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Learn this fire sign’s relationship tests (and how to pass them)
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The always fiery and forever fascinating Sagittarius…if you have this celestial sign in your life, be ready for an adventure! There are few signs as loyal and passionate as Sagittarius, but getting these men to commit can be a challenge. Before a Sag man decides you’re the one, he may put you through some tests to see if you’re a good match for him. We interviewed astrologist Angel Eyedealism for expert insight on the enigmatic Sagittarius to help you learn all the ways that a Sagittarius man may test you! 👀 ♐️ ❤️‍🔥

How a Sagittarius Man Tests You

A Sagittarius man loves adventure. He may test your adaptability when it comes to spontaneous dates or travel plans by proposing impromptu road trips or thrill-seeking dates. If you can keep up with his off-the-cuff lifestyle, he’ll be one step closer to falling for you!

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12 Ways That a Sagittarius Man Tests You

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  1. A Sagittarius man lives a life full of change, excitement, and novelty, and he’ll want to make sure that his partner is up for that lifestyle. Your Sag may test you to see if you’re adaptable enough to hop on a last-minute flight or take off on an impromptu road trip whenever the moment arises. [1]
    • As expert astrologer Angel Eyedealism puts it, Sagittarius “are the rock stars of the zodiac. They’re very fiery and dynamic, and they want that in a partner. They love adventure and excitement…they love movement, they love action.”
    • Try to embrace his sense of natural spontaneity and adventure. Go along for the ride, or propose a date yourself—maybe horseback riding, skydiving, or trying an unusual new food?
    • If you can show your Sagittarius man that you match his wanderlust and excitement for life, you’ll be sure to pass this test!
    • If last-minute plans and whirlwind trips aren’t your cup of tea, however, don’t pretend that they are. It’s okay to say that you need more structure in your life—if he isn’t into that, you may just not be meant to be.
  2. Planning a trip for you is as much of a subtle test as it is a romantic gesture. Since traveling is so important to the Sagittarius spirit, your man wants to make sure that you’re travel-compatible before committing. He wants to know your travel style: are you lounging on a beach or city-hopping? Do you follow a detailed itinerary or see where the day takes you? If your style is compatible with his, then you’ll get the green light! [2]
    • A Sag man may also take note of your response to culture shock. He probably loves expanding his worldview and learning about new people, cuisines, and cultures. He’ll be observing whether or not you seem comfortable in a new environment.
    • If he notices that you seem unwilling to try new things or be around different types of people, your Sagittarius man may decide it’s best to take separate paths.
    • It’s totally okay not to constantly want to switch things up the way a Sag does, but you may want to give stepping outside your comfort zone a try. You never know what might happen!
  3. One of the key traits of Sagittariuses is their neverending capacity for curiosity and knowledge. Your Sag man probably loves deep, intellectual discussions and wants to make sure you’re capable of conversing on that level. He wants someone who can challenge him and keep up with his intelligent banter. [3]
    • When he initiates a conversation topic, ask him more questions and share your own knowledge on the subject.
    • Avoid shifting the convo to surface-level topics like work, the weather, and idle gossip.
  4. The most hilarious person in your friend group? They're probably a Sagittarius. Humor is a defining part of a Sagittarius man’s personality, but he wants a partner who can make him laugh just as much. Your winter-baby boyfriend may try to engage you in witty banter and joking to see how well you can play along. [4]
  5. As a result of their magnanimous and sociable personalities, Sagittarius men make friends wherever they go. While he may have a lot of them, each and every one of a Sag guy's loved ones is important to him. He likely envisions a future where you spend a lot of time with his closest friends and family, so if you don’t get along with them, it’ll probably be a dealbreaker. [5]
    • Always say yes to opportunities to hang out with your man’s friends. He wants to know that you care about getting to know his friends better.
    • Keep your body language open when chatting with his buddies. Sit or stand in a relaxed way, and smile or laugh whenever the moment seems genuine.
    • Make an effort to get to know each friend individually—ask them about their job, interests, and how they met your boyfriend.
    • More importantly, be yourself ! Your Sag's friends want to get to know you as well. Focus more on presenting your best (and most authentic) self rather than trying to impress them.
  6. A Sagittarius man won’t be vulnerable with just anyone. So, if he shares his innermost thoughts with you, it definitely means something. However, the first show of vulnerability may be more of a test to see how you react.
    • He may be trying to tell if he can trust you with his emotions or if you’ll use this information against him or as gossip fodder with your friends.
    • He may also observe whether you shy away from his vulnerable side. If you’re not comfortable with his truest self, the relationship isn’t likely to work out.
  7. Your Sagittarius man might book a solo cabin weekend or plan a Friday night out with his pals…and not invite you along. While this can feel like a slap in the face to someone who prefers more closeness with their partners, this independent fire sign is really just testing to see if you’re as independent as him. [6]
    • He’ll be watching to see if you try to invite yourself along or enjoy having a night to spend on your own or with friends.
    • If he doesn’t think that you’re comfortable with your own company or have enough other things going on to occupy your time, he may take a step back from the relationship.
    • Sagittarius men “always need space,” according to Eyedealism. “If they come closer and engage in intimacy and stick around, that’s a big thing for Sagittarius men. But the second you become controlling,...then they'll take off.”
    • Keep in mind that a Sagittarius will also encourage you to spend time outside of the relationship and maintain your emotional independence. If someone you’re dating always makes plans without you but gets upset when you do the same, that’s a different story.
  8. This zodiac sign may test you by waiting long stretches of time between replies. This behavior may feel super frustrating and even like game-playing, but remember that the Sagittarius man places his freedom and independence above all else. [7]
    • Before he’ll let himself really fall for you, he has to make sure that you can both have time away from each other without needing to be at each other’s beck and call.
    • A Sagittarius “wants somebody who gives them space,” asserts Eyedealism. “If you trust them enough to give them space, they will come closer. If you try to control or micromanage them in any way, they just can’t tolerate it.”
    • If you feel yourself starting to get possessive or insecure when he doesn’t respond immediately, try to remember that his desire for independence outside of the relationship is a core personality trait—and it means that you’re free to do your own thing, too!
  9. When you’re dating a Sagittarius, you have to accept that they can’t help being just a little bit flirty—although that’s not to say they should be crossing any monogamous lines you’ve set. [8] When they’re still testing out a relationship, however, a Sag man may test you by lightly flirting with others and seeing how you respond.
    • If you quickly get offended and feel threatened by their behavior, they’ll see that as a red flag. They need to feel like their partner accepts every part of their personality, and they hate to feel stifled in any way.
    • If you can accept that flirtation is just part of this fiery sign’s nature, however, you’ll be a shoo-in for their next committed partner.
  10. Everyone seems to love a Sagittarius…until he starts playing devil’s advocate. For a Sagittarius, it’s attractive to have a partner who can hold their own and has plenty of their own opinions. So, he might test you by picking a fight to see how to deal with an opposing opinion. [9]
    • Will you cave in to his side, or will you engage in a heated debate and give him a taste of his own medicine?
    • As one of the most clever and curious signs, Sags don’t want to hear their same opinions repeated back to them—they want to hear yours .
    • Don’t be afraid to tell your Sag man exactly what you think. You shouldn’t hold back, because he sure won’t!
  11. Sagittarius men are famously super blunt—sometimes to a fault. They express themselves and share their opinions in a straightforward and totally honest way. If you can’t handle their unfiltered commentary, they may not see you as their perfect match. [10]
    • Sometimes, a Sagittarius can veer onto the “brutal” side of “brutal honesty.” It’s okay to tell your man that he hurt your feelings with something he said.
    • At the same time, keep in mind that what you might see as cruelty is what he sees as transparency and telling the truth.
  12. This mutable sign “appreciates an honest and direct approach,” says Eyedealism, so honesty is a core value that they look for in their romantic partners. A Sagittarius man may test your honesty by observing how you express your emotions and ideas. [11]
    • If he feels that you’re not being genuine or sincere with him at any point, he may start to question whether you two are a good fit.
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Signs That a Sagittarius Man Is Ready to Commit

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  1. When you’ve successfully attracted a Sagittarius man , you’ll get full access to his emotional side, inner circle, and undivided attention. Other signs that a Sagittarius is serious about you include: [12]
    • He laughs along with your humor and seems to think it’s one of your best qualities.
    • He’s honest with you about everything he’s thinking and feeling.
    • He introduces you to his parents (a big step for a commitment-phobic Sag).
    • He wants to learn from you and expand his knowledge with you as a teacher.
    • He enjoys listening to your thoughts and perspectives.
    • He invites you on a trip somewhere, showing that he “wants you to join him…on his constant movement,” adds Eyedealism.
    • He invites you into anything that shows more stability. Eyedealism mentions examples like “moving in with him…or going in on an apartment together.”

Learn How to Date a Sagittarius Man with this Expert Series

Sagittarius men are natural extroverts, and it can be hard to tell if one is interested or if he's just being nice. We've put together this expert series to help you attract and date the Sagittarius man of your dreams.

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      • Remember that a Sagittarius man's “tests” aren’t meant to be malicious or manipulative. These tests are his way of making sure that both of you can find success and happiness in a relationship together. If you don’t pass one of his tests, it’s probably best for both of you to look for a new romantic match!
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