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Grooming a long-haired cat can be difficult, especially with the potential for knots and not enjoying bathing. This article provides an easy sponge bath alternative that might work with your cat.

  1. You will need:
    • A bowl of warm water
    • Gentle soap (castile soap is ideal)
    • A sponge or a chamois.
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  3. When you are happy that she is dampened enough, leave her to dry.
  4. When you find knots, be very gentle. Use fine scissors to cut out knots that won't groom out.
  5. This will prevent the build-up of bad knots.
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      • Buy the chamois (sham-ee) or sponge beforehand.
      • Do not dunk your cat into a tub full of water. They do no like water because it causes them to become uncomfortable from dry skin and itchiness later. Have a sponge or damp towel to wash them but do not scrub into the fur, just use it like a brush over the fur.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Bowl of warm water
      • Gentle soap (castile soap is ideal)
      • Sponge or chamois

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