Q&A for How to Come Up with Good Comebacks

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    What if they have an attitude and come right back with more?
    Community Answer
    If this happens all you need to do is put a little smirk on your face, look them up and down shrug your shoulders with a small laugh and walk in the complete opposite direction. Be confident in the choices you made. They will be busy trying to figure out what you were laughing at.
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    What if someone makes fun of me because I am Asian?
    Community Answer
    Don't try to give them a snappy comeback. Just say something like, "You know, that's really offensive. It's not cool to discriminate against people or use hateful stereotypes." People will usually be surprised by this response, and it might even make them rethink what they've just said.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone makes a comeback to my comeback?
    Community Answer
    Make another comeback! It's good to practice these things so your mind is sharp when it happens. Try working on your comebacks with a friend or sibling, or even just riffing by yourself.
  • Question
    What if the other person keeps saying the same thing, and I don't have enough comebacks in mind?
    Community Answer
    Smirk and walk away. Sometimes silence is the best response.
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    How do I resist the urge to commit violence when someone makes fun of my personality and sexuality?
    Community Answer
    They're not worth it. Anybody that goes out of their way to insult someone else probably has a crappy life and feels insecure about themselves. They're not worth you getting in trouble at school or with the law. Do you want to get charged with assault and mess up your future because of some loser?
  • Question
    What if I think of the perfect comeback later on in the conversation?
    Community Answer
    You'll have to save it until someone uses the same insult again, then use your comeback.
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    What if the bully's friends start to ask me stupid, annoying questions as well?
    Community Answer
    Just ask the bully's friends something like, "Hey, is [bully's name] too scared to come and say it to my face?" Then barge past them. If they keep bothering you, tell a teacher.
  • Question
    What if someone is talking behind my back? Then they start becoming a bully?
    Community Answer
    Go straight to someone you trust and tell them. I know it's not very fun to do and you may feel like a snitch, but trust me, I had the same thing done to me and this really helped. Make sure it's someone you really trust or otherwise they might take advantage of you. Try talking to your parents or a teacher.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone is insulting my sexuality?
    Community Answer
    Don't bother with a comeback. Just tell the person that they're rude and ignorant and move on. It's not worth giving them attention. If you need help, tell an adult.
  • Question
    Two girls at school asked me personal questions, and then laughed when I responded to them. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Just ignore them. If they try to ask you personal questions again in the future, simply say, "That's none of your business." And if they keep bothering you, talk to a teacher or counselor.
  • Question
    How do I come up with a good comeback if they're making fun of my sex?
    Community Answer
    Just leave it. People who do that are not worth the time or effort. Try to contact someone who can sort it out between you.
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    One person in my class is making fun of my name. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If they are saying it is weird, ask them why, or isn't theirs weird as well? A more serious approach could entail you saying, "That's not cool." or "I love my name." You could also ask them generic responses, questioning their behavior, or bringing their offense to light, especially if it's from hatred of a race, religion, or culture, this could make them feel ignorant, and maybe they will consider their actions in the future. You could also choose to remain silent and walk away. You may want to smirk or laugh, or just stare at them to unnerve them a little. If the issue persists, you may want to confide in a trusted adult.
  • Question
    Shouldn't I try and sort out my situation in a more sophisticated way than using comebacks?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes, this is smart. It can be a statement on its own to display class and maturity. However, if someone can't take a hint, you may want to consider using comebacks to make a bully back off.
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    How do I make a comeback that shows that I hate them?
    Community Answer
    Comebacks are used more often to take away any shame they put on you. If you don't like the other person though, say something like:" I'm busy now, can I ignore you some other time?"
  • Question
    I am 11 and bullies are calling me Spotify because I have acne. It is really upsetting me. I have no friends to back me up. Teachers just think it’s trivial but I am really upset and angry.
    Community Answer
    It is hurtful and they should not be doing that. However, they are doing it, so it is best to stand up for yourself and give as good a comeback as you're getting. So, try this one: Say 'If I'm called Spotify, then your name is Vine. Dead and unpopular.' That'll shut them up!
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