if you land a publishing deal. But you may decide to self publish if you do not want to wait for publishers to get back to you and if you'd prefer to publish your writing on your own terms, independently.
  • Question
    Can there be more than one love interest in a romance novel?
    Community Answer
    Yes, since it would keep the reader hooked with wondering who the main character ends up with.
  • Question
    Can I write a romance novel without lovemaking even if it is for adults?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but adults may have an expectation of having this in their novels. You could write romance novels for a tween audience if you prefer not to deal with the question of whether sex-less romance novels would sell to adults.
  • Question
    How can I write an epilogue for an erotic novel?
    Community Answer
    Think about the characters, their personalities, and how they related to each other throughout the story. Building on that, imagine events that could happen after the story ends, ie: the characters get married. Keep the epilogue brief, and remember to "show" rather than "tell" the events that follow.
  • Question
    Can I write a novel in Spanish and become published in the United States?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are plenty of Spanish speaking people living in the U.S who could potentially read your book.
  • Question
    Is it bad to have some references from movies or real life in my novel?
    Community Answer
    Not at all, as long as they are brief mentions that make sense within the plot, rather than coming out of nowhere.
  • Question
    Where can I get extraordinary ideas for novels?
    Community Answer
    The inspiration can come from anywhere. Look at couples and people on the street, the internet, public transport, etc. You can even read other books and sometimes get inspired by a certain character or a part of the story. (Of course, you should NEVER copy someone else's ideas.) The story inspiration can also come from your own life or the life of someone you know.
  • Question
    What is the average number of characters in a romance novel?
    Community Answer
    As many or as few as you need to keep the reader interested. It's fully up to you.
  • Question
    Would first person, second person, or third person be more romantic?
    Community Answer
    First person is a good choice because it lets you in on what the character is feeling and what is in their head, important in a romance novel. Most people find it easiest to write in first person as well.
  • Question
    Can I send my book to more than one publisher?
    Community Answer
    Yes, and this is encouraged. In the (unlikely) event that more than one publisher was interested, you could choose based on your preference and who was willing to pay more for the manuscript.
  • Question
    If a book references the girl being 16 years older than the boy, would it make an interesting story?
    Community Answer
    It's unusual, so many people may enjoy it, but such a large age gap could also turn some readers off to your story. You'll have to decide how relevant it is to the story before choosing whether or not to include it.
  • Question
    How should I choose a setting?
    Community Answer
    Find a key point in the plot and build from that. For example, if you're writing about a woman who works in an office by day, her main location will be her workplace. Expand the setting to include her street and home. Remember to address the weather; it's key to setting any emotional theme.
  • Question
    Can I write a novel about my own relationship?
    Community Answer
    Sure. Technically, that would be a memoir, but you could also simply use your relationship as the basis for a fictional story.
  • Question
    How do I write a story that is not inappropriate but still romantic?
    Community Answer
    Romance novels aren't just about sexual activties. They're about love and encounters and dramatic twists. Just focus on the story and the people.
  • Question
    How can I create a story if I do not have any references?
    Community Answer
    You can get ideas from other romance novels, online fanfiction, or romantic poetry. Just be careful not to plagiarize other stories!
  • Question
    When is something considered a romance novel?
    Community Answer
    When the story is centered around a romantic relationship (or the buildup to a romantic relationship). Non-romance novels can feature romances, but it wouldn't be the central focus of the novel. Remember, also, that a book can have more than one genre; for example, a novel about a romance that takes place in a fantasy would could be considered both a romance novel and a fantasy novel.
  • Question
    I'm a gay boy, is it okay for me to write about a lesbian couple?
    Community Answer
    Sure, it's okay to use your imagination. If you don't know much about lesbians it might be a good idea to do some research, though.
  • Question
    Can I write a romance novel in a play format?
    Community Answer
    You could, but it wouldn't be as appealing to the audience.
  • Question
    If my book's timeline runs from the past to the current day, can I reference current events during the past portions of the book?
    Community Answer
    If the book is not written in present tense or first person, certainly. A first person novel or a present tense novel takes place during the present for the character that is telling the story, so using future events as juxtaposition to the events of that moment would make little sense. You could get away with describing future events if the book is written from a reflection standpoint, in past tense, if the character is telling the story after it all happened. If your book is written in an omniscient viewpoint, certainly. You could also do something different and write in future tense, which is not often used. Ultimately it is up to you.
  • Question
    How do I make it not sappy?
    Community Answer
    The most important thing is to read your draft out loud. Sappy phrasing and too many doe-eyed stares will be the most obvious when you're forced to hear yourself say them, and anything that makes YOU gag will make the reader gag as well (depending on your audience). As a rule, don't try to publish something that you don't enjoy reading yourself.
  • Question
    Can I write a romance between an animatronic (pretty much a ghost) and a human? Would people read a book like that?
    Community Answer
    Sure, there are all kinds of books about supernatural romances. Your book would probably best suited for the young adult genre, though.
  • Question
    Is it okay to write a love story that's illegal, like a romance between a student and a teacher, or a 12 year old and an adult?
    Ty Stillwell
    Community Answer
    Yes, but people may not be as likely to read it.
  • Question
    How about a historical romance novel? With time travels and such.
    Community Answer
    That's a good idea, and I bet a lot of people would read it. Just make sure you explain how they're time-traveling.
  • Question
    How can I create a love making scene and make it short and simple, without explaining it in detail?
    Community Answer
    When writing a love making scene, short and simple may not be the best approach. Explaining the scene in detail could work well. Instead of being explicit, consider evoking sounds, aromas, textures, and other sensual descriptions. Often, this kind of detailed, sensual treatment can be very evocative without being explicit.
  • Question
    Is it okay for my story to have an unhappy ending? In my story, the main character's boyfriend commits suicide because he can't manage his depression. Is that an okay ending?
    Community Answer
    It's perfectly okay to have a sad ending! Some people might actually enjoy the angst. Keep in mind though, that this could be a turn off for some people.
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