This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism
and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA
. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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For everything there is to love about a Sagittarius (their good vibes, high energy, and earnestness), there’s something a bit less cute that they might need to work on. Nobody’s perfect, and Sagittarians are no exception. We’ll point out 12 common flaws of this bubbly star sign, and offer tips on how to handle them, whether you’re a Sagittarius yourself, or just a Sag’s BFF.
Things You Should Know
- Sagittarians are stubborn and pursue their wants with brute force, and often have little patience for things they don’t want to do.
- Sagittarians are also overly honest and outgoing, and don’t always know when to soften their criticism or rein in their energy.
- A Sagittarian can sometimes be arrogant or judgmental, since their high standards are sometimes hard to meet.
Sagittarians aren’t likely to give up on anything. They’re known to get their way through sheer determination, and there’s not much point in trying to hold them back. [1] X Research source When they set their mind to something, they’ll either do it, or go up in flames trying. This makes them a valuable ally, but a fearsome foe.
- For a Sagittarius: Know when to cut your losses and call it quits. We don’t mean stop chasing your dreams, but when things start to wear on you, ask yourself: Is this worth the time and energy I spend on it? It could be time to shift course.
- For everyone else: Compromising is key. When your Sag friend is being stubborn, suggest an alternative that’ll divert their attention but keep them engaged. For example, if they’re dead-set on flying to Malibu (pricey), maybe suggest driving to the nearest lake, instead.
A Sagittarius can change moods in the blink of an eye. One moment they’re batting their eyelashes at you, and the next you’re totally stonewalled. Like a Gemini, a Sagittarius has 2 sides, and those sides can switch at the drop of a hat. Most often, it’s because they sense someone is trying to control them, and they hate being controlled, so they tend to respond with the cold shoulder.
- For a Sagittarius: Control your emotions by taking a step back from the situation and asking, “Did they mean to hurt me, personally?” It’s natural to need to cool off, just try not to ice people out entirely.
- For everyone else: Don’t take it personally. It’s probably not that your Sag friend suddenly doesn’t like you, but rather whatever you said or did doesn’t fit their fantasy. Check back in a day or two, when they’ve no doubt moved on.
A Sagittarius speaks their mind, even when they shouldn’t. We’ll admit it: Sagittarians are right more often than not. The trouble is, they tend to wield that truth like a club. [2] X Research source They’ll let you know what they’re thinking, even if you didn’t ask (and even in those rare occasions when they’re not actually correct). This makes their advice incredibly valuable, but also sometimes hard to take.
- For a Sagittarius: Hold on—before you speak, take a moment to think. Is what you’re about to say necessary and kind? If so, proceed. If not, try turning it into constructive criticism , instead.
- For everyone else: Tell your Sag friend that, while helpful comments are appreciated, unfiltered criticism can be hurtful. Encourage them to temper their criticism with praise to help their comments land more softly.
A Sagittarius often looks down on things that don’t meet their standards. Sagittarians expect the best from everyone and everything, and their stubborn nature makes it hard for them to compromise. So when something doesn’t meet those standards, they tend to turn up their nose at it. [3] X Research source Sure, they’ll push you to be your best, but be careful of falling short around them.
- For a Sagittarius: We’re not saying to lower your standards, but understand that everyone has different priorities. What works for you won’t always work for another person, and that’s okay!
- For everyone else: Set some boundaries with your Sag friend. Let them know that your standards aren’t the same as theirs, and sometimes you’d rather they didn’t comment on them.
A Sagittarian doesn’t always think things through. They have a total, blind faith in themselves and the people around them, and they count on things just magically working out. [4] X Research source While admirable, this also leads to some unsavory situations. For example, don’t count on a Sagittarius to make dinner plans—they’ll neglect a reservation and just assume a table will be open. They often need a voice of reason to help reel in their reckless behavior.
- For a Sagittarius: Ask a friend if you can run your plan by them. They’ll most likely be able to help pinpoint your blindspots and plug the holes.
- For everyone else: If you’re making plans with a Sag, ask lots of questions and request the specifics of what they’ve got in mind. This helps to ensure that everything’s squared away before you show up to the pool without a towel, so to speak.
It’s often hard to pin down a Sagittarius. They’re always running around—hitting up a party, then running to the airport, then disappearing to a remote island in Bermuda. That’s sometimes how it feels, at least. They tend to run their own show, and so it’s hard to count on them to follow through with plans or to make an appearance when you most need them. So maybe don’t ask them to help you move, is what we’re saying.
- For a Sagittarius: We know you’re always looking to the next thing, but remember to make some time for your friends and family! Initiate some plans or, better yet, invite them on your adventures.
- For everyone else: If you’ve got a big event or upcoming plans, make sure to let the Sag in your life know well in advance, so they can put it on their schedule.
Sagittarians don’t always look where they’re going. And we mean this literally as well as metaphorically. They’ve got their eyes on the prize and their head held high, so they sometimes trip over their own feet. [5] X Research source If they spot a Starbucks across the street, you better hold them back until the traffic clears.
- For a Sagittarius: In a literal sense, improve your coordination with some quick exercises—toss a ball, balance on one foot, etc. Figuratively, curb your clumsiness by taking a deep breath every now and then and reminding yourself to take things more slowly.
- For everyone else: In some respects, your Sag friend’s clumsiness is just a part of them. Still, help them to slow down by leading by example: walk slower, talk slower, and establish a chill vibe.
A Sagittarius tends to fall back on anger in difficult moments. They’re a fire sign, after all, which means they can get a little testy every now and then. [6] X Research source On top of that, their expectation that everything will go their way tends to lead to disappointment, which can make their mood go sour in an instant. That said, they’re usually pretty quick on the bounce back, and return to their old, chipper selves soon after.
- For a Sagittarius: Ground yourself with a fidget toy, or something similar. Often, taking your frustration out on a stress ball serves as a valuable outlet.
- For everyone else: Calm down your Sag friend by remaining calm yourself. Know that, even if they’re mad now, they probably just need some time to work through their emotions.
A Sagittarius doesn’t have time for things they don’t care about. They’ve got one-track minds, and value their own freedom over everything else. So when something gets in the way of that, Sagittarians tend to get anxious. [7] X Research source And when you sit them down to do something they don’t want to, don’t expect them to still be there if you look away.
- For a Sagittarius: Improve your patience by breathing in for 10 seconds, then out for 10 seconds, which helps your body slow its pace.
- For everyone else: Motivate your friend by making the end goal clear. Usually, a Sag will happily sit through something if they know what to expect at the end, and how it benefits them.
A Sagittarius would rather spend than save. And we don’t blame them! There’s so much to see and try and have, and to a Sagittarius, a dried-up savings account shouldn’t get in the way of that. They also tend to take monetary risks, trusting that they’ll pay off, even when their better judgment says otherwise. [8] X Research source
- For a Sagittarius: Learn to manage your money by making a list of “priority purchases.” Things you need are higher on the list, while luxuries are lower. Get some of those needs covered before you indulge in a luxury.
- For everyone else: Maybe don’t trust your Sag friend with the budget, but do let them help out when it’s time to pick up the tab.
A Sagittarius always needs the spotlight. It’s no secret that Sagittarians are often the life of the party. [9] X Research source They’re outgoing, personable, and magnetic. But sometimes they get a little too used to the attention, and can be a little moody when they don’t get it. Luckily, they don’t let that rain on their parade; it’s only a matter of time before they’re back on their beat.
- For a Sagittarius: Curb your attention seeking by asking other people lots of questions about themselves, which puts them in the spotlight.
- For everyone else: Go ahead and let a Sagittarius have their moment in the sun. Chances are, they’ll be on to the next party soon enough.
Sagittarians tend to put some people off with their words. It’s often said that Sagittarians have no inside voice. [10] X Research source They’re full-steam ahead, all the time. Pair that with their ruthless honesty and inability to keep their opinions to themselves, and you sometimes get a social ticking time bomb. [11] X Research source The good news is that most people are eventually won over by their earnestness and energy, even if they get off on the wrong foot.
- For a Sagittarius: On this one, we say don’t worry too much! Your energy is what makes you the person you are, and the right people will gravitate toward that energy.
- For everyone else: If your Sag friend is a bit much sometimes, don’t be afraid to step away or take a break, but do make plans to hang once you’ve caught your breath.
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