You can easily organize your children's book library to avoid clutter and encourage your children to read. Display your books in magazine racks, on wall shelves low to the ground, or in categorical plastic bins, for example. In addition, consider storing most of your books in 1 place and establishing additional spots to store your child’s current reads. Pick a method that works for your family, place your books on your shelves, and soon your children’s books will be organized!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Displaying Children’s Books

  1. No matter where you store your books, you want your children to access them without the help of a stool or ladder. This way, they can read when they want to!
    • You can use shorter bookshelves or install wall shelves low to the ground, for example.
  2. To encourage your children to read, it is helpful to install wall shelves low to the ground and place your books on the shelves with the cover facing you. Your child can easily see the picture on the front cover, even if they don’t know how to read yet.
    • This encourages children of all ages to pick up a book and flip through it.
  3. [1] Place a bookshelf with many shelves in your child’s room or playroom, and arrange each shelf by color. Place your red and orange books on the top shelf, then place yellow and green books on the next shelf. Then, put all blue, indigo, and violet books together on another shelf. Finally, you can put white, cream, black, and brown books all together as well. [2]
    • This creates a beautiful rainbow library your child may love. It can be a focal point in your playroom.
    • In addition, a rainbow bookshelf can encourage children to use their imagination when selecting and putting away their books.
  4. You can organize your magazine holders categorically or by author, based on your preference. This way, your child can easily grab a magazine holder to select their books, rather than pulling all of them off the shelves. [3]
    • For example, put all of your child’s Dr. Seuss books in 1 magazine holder.
    • You can also put all the books about dogs in 1 magazine holder.
    • You can label your magazine holders for easy reference, as well.
  5. Separate your books into piles for nonfiction, fiction, animals, culture/religion, and interactive books. Then, designate a plastic bin for each of your categories and label them with a sticker and a marker. Place your books into their bins so the front covers are visible. [4]
    • Your child can easily find The Very Hungry Caterpillar , for example.
    • Interactive books are any with pop-ups, lift-the-flaps, finger puppets, or something similar.
    • You can use plastic bins in different colors per section, alternating colors, or all the same colors--whatever you prefer.
  6. Assess each book individually, and place small books in a pile, medium-sized books in another pile, and larger, oversized books in their own pile. Then, arrange them on your bookshelves according to size group. [5]
    • You can place your tall books horizontally if they don’t all fit on the shelves.
    • Use your smallest books as bookends, if you’d like.
  7. These “access points" are spots throughout your house where your child can easily pick up a book and read. You can encourage your child to select their own books, as well as teach them about putting them back when they are finished. Arrange your books on the shelves so the front cover is visible.
    • Choose access points like wall shelves or a small bookshelf in your child’s bedroom and playroom.
    • You can leave out 5-15 or so books, depending on how much your child likes to read.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Storing Unused Books

  1. Your library should be out of the way and easily accessible. Your child doesn't necessarily have to access this library to read their books, though it should be in a visible location.
    • Your book headquarters can be on a shelf in your child’s closet or on a bookshelf in your basement, for example.
    • This is particularly helpful if you have young children and don't want to overwhelm them with so many options.
  2. If you have many books in the same series or multiple books written by the same person, it may be beneficial to arrange them in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name. To do this, put all books by the same author next to each other on your shelves. Then add other books next to these if their name starts with the same letter. [6]
    • For example, put all of your Dr. Seuss books together. Then, if you have other books written by an author with a last name starting with “S,” place them with the Dr. Seuss books.
    • When You Give a Moose a Muffin goes in the “N” pile since it is written by Laura Numeroff.
  3. If you don’t think it will be helpful to organize your books based on the author, try alphabetically organizing your books based on the first letter of the title. Go through your books and separate them based on the first letter. Put books that start with the same first letter together, and do this until all of your books are sorted alphabetically. [7]
    • For example, When You Give a Moose a Muffin goes in the “W” pile. The Cat in the Hat goes in the “C” pile.
  4. Whether you are organizing alphabetically based on author or title, you can place your books back on the shelves after you have sorted through them. Place your books that begin with “A” on the top shelf in alphabetical order. Do this until you reach “Z.” [8]
    • Consider installing shelves low on your wall so your children can choose the books and learn how to put them back when finished.
  5. To maintain your alphabetical order, cut pieces of foam board about 2 by 5 inches (5.1 cm × 12.7 cm) big for each letter of the alphabet. Then, write each letter on your pieces of foam board with a black marker. After you’ve made a placeholder for letters A-Z, insert them in between your books to mark each section. [9]
    • Place the “A” letter at the beginning of your “A” books, and so on until all dividers are on your shelves.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Decluttering Your Books

  1. Pick up 1 book at a time, and ask yourself, “When was this last used?” If the book hasn’t been used in 6 months or longer, you can rehome it. [10]
    • You can also set aside books your child has outgrown, such as books tailored to kindergartners if your child is now in 2nd grade.
  2. Save any books that your children are currently reading, and also keep your child’s favorites. You can also save books for nostalgic purposes, and you can separate these from your everyday collection in a plastic storage box, if you’d like.
  3. You can donate your unwanted children’s books to thrift stores, or consider giving them to book charities, such as Books for Africa or Better World Books. In addition, you can give them away to family members or friends who have children. [11]
    • If your book is of value and in good condition, consider selling it online.
  4. To avoid a mess of books, it is helpful to instruct your child to place books in either their main library or access points after they use them.
    • This creates a sense of responsibility and helps keep your books organized!

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      • If one method doesn’t work, try another! It’s okay to rearrange your books a couple times until you find a system that works best for you and your children. Have them help you to find the perfect solution!

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