Q&A for How to Learn to Remember Spellings of Words

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    What do I do if I can't remember?
    Community Answer
    Then say it the word you are trying to remember, spell it 3 times. Take a break, and do it again. Keep at it till you know it.
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    How do I remember the spelling and pronunciation of a word?
    Top Answerer
    Make two lists, one a spelling list and one a phonetic-spelling list showing pronunciation. Refer to these lists often. For pronunciation, If you're more an auditory learner than a visual learner, have someone else correctly pronounce the words out loud, and repeat them.
  • Question
    The rule "i before e except after c" isn't true for all words, so how do I remember which words follow the rule and which ones don't?
    Community Answer
    There is no 100% grammar rules in any language. These are the general rules which almost 95% are correct. Just try to remember the few that don't follow the rule.
  • Question
    My spelling bee is regional and is next week. The schwa sound is hard to spell. Any suggestions for that and how to spell really hard words (like elixir) just by pronunciation/language of origin?
    Amanda Earnhart
    Community Answer
    If you study the spelling patterns of English words borrowed from other languages, even if you don't know the word you're given, you can make a good guess on how to spell it based on its language of origin. English words originate from many languages like Latin, Japanese, Russian, and so on, and each of these languages has certain recognizable spelling rules. Based on the country, a sound can be spelled many different ways. For example, when a word has a 'sh' sound in it, if it's from German, it's probably spelled 'sch', but if it's from Latin, it could be spelled 'ti'. You can find these patterns online, and even if the rules don't always work, it's a great tool for tons of words.
  • Question
    How can I avoid making mistakes with English words?
    Top Answerer
    Keep practicing every day, and ask others to correct you when you make a mistake.
  • Question
    Can I break up a word by forming words from it?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can try making acronyms out of the word using synonyms to help you remember.
  • Question
    Are there any easy ways to remember the spelling of the word "restaurant"?
    Top Answerer
    Try saying the word out loud the way it's spelled. In other words, mispronounce it. Do that a few times, and the spelling will stick with you.
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't know the meaning of a word my student asked about?
    Community Answer
    Look in a dictionary. Almost no one understands every word in the dictionary.
  • Question
    What is the spelling of rebook, as in, "rebook the ticket"?
    Top Answerer
    "Rebook" is correct.
  • Question
    What if the words are French?
    Top Answerer
    If you're not familiar with French, all you can do is simply memorize the spelling.
  • Question
    How do I remember "contemplate"?
    Top Answerer
    That word is spelled the way it's pronounced. Spell it by syllable: CON - tem - plate.
  • Question
    The rule "i before e except after c" isn't true for all words, so how do I remember which words follow the rule and which ones don't?
    Community Answer
    The rule is true with few exceptions, so just memorize the exceptions.
  • Question
    I make a lot of silly mistakes on double letters, i instead of e, -ion and -eon, etc. How can I remember all of the spellings?
    Top Answerer
    Being a good speller amounts to nothing more than having a good memory. It helps if you're a "visual learner." If not, you'll have to rely on sheer repetition until a spelling has made a permanent impression on your mind.
  • Question
    Will learning how to spell help me be a better reader and writer?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, absolutely.
  • Question
    How many times should I write it out?
    Top Answerer
    As many times as it takes to memorize it permanently.
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