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KAYAK is an online travel company that helps you find airlines, hotels and rental cars. If you want to cancel your KAYAK reservation, you should be able to do this online, as long as you can provide enough information for KAYAK to call up your receipt. However, be aware that airlines and other companies you've booked with through KAYAK may have their own cancellation rules.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Cancelling your Kayak Reservation

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  1. To do this, go to: https://www.kayak.com/feedback/faq.vtl . This is the best way to start the process.
  2. There is also an option on this same page for changing your reservation in case you decide to do that instead. [1]
  3. Enter your confirmation number or record locator after choosing “cancel my reservation,” as well as the traveler's last name. Click “find.”
    • If you can't remember the confirmation number, click on “Credit card” and enter the last 4 digits of your credit card, along with your phone number. Click “find.”
    • The final option is to click on “Email” and enter the traveler's email reservation. Choose “send.” KAYAK will send you the information you need to cancel your reservation.
  4. How much money you get back will depend on the rules of the various suppliers, such as airlines. [2]
    • You will have much better look getting a refund for airline tickets if you cancel them within 24 hours; with Kayak, it's best to cancel by midnight of the same day you booked the reservation. [3] [4]
    • The cost of cancelling tickets after the 24-hour period can end up being not worth it. That's why they're called "non-refundable" tickets.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Contacting Customer Support

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  1. Not all online services provide phone numbers for customers with problems, but KAYAK is one of those that does.
    • If you are unable to cancel the reservation using the online method, you can call KAYAK's customer support team for more assistance. [5]
    • Call 1-978-451-0771 or 1-855-529-2501. You could also provide feedback by filling out an online customer support form at the same page.
  2. Before you purchase anything from any online site, including KAYAK, thoroughly read the terms and conditions.
    • KAYAK has an entire page of them. [6] For example, KAYAK makes it clear that you must abide by the terms and conditions of the air carriers and other organizations it connects you with through its site.
    • That means those specific rules can make a difference as to whether you will get all of your money back. So figure out if they are acceptable to you before you book. Since KAYAK is a middleman for many different hotels, car rental companies, and airlines, it's impossible to provide one set of rules.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Dealing with Suppliers through KAYAK

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  1. Airlines made over $2.2 billion in cancellation and change fees alone in the first three quarters of 2014. So, you might not easily get a refund.
    • So depending on the airline, you might qualify for a full refund or only a partial one. [7]
    • Each airline has its own rules about changing or cancelling flights, and what this will cost you.
    • Before booking a hotel through KAYAK, read the conditions that are listed next to it. [8]
  2. You can find information about customer experiences with KAYAK online.
    • Understand how KAYAK works. KAYAK orders reservations on your half, providing your billing information or credit card to the supplier or travel service.
    • It's a good idea to read about the experiences other people have had with the company before you sign up.
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    What do I do if I spell my name wrong on my kayak reservation? Is there a fee?
    Community Answer
    Call Kayak immediately to discuss the fix with customer service.
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      • Research costs on your own before using a middleman. Go directly to the hotel's website, for example, to see what a room costs there.
      • It can't be stressed enough; always read the fine print.
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