Bath time is often a joyous experience for parents. Bonding with your new baby as they discover warm water and soothing soap can just about melt your heart, and it’s fun to see their personalities shine as they decide if they love or hate baths. However, if you’ve never bathed a newborn before, you may be feeling anxious or nervous about handling a slippery infant. By taking the right safety precautions and keeping your supplies within arm’s reach, you can wash your baby safely—and have fun while doing it, too.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Things to Know Before Bathing

  1. In the past, babies were often given their first bath within 1 to 2 hours of being born; however, recent studies are showing that delaying their bath for at least 1 day can protect them from dry skin, bacterial infection, and even stabilize their blood sugar. [1]
    • If you can’t delay your baby’s bath that long for cultural reasons, try to wait at least 6 hours after their birth instead.
  2. The small stump connected to your baby’s belly button is part of the umbilical cord, and it needs time to fall off on its own. Usually, this takes 1 to 2 weeks, so you should stick to sponge baths instead of tub baths until then. [2]
    • If your baby’s umbilical cord hasn’t fallen off after 2 months, you might need to check in with your doctor.
  3. Newborns aren’t super active, so they don’t really sweat a lot throughout the day. Stick to bathing your infant every other day or so to avoid drying out their skin, but keep wiping their face, neck, and diaper area throughout the day. [3]
    • It’s better to bathe your baby too little than bathe them too much.
    • Washing your baby’s face, neck, hands, and bottom is also called “topping and tailing.”
  4. Until your baby is older, you can’t just plop them in a normal-sized tub. If you’re doing a sponge bath, grab a basin of water and a washcloth so you have it near you. If you’re doing a normal bath, use an infant tub in the sink. [4]
    • Avoid using bath seats, as these can easily tip over inside of a tub and hurt your baby.
    • If you don’t have an infant tub, you can line your sink with a towel to prevent your baby from slipping. Just make sure there aren’t any dirty dishes in the way!
  5. Newborns are still adjusting to the environment around them, and they might not be able to keep warm well enough during a bath. Keep the temperature in your home up so your baby feels comfortable inside and outside the tub. [5]
    • If you’re chilly, your baby is too!
  6. Newborn skin is very sensitive, and added chemicals and fragrances can dry out your baby’s skin. Stick to soaps and lotions that are made specifically for babies without a ton of added ingredients. [6]
    • You can find soaps like these in most home goods and grocery stores.
    • Only use a lotion on your baby if they have dry skin or it was recommended by your doctor.
  7. Even if you're just leaving the room for a few seconds, it's extremely dangerous to leave a newborn unattended in a bath. Keep everything you need within arm’s reach so you don’t have to walk away from your newborn, and pick them up and out of the tub if you have to leave the room. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Doing a Sponge Bath

  1. Put out a soft towel or a changing mat on a flat surface, like your kitchen counter or changing table. Run some warm water into a basin or a sink and gather your washcloth and your soap so it’s within arm’s reach. [8]
    • You should also grab a towel, a clean diaper, a change of clothes for your baby, and a warm blanket to wrap up in after the bath.
  2. To keep your baby warm, wrap them in a towel and only expose the parts of their body that you’re currently washing. Make sure they’re laying flat, and always keep one hand on your baby as you start washing them. [9]
    • Newborns don’t have much control over their movements, so they tend to wiggle and squirm around a lot.
  3. Dip your washcloth into the water basin and a little bit of soap. Wipe your baby’s face off, steering clear of their eyes, nose, and mouth. When you’re done with the face, dip the washcloth back into the water to clean it off before moving on. [10]
    • Some babies don’t like water on their faces, so your newborn might wiggle around during this part.
  4. Now you can keep using the same washcloth to wash off the rest of your baby’s body. Start at the neck, unwrapping a little bit of the towel at a time, and drying your baby off as you go. Pay special attention to the folds of their armpit, elbows, and groin. [11]
    • These creases tend to get dirt and grime built up, which is why it’s important to clean them out thoroughly.
    • Make sure you wash and dry your baby’s diaper area really well. If you leave soap or moisture there after the bath, it could lead to irritation or diaper rash.
  5. As you continue washing your baby, don’t forget their hands and feet! Rub your washcloth in between the fingers and toes to get rid of any grime and dirt stuck there. [12]
    • You can also scrub the outside of your baby’s ears, but you should never use a cotton swab or a Q-tip on the inside of your newborn’s ears.
Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Setting Up Baby’s Bath

  1. Line your sink or bathtub with a clean towel to prevent any slippage, then set the tub into the basin. Make sure the tub can’t move around or wiggle without a good amount of force. [13]
    • You should always use an infant tub for your newborn until they’re old enough to sit up on their own.
    • If you don’t have an infant tub, you can give your baby a bath in the sink instead.
  2. When you turn your tap on, dab a little bit of water onto the inside of your elbow to see if it feels warm, but not hot. If it’s too hot for your elbow, add some cold water until it feels okay. [14]
    • If your water is consistently too hot, check your water heater temperature and make sure it’s around 120 °F (49 °C). If it’s warmer than that, you’re at risk of scalding yourself or your baby.
  3. You don’t need a lot of water to bathe your baby, and using less water will give you more control over bathtime. Fill the basin up only a little bit so your baby can sit in a few inches of water. [15]
    • You can double check the temperature of the water after you’ve filled the basin, too.
  4. Leaving a baby in the bath unattended is dangerous, so you should never have to get up and walk away during bath time. Gather your baby soap, a clean towel, a fresh diaper, some clean clothes, and a washcloth so you don’t have to reach for anything once you settle in. [16]
    • It may be helpful to have a small basket of baby-bathing items that you keep near your sink or tub.
Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Washing Your Newborn

  1. To keep your baby warm, take off their clothes and put them into the tub right away so they can soak in the warm water. Use one of your hands to support their head and the other hand to guide their body into the tub. Keep your baby’s face well above the water line the entire time that you’re bathing them. [17]
    • Try to pour warm water from the tub over your baby’s body as often as you can so they don’t get chilly.
  2. Dip your washcloth into the basin and add just a little bit of soap. Start by washing your baby’s face and scalp, keeping the soap away from their eyes, nose, and mouth. Rinse the soap off carefully, trying not to get a ton of water on your baby’s face. [18]
    • Keep supporting your baby’s head as you bathe them. They can’t really hold their own heads up yet, so help them out!
    • You might see some white, flaky pieces on top of your baby’s scalp. This is called cradle cap, and it’s common to see on infants and newborns. It isn’t itchy or irritating, so you can try to wipe it off or just leave it alone.
  3. Use your washcloth and a little bit of soap to continue from the neck downwards, paying attention to skin creases and folds. Rinse everything really well as you go along to prevent chafing or itching when the bath is over. [19]
    • The diaper area is very important to focus on here, as it can get irritated easily.
    • Don’t forget to have a little fun! Many babies find baths soothing, so let your child splash and play around if they’d like to.
Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

After the Bath

  1. Once the bath is over, your baby will start to get cold quickly. Wrap them up in a clean towel and dry them off well, focusing on the creases and folds in their skin. [20]
    • You don’t need to add lotion or powder to your baby’s skin unless your doctor recommends it. Using too many products on your baby can cause irritation, and it’s usually not necessary.
  2. Once your baby is clean, you can keep them that way by changing them into a fresh diaper and a new outfit. If it’s time for bed, put them in some warm pajamas—otherwise, a nice onesie will do! [21]
    • You can also change your own clothes if you or your baby splashed around a little too much.
  3. Raising a baby is stressful, and you don’t want to spend a ton of time hunting for your infant tub the next time you need it. Pour out the water and rinse out the sink or tub, then dry it off with a towel and put it somewhere nearby. You can also store your baby’s soap and washcloth near the tub, too, for easy access. [22]
    • It’s a good idea to separate your baby’s soap from your own so you don’t get them mixed up.

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      • Expect a little fussiness during the first few baths. This is new for the baby, so they might cry or squirm.
      • Bathing a newborn can seem scary at first, but it gets easier with practice.



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      Article Summary X

      You don’t need to bathe newborns often, and a sponge bath is usually sufficient for the first 3 weeks. To give your baby a sponge bath, undress them and wrap them in a soft towel, then dip a soft cloth in plain water and wring it out. Gently wipe down the baby’s face with the cloth, then wipe down the rest of the baby’s body. If you need to, you can use a baby-safe moisturizing soap, although plain water might be enough to get your newborn clean. For tips from our medical reviewer on washing your newborn in a baby tub, read on!

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