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Empathetic, kind, and devoted, Pisces seems like they’d get along swimmingly with just about every star sign. But is that really the case? We’ve taken a deep dive into the world of the zodiac’s resident fish and ranked all of their possible matches in two categories: least compatible and most compatible. Read on to see which matches Pisces is destined to make a splash with!
This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Section 1 of 2:

Pisces: Least Compatible Signs

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  1. Pisces are often on the lookout for a secure, committed relationship, while Geminis tend to take a more free-spirited approach to romance. This match-up doesn’t have a lot of natural compatibility, but their relationship can work out if both signs are willing to meet in the middle.
    • Compatibility Tip: Geminis are very independent, so it’s really important to give them a sense of freedom. [1] For example, Gemini could spend the day hanging out with friends and dedicate the evening to some quality time with Pisces.
  2. Sagittarius tends to say it like it is, and isn’t afraid to mince words. Unfortunately, the deeply empathetic and sensitive Pisces might read a little too deeply into what Sag is saying. Both signs need to focus on finding a way to cater to each other’s emotional preferences.
  3. Libra isn’t big on commitment, while Pisces wants nothing more than a loving, devoted partnership. Both signs need to be direct and upfront about what they hope to get out of the relationship, rather than smothering their true feelings in the name of “harmony."
  4. Aries and Pisces complement each other well, but Aries’s direct, to-the-point style of conflict resolution may leave Pisces too nervous to share their true feelings. Both signs need to create a safe, calm space to feel heard and discuss what’s on their mind.
    • Compatibility Tip: Don’t be too rigid and demanding with a Pisces! This sign really values flexibility, and will likely leave a relationship where they feel restricted. [4]
  5. Leo tends to be loud and proud, while Pisces likes to be quieter and direct. Despite their differences, this duo can forge a powerful path together by focusing on their creativity, passion, and love for one another.
  6. Aquarius tends to travel off the beaten path, and sometimes has trouble being known and understood by the people around them. Empathetic Pisces is great at making Aquarius feel seen and understood—the key is finding a balance between Aquarius’s need for space and Pisces’s need for quality time.
    • Compatibility Tip: Look for ways to spend time with Aquarius by take up some hobbies and interests that Aquarius enjoys, like playing the same video games or going to the same conventions. [6]
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Section 2 of 2:

Pisces: Most Compatible Signs

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  1. Both of these signs are ruled by intuition and have no trouble tuning into their partner’s thoughts and feelings. Although they’re both water signs, this duo is unlikely to make any ripples or waves in their relationship. You can expect plenty of smooth sailing with these 2!
    • Compatibility Tip: Provide plenty of love and emotional support to Cancer, especially when they’re having a rough day. This sensitive sign loves knowing that their partner is in their corner!
    • Curious which zodiac signs are Pisces soulmate material? Find out in the lively discussion happening over at wikiHow's "Which signs have soulmate compatibility with Pisces" forum !
  2. Scorpio and Pisces both value and prioritize the depths of their own emotions, and feel comfortable exploring them with complete honesty and transparency. A Scorpio-Pisces pairing is definitely in it for the long haul!
  3. Taurus is all about hearth and home, and Pisces is more than happy to stoke the flames. Even if they disagree on something, their love and support for each other will allow them to work through just about any conflict.
    • Compatibility Tip: Taurus is really grounded in their senses, and prefers expressing and experiencing love in more physical ways. With this in mind, try not to get too emotional and wordy too quickly. [8]
  4. Pisces can help Capricorn learn to come out of their emotional shell, while Capricorn can help support and nurture Pisces’s creative sense of self. Together, these signs help one another grow into the best versions of themselves.
    • Compatibility Tip: Let Capricorn move, learn, and grow at their own pace. They need the time and space to move slowly and intentionally in a really structured way. [9]
  5. Pisces is super flexible, and won’t be put off by Virgo’s attention to detail. [10] It doesn’t hurt that Pisces really loves Virgo’s sense of structure and organization, too.
  6. Pisces is known for their flexibility—but this can be a little challenging when both partners are always willing to compromise. This pair of fish can truly thrive when they find a way to clearly and respectfully share their needs and wants with one another.
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Basically what the title says.....what signs are compatible with Pisces? Romantically, emotionally, sexualy, ect
Pisces is most compatible with Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio. Pisces and Taurus will love spending time together enjoying the finer things in life, such as gourmet meals and wine tastings. Pisces and Cancer are both sensitive and emotional, so they'll connect on a deep level and understand each other well. Pisces and Scorpio are both romantic and passionate and will enjoy a sensual relationship and connect over art and music.
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Pisces are flexible and fluid, and they need to be with someone who also has flexibility: if you're very rigid with a Pisces, they're going to escape. They're compatible with their opposite sign, Virgo, because Virgo is also a fluid sign, but they can also can be very micromanaging and controlling. And that's water off a duck's back for a Pisces: all the Virgo's little criticisms just kind of roll off their back.

Pisces are big romantics, they love flowers, they love candlelight. They love the trappings of romance, so if a partner is very clinical and cold, that's a total turnoff for a Pisces. Reality is a real turnoff for Pisces as well. They need somebody who will put some imagination into lovemaking and into the wooing process. They do not like direct action at all.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What does a Pisces want in a partner?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Pisces want someone who has flexibility. If you're too rigid with them, they'll look for an opportunity to escape.
  • Question
    How do Pisces get turned on?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Pisces really love romantic gestures, and get turned on by their partner putting imagination or creativity into the wooing process.
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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.
      3. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      4. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      5. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.
      6. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      7. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      8. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      9. Tara Divina. Vedic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.
      2. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      3. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.

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