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Best hacks to rid your laundry of tissue bits
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It's a real "Oh no!" moment when you open the washing machine to discover that wet facial tissue is spread all over your laundry and the inside of the washer. What can you do now to get rid of the pieces of tissue still clinging to your wet clothes? Not to worry! Check out these 6 easy methods to help you remove tissue from washed clothes so they're ready to wear again.

Easiest Ways to Get Tissue Out of Clothes

  • Run your washed clothes in the dryer on low to remove most of the tissue.
  • Soak the clothes in cold water with 4 aspirin tablets to dissolve the tissues.
  • Pick the tissue pieces off by hand, with tape, or using a lint roller.
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Using the Dryer

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Facial Tissues from Washed Clothes
    The lint collector will catch most, if not all, of the tissue pieces for you. After the dryer has finished its cycle, clean the lint from the lint catcher and throw it away. [1]
    • Shake the clothes out on the floor or outside first to remove the largest pieces. Remember to pick up or sweep up the pieces that fall, so they don't leave a mess or become an environmental hazard.
    • If your clothes aren't dryer-safe, let them air dry completely and then shake them out or use your fingers , tape , or a lint roller to remove the tissue pieces.
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Dissolving Tissue with Aspirin

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Facial Tissues from Washed Clothes
    Fill a plastic bucket or tub with cold water. Submerge the clothes in the water and add in 4 aspirin tablets. Stir the aspirin into the water and let the clothes soak in the mixture overnight. [2]
    • The next day, the aspirin should have completely dissolved the tissue in your clothes. Remove the clothes from the plastic bucket, squeeze out the excess water, and load them into the dryer on low heat. If the clothes aren't dryer-safe, lay or hang them out to air dry instead.
    • If your clothes are supposed to be washed in warm or hot water, simply raise the temperature of the water before pouring it in the bucket or tub.
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Using Fabric Softener

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  1. Only add the amount of fabric softener the manufacturer recommends for your load size. After running your clothes through another full cycle, start an extra spin cycle to help remove any lingering tissues. The fabric softener works because it breaks the electrical bond holding the tissue to your clothes. Then the wash and spin cycles help rinse the tissue pieces away. [3]
    • After your clothes are washed again, run a cleaning cycle on your washing machine to fully clear the tissue from the drum.
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Using a Lint Roller

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Facial Tissues from Washed Clothes
    A lint roller is inexpensive and can be purchased at almost any dollar or convenient store. Remove the outer packaging and then roll the sticky paper back and forth across a piece of your clothing, and the tissue and lint should stick to it. [4]
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Removing Tissue with Masking Tape

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Facial Tissues from Washed Clothes
    Masking tape is best since it's a strong enough adhesive to take up the tissue without leaving a residue on your clothes (it's also a great lint roller substitute). Wrap the tape around your hand with the adhesive side facing outward and dab the clothing with it. The tissue should stick to the tape, easily removing it from your clothes. [5]
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Picking Tissue Off by Hand

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Facial Tissues from Washed Clothes
    This is a great option if your clothes have already been through a dryer cycle and only the smallest pieces are left. It's also a useful alternative if your clothes aren't dryer-safe and you can't wait for them to soak in water and aspirin overnight.
    • To make the job easier, use a clothes brush to push the tissue off your laundry or into one area so it's easy to pick off. Just remember to clean the fallen tissue off the floor or whatever surface you're cleaning the clothes over.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. No, facial tissues won't ruin your washer, but they can cling to the sides and bottom of the drum after a wash cycle.
  2. Wipe the wet tissue pieces out of your washer drum with a damp paper towel. Push all the pieces into a pile and then pinch the paper towel around them to pick them all up simultaneously. Alternatively, start the washer's cleaning cycle.
  3. Aspirin dissolves facial tissue when you soak the clothes overnight in a mixture of aspirin and water. Soaking is easier when you use a plastic tub or bucket.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I substitute Ibuprofen for aspirin to remove tissue from clothing?
    Community Answer
    No, because aspirin is effervescent so the bubbles lift the tissue through fizzing. If you need a substitute, bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) would work better.
  • Question
    Can I use baby aspirin and put it in the washer?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but soak it first in the dissolved aspirin and then put the clothing in the washer. Check here for help: http://www.yourstylishlife.com/throw-an-aspirin-into-the-washing-machine-the-effect-is-perfect/
  • Question
    What should I do if I only have a short time to remove the pieces of tissue from clothing?
    Community Answer
    First toss in dryer; this will remove a lot of the tissue. Lint rollers are best for this problem. Duct tape rolled around your hand (sticky side out) also works.
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      • Check the pockets in your clothes in the future to prevent this incident from happening again. [6]
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you’ve left facial tissues in the wash, you can remove them from your clothes by shaking the clothing out over a garbage can. Do this several times to remove as much of the tissue as possible. Once you’ve shaken the clothes out, place them in the dryer to get rid of the remaining tissue pieces. Another way to remove tissue from clothing is to place them in a bucket of aspirin and water. To make the mixture, stir 4 aspirin into a large bucket of hot water until the pills dissolve. Then, let the clothing soak in the bucket overnight and dry them normally afterwards. If there are any tissue pieces still stuck to your clothes after you dry them, simply pick them off by hand or use a lint roller to remove them. To learn how to use tape to remove tissue from clothing, read on!

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      • Ani Dee

        Jan 31, 2017

        "Thank you so much for the aspirin tip. I have badly messed up a black car seat cover which I washed with an ..." more
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