Much like English, Spanish has different words for male, female, and young horses. "Caballo" is the Spanish word for a male horse. Use "yegua" to describe a female horse. If you are talking about a foal, say "el potro" or "el potrillo."
Call a male horse "caballo." Pronounce it like "ka-by-o" or "cabayo." [1] X Research source In Spanish, the double "l," "ll," is pronounced as "y." Caballo is an exclusively masculine word – so it is always "el caballo," and never "la caballo." [2] X Research source
- You can also say "garañón" to mean "stallion" or "stud." Pronounce it "ga-ran-yohn."
Say "yegua" to refer to a mare. Pronounce it "yeg-wa." Use it specifically to talk about an adult female horse above the age of three. [3] X Research source
- Do not use "caballa" to describe a mare. A caballa is a type of fish!
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Use "el potro" to describe a foal. Pronounce it "po-tro." You can also say the diminutive form, "el potrillo," to refer to a very young horse. [4] X Research source
Community Q&A
QuestionHow do I say drink in Spanish?Community AnswerThe verb is "beber", then the forms for the different pronouns are the same as in regular -er verbs. Bebo, bebes, bebe, bebemos, bebéis, beben.
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