Thomas G. Waites
Acting Instructor
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Co-authored Articles (18)
How to
Lift One Eyebrow
Animating the face by raising an eyebrow may not be worth a thousand words, but it’s worth several. With just the lift of one brow, you can drop hints about what’s on your mind without saying a word. Raise a brow to ...
How to
Talk Like Donald Duck
Talking like Donald Duck can be a great trick to impress friends and make kids laugh. The character of Donald Duck has been around for over 85 years and his voice is immediately recognizable to people of all ages around ...
A Complete Guide to the Cockney Accent and Rhyming Slang
Speak like a true East End native with this comprehensive guide What do Michael Caine, Adele, David Beckham, and Amy Winehouse have in common? They all speak Cockney! The Cockney accent is one of the most famous and most...
What Does “Committing to the Bit” Mean? (With IRL Examples)
Plus, unleash your inner comedian with our guide to starting bitsYou’ve probably heard someone say “They’re really committed to the bit” before, but what does this actually mean? In comedy, “committing to the b...
How to Give Someone a Super Evil Stare
Get someone to back off with just a look A good evil glare comes in handy when you want to get rid of bullies or other annoying people, or when you need to assert your personal space. That’s why we’ve put together th...
How to Act Like You're Possessed by a Demon
Creep out your friends and family with this horror-inspired prankWhether you want to pretend to be possessed as part of a Halloween costume or you simply want to pull a disturbing prank on your friends and family, you ca...
How to Smirk: Meaning, Examples & More
A guide to make a flirty or sexy smirkThe smirk is the mischievous little brother to the everyday smile. One part friendliness, one part arrogance, this smart-alecky facial expression can be used to joke, flirt, express ...
How to
Cry Without Looking Unattractive
There are two ways of crying, the ugly way, and the pretty way. If you're someone who is emotional and cries quite often––which is totally fine, by the way––why not try to look pretty when you cry? Don't worry, i...
How to
Talk Like a Pirate
September 19 is the "International Talk Like a Pirate Day." Any seadog worth their salt knows that to talk like a pirate, ye must know their lingo and adopt a scurvy pirate accent. '''Talkin' like a pirate is more than j...
How to
Do an Evil Glare
If you want to make yourself look more intimidating, an evil glare gets the message across that you don't like someone or are annoyed without saying a word. There are a variety of different facial expressions you will ha...
How to Be a Curmudgeon
What is a curmudgeon? How do you behave like one? Your questions, answered Traditionally, curmudgeons are grumpy old people, but there’s a bit more to them than that! Curmudgeons are often stalwart voices of reason, an...
How to
Make Money Busking (Street Performing)
Busking, or street performing, is a great way to pursue your passion as an entertainer and get some valuable experience showing off your craft in front of an audience. Whether you're a musician, acrobat, comedian, juggle...
What Does It Mean to Have a Monotone Voice?
Improve your vocal variety with this guide ''Bueller? Bueller? Anyone…''who can hear that voice knows what a monotone voice sounds like. But even if you recognize the low, flat, and unchanging notes we associate with a...
How to
Choose a Good Movie to Watch
Half of the fun of watching a movie is choosing what you are going to watch. But where do you begin? Due to the sheer amount of choices available, it can be quite difficult to pick one movie to watch. Choosing a small gr...
How to
Be Mischievous
Being mischievous is all about taking risks to make life more fun. Everyone loves knowing someone with a playful, mischievous mindset and attitude. Some people are naturally more spontaneous and playful than others, but ...
How to
Use a Teleprompter
Teleprompters have many benefits. They allow you to look at a camera without memorizing a text, and they can be used in front of cameras or on stage. In the past, teleprompters tended to be expensive, but with tablet com...
How to
Watch Movies for Free
Movies have been a part of our modern culture for over 100 years. One of the best parts of being an avid movie fan today is that one can enjoy the cinematic arts for free. This article will explain some simple ways to en...
How to
Hold an Audition
Holding auditions is relatively simple but without preparation can often go wrong. It is often unimportant what type of audition you are holding, but sometimes there are subtle differences, and different equipment is req...