Sometimes spelling doesn't come as easy as we would like. Here are a few tips to be able to advance your spelling as well as remember it easily.


  1. As silly as it sounds, starting with the most complicated words will not help you learn how to spell quicker and will most probably confuse you. Start off with basic words with a predictable letter pattern where the grammar is not abnormal. [1]
  2. Wednesday sounds like Wensday, so instead of pronouncing it as such pronounce it Wed-nez-day. This will help you remember how it is spelled. [2]
  3. One of the greatest tools to learning spelling, grammar and punctuation is reading. By reading a variety of different books you are unknowingly reinforcing the spelling on many words over and over again as you read it. [3]
    • Get someone to test you. When you think you have learned the spelling, have someone who knows how to spell it test you on your spelling. If you can spell the word correctly, you can move onto a slightly more difficult spelling.
  4. Hoqe Qu, Th, Sh and Ch sound, amongst others.
  5. Your learning to spell a word is an ongoing process and should not just be attempted a few times. Even once you have got a spelling, don't forget to revise it every so often, as you may forget its spelling if it hasn't stuck in your head far enough. [4]

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  • Question
    What do I do if I can't remember?
    Community Answer
    Then say it the word you are trying to remember, spell it 3 times. Take a break, and do it again. Keep at it till you know it.
  • Question
    How do I remember the spelling and pronunciation of a word?
    Top Answerer
    Make two lists, one a spelling list and one a phonetic-spelling list showing pronunciation. Refer to these lists often. For pronunciation, If you're more an auditory learner than a visual learner, have someone else correctly pronounce the words out loud, and repeat them.
  • Question
    The rule "i before e except after c" isn't true for all words, so how do I remember which words follow the rule and which ones don't?
    Community Answer
    There is no 100% grammar rules in any language. These are the general rules which almost 95% are correct. Just try to remember the few that don't follow the rule.
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      • When learning a spelling, write down the spellings you need to learn on post it notes or plaque cards. This enables you to go back as many times as you like, as often as you need to.
      • Write down the word you are attempting to spell. By writing the word over and over, you are subjecting your eyes to the memory of not only what the spelling is, but what the spelling looks like written down.
      • Remember to go back to previous spelling sessions to recap.
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