What does the upcoming blood moon mean for your life? Blood moons, with their eerie copper color, bring an astrological and spiritual shift that can sometimes feel chaotic and disorienting. To help you understand this cosmic phenomenon and prepare for the next blood moon, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to break down the spiritual meaning of the blood moon.
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What to Do During a Blood Moon
Re-examine the relationships in your life. Eclipses are a time to consider shifts in interpersonal dynamics since the illumination from the full moon will give you a new perspective. You might start to see the true colors of the people around you. [3] X Research source Ask yourself whether your relationships feel balanced in terms of effort and energy. Call up a friend and check in with yourself after the call. Do you feel energized or drained?
Meditate and journal. The silence brought by the lunar eclipse’s brief moments of darkness might make you feel uneasy—even all the birds and animals go quiet. However, remember silence can be a good thing! Use the blood moon as a time for reflection and contemplation, since lunar eclipses can bring our deepest thoughts and feelings to the surface.
Give thanks to the people around you. In the past, people would use the blood moon as a time to honor the gods through animal or human sacrifice. To honor the blood moon’s history of ritual sacrifice in a nonviolent way, take a moment to recognize what others have given up for you. [4] X Research source Call up your parents or important mentors to thank them for what they’ve done, donate to a local charity that supports veterans, or volunteer with an organization to help out those in need.
Reconnect with the things that make you feel alive. Blood is the universal symbol of life, so use this time to check in with your energy levels and passions. [5] X Research source What’s draining you these days? Is there anything you want to actively pursue? Note down anything that comes to mind and tackle your new goals after the eclipse is over. Create a vision board of hobbies or activities you wish you could do more often.
Wait to start new projects. The unstable nature of the blood moon’s energy can lead to inauspicious starts. Even ancient cultures all around the world associated the blood moon with uncertainty and fear, so it’s no surprise the blood moon can leave you feeling unsettled. [6] X Trustworthy Source National Geographic Website of the National Geographic Society Go to source While it’s best to let go of effort and simply let the blood moon pass, if you do feel the need to work, focus on something you’ve already started.
Avoid charging your crystals. The potentially violent, chaotic energy of the blood moon is powerful. Wait to charge your crystals until the blood moon is over, so you can be sure they channel only positive, stable energy.
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- ↑ https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/total-lunar-eclipse.html
- ↑ https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/full-moons/en/
- ↑ https://www.astrologyzone.com/all-about-eclipses-a-guide-for-coping-with-them/
- ↑ https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/blood-moons-have-a-dark-and-ominous-history-heres-why/news-story/a5e05b8c0abb30d6cac0c67c91937138
- ↑ http://websites.umich.edu/~umfandsf/symbolismproject/symbolism.html/B/blood.html
- ↑ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/140413-total-lunar-eclipse-myths-space-culture-science
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