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Torrent files allow users to download files from another user's computer using a BitTorrent Client. Seeding files means that you make file available for other users to download on your computer. This wikiHow teaches you how to seed files using a BitTorrent client.

Things You Should Know

  • Download and open a BitTorrent client. Choose a download location.
  • Download a torrent file. Open the file and allow it to finish downloading.
  • Keep running your BitTorrent client. Your download status will change to "seeding". Continue seeding until your ratio reaches 1.
Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Downloading Files

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  1. There are many BitTorrent Clients you can use. Most are free to download. BitTorrent clients include uTorrent, Azureus, Vuze , and qBitTorrent . Be careful. Many contain bundled software, adware, or malware. Pay attention while download a BitTorrent client. Be sure to decline, or uncheck the checkbox if asked to download any additional software while installing a BitTorrent client. Use the following steps to download a BitTorrent client:
    • Go to the website for a BitTorrent client of your choice.
    • Click the download link that is appropriate for your operating system (i.e. Windows 10, macOS).
    • Open the download installer file in your Downloads folder.
    • Follow the install instructions.
    • Uncheck the checkbox or click Decline to decline any additional software install offers you receive.
  2. Once you have finished installing, simply click the icon for your BitTorrent client on your desktop, Windows Start menu, or Dock to open your BitTorrent client.
  3. The download location is where files will be downloaded to when they are finished. By default, most BitTorrent clients will download your files to your Downloads folder. If you want to select a different install location, click the icon that resembles a gear, or the Options/Settings menu. Locate the Download options and click the option to change what folder you download your files to.
  4. You can download Torrent files from any torrent search site. Torrent search sites frequently change URLs because of the legal issues surrounding torrent sharing. You'll need to use a search engine like Google or DuckDuckGo to search for a torrent sharing site. Popular torrent search sites include ThePirateBay, Zooqle, and LimeTorrents. Be aware that many torrent sites include ads and content that contain adult material. Use the following steps to download a torrent.
    • Go to a torrent search site.
    • Use the search bar to search for movies, music, books, documents, or software.
    • Click the magnet link to download the torrent file (Be careful. Many torrent sites have false download links that may contain malware).
  5. Typically, you just need to double-click a torrent file to open it in your default BitTorrent client. If it doesn't open, open your torrent client and click the option to add a new torrent file. It is usually on the main page or under the File menu. Select the torrent file and click Open .
  6. The time it takes to download the file depends on your internet speed, the speed of the other users, and the number of seeds available. Allow the file to finish downloading. When it is finished, leave the file in the folder it finished downloading to.
  7. Make sure you're connected to the internet. You will notice that the status is changed to 'seeding'.
    • You can shut down your BitTorrent client and restart it later. Just make sure you leave the torrent file and file you downloaded in their download folder.
    • Allow the file to 'seed' until your ratio reaches 1. A ratio of 1 means that you've 'seeded' as much as you've downloaded. Continue seeding for as long as you want.
  8. In most countries, sharing copyright material is illegal. Sharing and downloading copyright material can result in fines and even jail time. Your internet service provider can track what you do online. It is recommended you use a VPN while using a torrent client. Download and share files over BitTorrent clients at your own risk.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Will I be able to download a file if there are no seeders connected?
    Community Answer
    No, you cannot download if there aren't any seeders. That is what people call a "dead torrent."
  • Question
    When the files are being downloaded, are they also uploaded and seeded at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You will see from the files you already have of the still downloading torrent.
  • Question
    How do I bring back a seeded file that I accidentally moved?
    Community Answer
    Move the file back to the original folder, like the "Downloads" folder or whatever you were using. Load the same torrent file again, and it will be checked and seeded again.
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      • Not seeding until a ratio of 1 will not affect you in any way, just that it's general etiquette that you share as much as you can.
      • It's general etiquette to seed as much as you download. Not seeding until a ratio of 1 will not affect you. However, some sites may require a certain upload ratio in order to continue membership there.
      • A good and standard client like uTorrent seeds automatically as soon as the download completes so it's a good idea to use this software.
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      • Using and sharing torrent files are subject to scrutiny by many anti-piracy and federal agents. Use with caution.
      • Sharing copyright material when you do not have the permission to do so may result in jail-sentences or fines.

      Things You'll Need

      • Bit torrent client.
      • A file for seeding.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Download a BitTorrent Client.
      2. Open your BitTorrent client and specify a download location in the Settings/Options menu.
      3. Download a Torrent from a Torrent search site.
      4. Open the torrent in your BitTorrent Client and allow the file to finish downloading.
      5. Leave the file and torrent file in their download folder.
      6. Allow your BitTorrent client to continue to run until the file says "Seeding".

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