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Biographies offer readers a unique glimpse into the lives of others. Some biographies are supportive, while others are critical. Some observe a life through a political perspective, while others are told through the context of history and particular circumstances. However the story is told, the biography’s conclusion should offer the readers a sense of closure. If you describe the subject’s legacy, incorporate personal details, and support your main thesis, you can write a successful conclusion for a biography.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Reminding the Reader of the Subject’s Importance

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  1. The conclusion of a biography should remind the reader of the subject’s achievements or actions. Briefly describe their greatest achievements so that the reader can remember why it is important or enlightening to learn about their life. [1]
    • A conclusion in Jane Austen’s biography, for example, should mention that she wrote 6 novels, some of which are regarded among the memorable and influential works of English literature. [2]
  2. It is important to describe the impact the subject had during their lifetime. [3] If their actions caused political reform, describe the laws, changes, or conflicts that that took place because of their actions. If they enacted important societal changes, mention how their actions changed the cultural mindset.
    • A biography about Martin Luther, the 16th-century monk who lead the Protestant Reformation, should mention his impact on the development of religious beliefs throughout Europe. Not only did he challenge the ruling Catholic Church, but he made the Bible more accessible to all individuals, not just the clergy. A conclusion should mention that his actions influenced religious beliefs during the Renaissance.
  3. If your subject’s work, actions, or opinions had a wide-reaching influence that impacted future generations, mention that in the conclusion. Perhaps their work lead to the development of laws that are still in use today, or perhaps their opinions helped eradicate unfair societal norms.
    • A biography of Susan B. Anthony, for example, could mention that her actions and beliefs influenced generations of women and their continued fight for gender equality.
    • A conclusion of the biography of Albert Einstein could mention that his theories and publications have influenced the development of quantum theory and generations of scientists who work toward unifying his theories of the universe. [4]
    • A biography of author Upton Sinclair could mention that his novel The Jungle influenced the American public health system and helped create laws for regulating the food and drug industries. [5]
  4. 4
    Explain what the subject learned or achieved throughout their life. While a biography on an important historical figure may include details about their legacy, a biography about a family friend or person who is unknown to the general public may not. In this case, mention what the person learned or achieved in their life, or note experiences that transformed them. [6]
    • For instance, a biography written by your grandmother may focus on how moving to a metropolitan area when she got married changed her perspective on women in the workforce.
    • If you’re writing the biography about yourself , note the greatest life lessons you’ve learned or the biggest achievements you’ve had so far.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Including Personal Details

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  1. Sometimes reading about important figures or influential people can make the subject appear unrelatable to the reader. Use your conclusion to briefly mention personal details, stories, or accounts that you mentioned throughout the biography. Bringing these personal details into the conclusion can make the subject more accessible to the reader. [7]
    • Discuss how they loved visiting their grandmother, or mention that their favorite place was a quiet cabin in the mountains.
  2. While reading a biography, the reader may forget that each person has had their own difficulties and personal struggles to overcome. If a subject has been greatly influenced by a personal tragedy or was fired from several jobs during their lifetime, consider mentioning that in the conclusion.
    • The late Nelson Mandela led an influential, prominent, and successful life as a South African activist and former president. Although he earned many awards and honors, he admitted that he was not a very good student when he was trying to earn a law degree. [8] A reader may be able to better understand that Nelson Mandela had to work hard during his life.
  3. If the subject’s hobbies, passions, or interests played an important role in their life, incorporate that into the conclusion. Perhaps reading particular books inspired them to write their own popular novel, or maybe their love for animals inspired them to work to protect endangered animals. [9]
    • Weave their personal interests into the conclusion by acknowledging how those interests influenced their work or life decisions.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Bringing It All Together

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  1. Your thesis , or the main point or claim, most likely guided how you organized the biography. To remind the reader of your thesis, summarize its key points within the conclusion. [10] Reminding the reader of your thought process will help make a stronger case for your thesis and help the reader understand the goal of the biography.
    • Briefly remind the audience of the key points that influenced your thesis. Perhaps your subject moved a lot as a child, and you believe the subject’s bestselling novels were influenced by this. Point out that the main character in the novel is often on the go, and that was the basis for your thesis.
  2. Do not use the conclusion to add new details, facts, or stories that were not referenced in the biography. [11] Introducing new information at this point may confuse the reader or leave them with unanswered questions. Focus on referencing information that you already discussed.
  3. The biography’s main idea should be reinforced and supported in the conclusion. Briefly remind the reader of the evidence you provided in the biography. Use the biography’s themes, patterns, or messages to support your thesis. [12]
    • If you believed that the subject’s actions later in life were a result of their experiences during war, briefly reassert what major decisions you think were affected. Perhaps they participated in anti-war protests, founded an organization that promotes peace, and worked to uphold human rights. Make a note that their actions revolved around establishing peace.
    • Remind the reader what makes the subject unique or special and what life events demonstrate these qualities.
  4. Avoid including phrases like, “in conclusion,” “therefore,” and “finally” in your conclusion. Phrases such as these may make the reader feel as though the ending is abrupt and has been hurried along. Try to leave your reader with an ending that seems natural. [13]
    • Instead of saying, "in conclusion," try to provide your reader with a subtle transition instead. Conclude by saying, "Because of the magic and popularity of her novels, I believe that J.K. Rowling will continue to influence young readers for generations to come."
  5. If it makes sense for the biography you are writing, pull quotes from the subject’s letters, interviews, or essays to support your thesis or your belief in their impact. [14] Choose a pertinent quotation, but do not take a quote out of context simply to add strength to your thesis. [15]
    • This is an exception to the rule of not adding new information to the conclusion, as quotes shouldn’t be repeated throughout the biography.
  6. Give the reader a satisfactory and fulfilling conclusion by offering them a sense of closure. Revisit the opening scene from the biography so the reader can experience it again now that they have more information. Reiterate a key event, important publication, or central accomplishment that encapsulates their life story. [16]
    • Conclude with a sense of hope or continued progress. Allow your reader to imagine that this person’s life story will continue influence the lives of others. If your subject is still alive, for example, provide a hopeful ending by saying “Elizabeth continues to fight for the rights of those who have been repressed by being a vocal leader in the United States Senate.”
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I sum up everything in an interesting way, rather than just by listing everything that was in the intro?
    Alexander Peterman, MA
    Test Prep Tutor
    Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017.
    Test Prep Tutor
    Expert Answer
    I would start by looking at your thesis and finding a way to restate the main points that support your central idea in the biography. Think about how you can leave your reader with a snapshot of that person's legacy or importance.
  • Question
    What if the person I am writing about is not interesting?
    Community Answer
    Find a way to make them interesting. Find things about their life others can relate to.
  • Question
    I am writing an autobiography. How should I conclude it?
    Community Answer
    Read through it again and think about the heart of the story. Think about what's most important about you, and what you want the readers to feel. Sum it up in the conclusion.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Writing the conclusion of your biography assignment is an opportunity to bring your points together and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Use your conclusion to summarize your subject’s achievements and the impact they had on the world. For example, if you're writing a paper about Jane Austen, you could mention her influence on modern literature and the lasting popularity of her novels. You can also revisit the opening scene or a key event from your biography to link your conclusion back to your introduction. If you find a good quote from your subject or one of their critics that highlights your thesis, include this in your conclusion. For more tips from our Educational co-author, including how to include examples to support your thesis, read on!

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