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Add images to ordered or unordered HTML list with these easy steps
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Lists are oftentimes used for text; however, it is also possible to add images to a list. To learn how to add photos to a list in HTML programming, follow the steps below.

Adding Images to HTML Lists: Quick Steps

Create an unordered or ordered list with list items. Then, use <img> src=" " alt=" "> within each list item to add an image. Copy the path of the desired image into src=" " to complete.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Adding Images Inside an Unordered List

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  1. 1
    Create the unordered list.
    • The ul element is what groups list elements together in an unordered fashion. To create the ul element, add the following into the HTML text editor:
  2. 2
    Create list tags inside of the unordered list tags. [1]
    • To create the list tags, add the following into the HTML text editor:
  3. 3
    Insert the image tag inside of the list tags.
    • To create the image tags, add the following into the HTML text editor:
  4. 4
    Paste the path of the desired image into the src="".
    • The image tags require information about the desired image in order to display it. Copy the file path for the desired image and then paste the path into the src="" like in the image.
  5. 5
    If multiple images per list item is desired, duplicate the image tag.
    • It is possible to have multiple images in each list item. In order to do so, add the text like in the image.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Adding Images Inside an Ordered List

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  1. 1
    Create the ordered list.
    • The ol element is what groups list elements together numerically. To create the ol element, add the following into the HTML text editor:
  2. 2
    Create list tags inside of the ordered list tags.
    • To create the list tags, add the following into the HTML text editor: [2]
  3. 3
    Insert the image tag inside of the list tags.
    • To create the image tags, add the following into the HTML text editor:
  4. 4
    Paste the path of the desired image into the src="".
    • The image tags require information about the desired image in order to display it. Copy the file path for the desired image and then paste the path into the src="" like in the image.
  5. 5
    If multiple images per list item is desired, duplicate the image tag.
    • It is possible to have multiple images in each list item. In order to do so, add the text from the image into the editor.
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      • Add information about the picture into alt="". This will allow users who do not see the images information that they would otherwise not be able to obtain.
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