Sirvart Mesrobian, PsyD
Clinical Psychologist
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Co-authored Articles (14)
How to
Cheer Someone Up
Everybody gets sad from time to time. Cheering someone up is all about taking the time to listen to them, empathizing with what they're going through, and helping them get a bit of perspective. If you want to know how to...
The Top 12 Traits That Make a Person Unlikeable
Let’s face it: nobody wants to be disliked. So, how can you make sure you get off on the right foot with all the people in your life? You've come to the right place–we’ll be walking you through some of the most unl...
How to
Be Likable
Know what makes a guy or girl likable Even though everyone is entitled to their own personality and self-expression, there are basic steps that everyone can take to improve relationships with those around you. Making a b...
How to
Deal with Being in Prison
Walking into prison for the first time, no matter who you are, is a frightening experience. The mixture of adrenaline, fear, anxiety, and confusion is deafening. After the cell doors are slammed shut behind you it is tim...
How to
Get People to Like You
Nobody can be liked by everybody, but sometimes it's important for your social life or your career to become more likeable. And it's possible. Channel your inner social jiujitsu master and get almost anyone to like you. ...
How to Deal with Someone Who Hates You
Haters gonna hate—but what are YOU gonna do?Haters, like mosquitos, are a natural and unpleasant part of life. But as annoying as mosquitos are, at least ''they'' won’t say unkind things about you behind your back (o...
11 Empowering Ways to Get More Excited About Your Life
Discover activities that will reignite your spark for livingAlthough we sometimes forget, life is an amazing gift. In this staggeringly large universe, we are somehow alive and conscious, with the ability to understand, ...
How to Work on Yourself: 11 Tips for Self-Improvement
Everything you need to know to become the best version of yourselfYou may have heard someone say that they’re “working on themselves,” but what does this actually mean, and how do you do it? If you’re interested ...
How to
Use Replacement Strategies for Self Harm
Self-harm can feel good in the moment, but long-term, it can be harmful for your physical and mental health. Quitting cold turkey can be extremely difficult, so here are some replacement strategies to use instead.
How to
Make Up with a Friend
If you are feeling like it is time to repair a friendship and get it back to normal, then you have come to the right place. Whether you want to talk face-to-face, write a message, or send a gift, take a look at the follo...
How to
Talk to Parents So They'll Understand
Ever feel like it’s hard to get your parents to understand you? Even though they were your age once, you might feel that they simply can’t relate to you or your struggles. But, if you want to have a close relationsh...
How to
Deal With Disappointment
Disappointment is never fun, whether you're dealing with a relationship that didn't work out or you've missed out on a major opportunity to advance your career. No matter what the disappointment, it's almost never as bad...
24 Little Things You Can Do to Make Your Heart Feel Happy
Are you looking for a way to put yourself in a good mood and chase that warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart? Happiness makes you feel so fulfilled, and there are tons of easy things you can do each day to help you chase...
How to
Solve a Fight with Your Best Friend
A fight with a friend can feel pretty bad, but a fight with your best friend can feel downright terrible. Luckily, there are things you can do to try to resolve the fight. Try talking to them about what caused the fight ...