Google Currency Converter is an easy way to know your foreign exchange rates and do currency conversions. You don’t need any program or app to use it. All you need is your web browser connected to Using it is quite easy, and there’s a couple of ways to go about it.


  1. You can use any web browser to visit Google Search .
  2. Type in “Google Currency Converter” on the search field. Google Search will immediately load the currency converter box right at the top of the results page.
  3. Enter the amount of money you’re converting in the first number field, then click and select from the name of the original currency from the drop-down list of global currencies, e.g., US Dollar ($).
  4. Click and select from the second drop-down list of global currencies the target currency name or the currency to which you want to convert to, e.g., Philippine Peso (Php).
  5. The result will automatically be displayed right on the currency converter box. It will also be displayed as the header text of the box for a quick view. No need to click any button.
    • A conversion graph will also be shown on the right side showing you the historical exchange rates between the two currencies.

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  • Question
    I cant convert money in the converter because I have the 2019 version of Google. How would I convert 2,000,000 pounds to US dollars?
    Top Answerer
    There are several online conversion sites. Do a search for "currency exchange rates" or "pounds to dollars." At a recent exchange rate, 2 million pounds were worth 2.56 million US dollars.
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