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Connecting with your spirit animal through the zodiac
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The fierce scorpion symbolizes the passionate and secretive Scorpio, so it’d be natural to assume the scorpion is the spirit guide for these autumn-born individuals. But while many Scorpios do align with the resilient scorpion, some Scorpios may better connect with a different spirit animal, like a snake. Read on to discover the many possible spiritual animals for a Scorpio placement and what these guides have to teach them.

Things You Should Know

  • Snakes are the primary spiritual animals for Scorpios. Just like snakes transform by shedding their skin, Scorpios constantly evolve by learning from past mistakes.
  • Scorpios can relate to the misunderstood snake, as both are often inaccurately seen as cold, calculating, and mysterious.
  • Scorpios may also find a connection with scorpions, eagles, spiders, wolves, jaguars, beavers, bats, butterflies, or phoenixes.
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Scorpio Spirit Animals

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  1. Snakes are one of the primary spirit animals for Scorpios, closely matching their cunning, transformative, and captivating nature. Snakes are often misunderstood, just like Scorpios may be seen as secretive or manipulative. Rather, snakes and Scorpios are sensitive, wise, and able to shed their skins figuratively and literally. [1]
  2. As the visual symbol representing the Scorpio, scorpions strongly connect to this zodiac sign. Scorpions symbolize strength, protection, and the ability to withstand harsh environments. Similarly, Scorpios are thought to be determined and resilient individuals who can overcome obstacles with skill. [2]
  3. An eagle’s strength and power to fly above other birds represents the Scorpio’s elevated self-expression. Eagles are known to be fearless, courageous, and caring, although they appear intimidating. Scorpios share these same traits of bravery and nurture under a tough exterior. [3]
  4. A Scorpio’s calculated side is represented by the spider. Like a spider builds webs to catch its prey, Scorpios are known to thoughtfully plan and strategize to reach their goals. Spiders also symbolize creativity and fertility. [4]
  5. Wolves are known to be intelligent, loyal, and brave. They defend their pack fiercely, which aligns with the Scorpio’s intense loyalty to the few people they allow close to them. Wolves are also natural leaders like the strong-willed Scorpio. [5]
  6. The jaguar spirit animal exudes strength and intelligence. However, they know how to use their power wisely. [6] Scorpios know when to be assertive and put their energy strategically toward their goals. A jaguar’s stealth while hunting also links to the mysterious quality that Scorpios give off. [7]
  7. Beavers set ambitious goals and work hard to complete them, like when building their shelters. [8] The Scorpio parallels this dedication by never giving up on their goals and always working toward their highest ambition. [9]
  8. Bats are intuitive and resilient, resembling the Scorpio’s strong and reflective nature. They renew each night as they awaken to hunt for food, just like how Scorpios evolve and renew throughout their lifetime. [10]
  9. Butterflies start as caterpillars and go through a transformative cycle. Similarly, the Scorpio is skilled at transforming and renewing themselves throughout their life. The joyous butterfly spirit animal reminds Scorpios to enjoy times of change with the promise of a beautiful end result. [11]
  10. The mythical phoenix is Scorpio's supernatural spirit animal. Phoenixes are best known for rising again from the ashes of their past life. Similarly, Scorpios use their past mistakes to learn and move forward, continuing to evolve in the face of hardship. [12]
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Connecting with Your Spirit Animal

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  1. Research if your culture or lineage has any connection to animals. Pay attention to any animals you see unusually frequently in your dreams or waking life. Consider your past connections to animals, like your favorite animal growing up, a beloved pet, or a wild animal you remember seeing. [13]
    • When reading descriptions of spirit animals for your zodiac sign, think about one you resonate with or that may have something to teach you.
    • Remember that finding your spirit animal isn’t completely in your hands: your spirit animal chooses you.
  2. Adopt your spirit animal as a pet if possible, such as if it's a snake or spider. If your spirit animal is mythical or can’t be domesticated, bring them into your home with artwork or animal figurines. [14]
    • If you have a necklace or painting depicting your spirit animal, speak to it as if you are talking to a friend. This may feel strange at first, but will become more natural and help you bond in time. [15]
    • Keep a spirit animal journal or meditate to reflect on your thoughts and feelings as you interact with your animal.
    • Develop a daily ritual to connect with your spirit animal by making an altar, wearing their symbol, or expressing your gratitude toward them.
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Spirit Animal Origins & History

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  1. Native tribes and indigenous communities often use animals to communicate their values and spiritual beliefs. Animals are often featured in the creation stories and clan stories of various tribes. [16]
    • To avoid cultural appropriation, avoid copying images from sacred Native American imagery like totem poles or pictographs.
    • Likewise, avoid using the term “spirit animal” in direct relation to Native American culture, as it trivializes the deep relationships Native tribes have with the animal world.
    • If you’d like to honor the traditional ways Native Americans have shown respect to the natural world, find ways to help the environment and advocate for wild animals.
  2. A spirit animal’s personality and skills may resonate with different parts of who you are and how you approach life. Your spirit animal is also a spiritual guide that may send messages or inspire you during difficult moments. [17]
    • For example, if you see your spirit animal when struggling with a big life decision, it may mean that whatever you’re doing or thinking at that moment will lead you in the right direction.
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Spirit Animal by Zodiac Sign

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  1. Aside from the main spirit animal for each sign, other animals also reflect that sign’s personality and vibe. You may resonate more with a different spirit animal than the one most linked to your sign . [18]
    • Aries: Cheetah - Energetic and prone to anger.
    • Taurus: Bear - Calm and slow-moving.
    • Gemini: Fox - Quick-witted and mischievous.
    • Cancer: Wolf - Protective and family-oriented.
    • Leo: Lion - Fierce and flashy.
    • Virgo: Beaver - Perfectionistic and naturally skilled.
    • Libra: Dove - Peaceful and effortlessly beautiful. [19]
    • Scorpio: Snake - Mysterious and transformative.
    • Sagittarius: Owl - Wise and travel-ready.
    • Capricorn: Hawk - Fearless and determined.
    • Aquarius: Zebra - Unique and community-oriented.
    • Pisces: Horse - Empathetic and healing.

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