Do you want to know if someone read your text? If you use iMessage, WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger, there are ways to obtain this information. You can easily do so on your iPhone or iPad in a few simple steps. This wikiHow will teach you how to see if someone read your text message using iMessage, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.
Does "Delivered" Mean "Read" in Texting?
"Delivered" means the message you sent was successfully received by the person's iPhone, but it doesn't always mean that they've opened it yet. If their "Read Receipts" are on, it will show the time when they read the message.
Make sure the person you’re texting is also using iMessages . This is the only way you'll know if they've read your message.
- If your outgoing messages are blue, the person can receive iMessages.
- If outgoing messages are green, the person is using a non-iMessage phone or tablet (usually an Android). You won't be able to see when this person has read your messages.
- Group messages do not support Read Receipts.
Turn on read receipts. As long as you and your contact both have enabled this feature, you’ll be able to see when you’ve read each others’ messages. If only you have it on, they'll see when you read their messages, but you won't know when they read yours. Here’s how to turn on read receipts: [1] X Research source
- Open your iPhone’s Settings .
- Scroll down and tap Messages .
- Slide the “Send Read Receipts” switch to the On (green) position.
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Connect to the internet. iMessages are sent over the internet, so make sure you’re connected to Wi-Fi or your mobile network. If you’re not online, your message will be sent as a regular SMS and you won’t know when it’s been read.
Write or reply to a message. Make sure you see “iMessage” in the typing area. This means you’re connected to the internet and the person you’re writing can receive iMessages.
Send the message. When you send an iMessage, you’ll see the word “Delivered” below when the message has been sent.
Wait for a read receipt. If the recipient has read receipts on, you’ll see “Read” below the message. [4] X Research source
Open WhatsApp on your iPhone or iPad. It’s a green and white chat bubble icon with a white phone receiver inside. If you’re messaging on WhatsApp, read receipts are automatically enabled. This means you can see if someone read your message by default.
Create or reply to an existing message.
- You can also send a free text message .
Tap the Send button. It’s the round blue icon with a white paper airplane inside.
Look at the check marks at the bottom-right corner of the sent message. [5] X Research source
- When you send the message and it hasn’t been delivered, you’ll see a single gray check mark. This means the person you’re writing hasn’t opened WhatsApp since you sent the message.
- If the person has opened WhatsApp since you sent the message but hasn’t yet opened your message, you’ll see two gray check marks.
- When the person reads your message, the two check marks will turn blue.
Open Facebook Messenger on your iPhone or iPad. It’s the blue and white chat bubble icon with a sideways lightning bolt inside. You’ll usually find it on the home screen. Messenger is set up to automatically show you when someone has read your message.
Tap the person you want to message. This opens a conversation with that person.
- This is also where you can delete messages from Messenger .
Type your message and tap the Send button. It’s the blue paper airplane icon at the bottom-right corner of the message.
Check the message status. [6] X Research source
- A blue check mark in a white circle means you’ve sent the message, but the person has not yet opened Messenger.
- A white check mark in a blue circle means the person has opened Messenger since you’ve sent the message, but they haven’t read it.
- When the person’s profile picture appears in a tiny circle below the message, you’ll know the message has been read.
Community Q&A
QuestionIs there any other way to tell if they have read your iMessage if they don’t have that setting turned on?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThey will need to have iMessage Read Receipts turned on for you to know if they have viewed the message.
Questionif i press on a message i sent an dmore comes up and i hit it and a white checkmark in a blue circle apears does it mean the message ws deliveredThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerLong-pressing on a message and selecting "More" will only bring up options to Delete highlighted messages (selected by the check mark in the circle) or send the highlighted message to a new recipient. Blue iMessages will say delivered below the message. Green SMS messages will not indicate when it has been delivered.
QuestionWhy would my message show up “read” only once during a conversationThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerMake sure your phone is updated to ensure iMessage works as intended. Otherwise, it is possible the recipient turned off Read Receipts mid-conversation. This will show Read Receipts for the last message before it was turned off, but not for newer messages.
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