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Amaze your friends with these simple but convincing magic tricks
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Are you starting out as a magician, or just looking for ways to impress your friends at a dinner party or during everyday conversation? If so, then you've come to the right place. If you want to know how to make something disappear, read minds, or perform a few easy card tricks, just follow these steps.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Doing Easy Disappearing Tricks

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  1. This is an easy trick that makes it look like you're moving a coin from your left hand to your right, and then making it disappear in your right hand. In reality, you'll keep the coin in your left hand the whole time while tricking your audience into thinking you moved it. Here's how you do it: [1]
    • Hold the coin between the thumb and first two fingers of your left hand.
    • Move your right hand towards the left, pretending to reach down to pick it up with your three middle fingers, while really letting it "drop" into the left hand.
    • Pretend that you're holding it between the index finger and thumb of your right hand.
    • Blow on "the coin" and open up your right hand, showing that it has disappeared.
    • Reach your left hand toward your elbow and reveal the coin, making it look like that was where you made it disappear.
  2. This simple trick is called the "throw away" card trick. For this trick, you have to place the card in your hand, snap it, and make the card in the hand appear to have disappeared. Here's how you do it: [2]
    • Hold your hand with the index and pinkie fingers up and the other three fingers touching each other, doing the old "Rock n' Roll" symbol.
    • Place the card so the last inch or so (2.5 cm) tucks into the area between the middle and ring finger and thumb.
    • Gently snap your fingers and straighten out your hand. The card will be clipped between the first and second finger and the third and fourth finger, and will appear to have disappeared. Just make sure you're facing the audience with your palm and they can't see the card on other side of your hand.
    • If you get more skilled, you can practice bringing the card back and making it disappear again.
  3. All you need for this trick is a pencil and to wear a loose, long-sleeved shirt. This simple trick requires you to first hold a pencil by its edges with both of your hands and then make it look like it has disappeared into thin air. In reality, you'll be snapping the pencil to the side of one arm and then making it disappear down your sleeve. Here's how you can pull it off: [3]
    • Hold the pencil's edges with your thumb, index, and middle fingers, turning your hands so the backs of your fingers face the audience.
    • Apply a bit more pressure to the pencil with the fingers of your right hand, making the pen bend a bit toward your right inner wrist.
    • Move your hands up and down a bit to create some movement.
    • Appear to snap the fingers on your left hand, making the pen move so it is lying along the right wrist.
    • Discreetly move the pen into the sleeve on the right hand, showing that the pen has disappeared.
    • The faster you can do this, the more convincing it looks.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Reading Minds

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  1. This is a simple trick where you ask a person to perform some easy math that leads him to the same answer almost every time. This is what you should tell the audience member: [4]
    • Think of any number.
    • Multiply it by 2.
    • Add 8 to the total.
    • Divide it by 2.
    • Subtract your original number from the total.
    • Remember this new number--it's your secret number!
    • Count on the alphabet until you get to the letter that goes with your secret number. (Number 1 is A, Number 2 is B, and so on.)
    • Think of a European country that goes with that letter.
    • Go over to the next letter of the alphabet.
    • Think of a large animal that begins with that letter.
      • Once the audience member has thought of it, just say, "I know what you're thinking of...the number 4...and an elephant in Denmark!" This will work every time.
  2. This silly trick works almost every time. All you need is some paper and pens, and several gullible audience members. First, place one scrap of paper in your left pocket that says "celery" on it, and place another scrap of paper in your right pocket that says "carrot" on it. Remember where you've placed this paper. And you're ready to begin your trick:
    • First, hand out paper and pencils to all of your audience members.
    • Ask them to complete several easy mathematical tricks, about ten of them, such as multiplying 2 x 2, dividing 10 by 5, adding 3 and 3, and so on. You can say that this is getting their minds ready for mind reading.
    • Then say, "Quick, write down the name of a vegetable!" Make sure that people do this as quickly as possible; don't let anyone "think" about it for too long.
    • Call on a random audience member to say what vegetable he wrote down.
    • If he says "celery," pull out the piece of paper in your left pocket that says "celery." If he says "carrot," then pull out the piece of paper that says "carrot." Tell the audience that you have such strong mind-reading powers that you were able to predict what they were going to write down before the trick even began.
    • People in the US and Canada pick one of these two vegetables 80-90% of the time. If the person doesn't say one of the two vegetables, then oh well, you'll have to move on to another trick! If you're in a different country with different popular vegetables, then you have to try to find your own "magic vegetable."
  3. This trick is pretty simple but it can take a little while to master. All you need to get it done is a hat, around 10 audience members, a pen, a slate to write your prediction on, and as many scraps of paper as you have people. Here is what you have to do: [5]
    • Ask an audience member to shout the name of a famous person.
    • Write the first name down on a scrap of paper and throw it into your hat.
    • Ask the audience to keep shouting out names.
    • Pretend to write each name down, when really, you will just be writing down the first name, over and over. This is the part that takes practice.
    • Once the hat is filled, ask an audience member to volunteer to help you.
    • Say that you will predict which name he will draw out of the hat. Of course, you will predict the first name. Write it down on the slate so that everyone can see.
    • Have the audience member reach into the hat to pull out any scrap. Since they all say the first name, lo and behold, you have correctly predicted the name he would pull out!
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Doing Easy Card Tricks

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  1. This quick and easy trick can make you impress your audience by making four aces magically appear in a deck of cards.
  2. Do the "4 kings" card trick. This easy card trick will wow audiences -- all you have to do is show them that the 4 kings in a pile of cards always stick together.
  3. This is a classic card trick that requires you to discreetly see the card the person picked and cut the deck in a way that makes the person believe you were able to magically find the card.
  4. The "whispering queen" is the queen of hearts. With a little work, you can make her appear at the end of the trick.
  5. Have an audience member pick a card, place it in the middle of the deck, and have it rise magically to the top of the deck!
  6. This trick makes an audience member think that the two cards he is given have magically morphed into two different cards.
  7. 7
    Do the jumping card trick.
    • Get a deck of cards. Take two out and put them together so it looks like one. Do this before the performance.
    • Only show the bottom card to the spectators. Put both cards on top of the deck.
    • Take off the card on top so that it looks like you're taking the real card to the bottom. The real card should be on top.
    • Pretend you're using your mind to bring it to the top. Reveal the card on top and the spectators will be amazed.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Are there any other ways to perform a magic card trick?
    David Martinez
    Professional Magician
    David Martinez is a Magician based in San Jose, CA. David has over 20 years of experience and has performed throughout Northern California at weddings, private parties, team-building events, and more. He has notably performed for some of the biggest companies in the world, including Apple, Google, Facebook, and Uber. David previously served as President of the Silicon Valley Chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and has received awards for Close-Up, Walk-Around, and Stage performances. In 2023, he co-authored Amaze and Delight: Secrets to Creating Magic in Business, aimed at helping individuals and organizations nurture healthy and happy business cultures.
    Professional Magician
    Expert Answer
    Consider using the forced card technique. Choose a specific card that is slightly shorter or thinner than the others, making it distinguishable by touch. By recognizing this unique card, you can quickly identify it among the rest.
  • Question
    How can I hide my magic trick when performing?
    David Martinez
    Professional Magician
    David Martinez is a Magician based in San Jose, CA. David has over 20 years of experience and has performed throughout Northern California at weddings, private parties, team-building events, and more. He has notably performed for some of the biggest companies in the world, including Apple, Google, Facebook, and Uber. David previously served as President of the Silicon Valley Chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and has received awards for Close-Up, Walk-Around, and Stage performances. In 2023, he co-authored Amaze and Delight: Secrets to Creating Magic in Business, aimed at helping individuals and organizations nurture healthy and happy business cultures.
    Professional Magician
    Expert Answer
    Utilize moments of natural distraction to execute sleight of hand or misdirection techniques seamlessly. This could involve directing the audience's attention to one hand while subtly manipulating objects with the other, or incorporating gestures and movements that draw focus away from your secret maneuvers. Additionally, maintaining a relaxed and confident demeanor to mask any moments of sleight-of-hand or manipulation ensures that the audience remains engrossed in your performance, making it easier to execute the trick while hiding your movements.
  • Question
    How do I become a magician?
    Community Answer
    Becoming a magician doesn't have any special requirements, or anything like that. You don't even need a costume! All you need are some tricks up your sleeves, and an audience to perform for. Once you've mastered a trick to perform (big or small), you can officially call yourself a magician!
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      • Practice in front of the mirror.
      • The liquid stays inside the straw due to a difference in air pressure. The air pressure in the straw between your finger and the liquid drops to almost nothing, while the air pressure pushing up on the bottom of the liquid remains at one atmospheric unit.
      • Practice makes perfect!
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      • Thinking of a magic trick can take hours or a day. Don't get mad if you can't think of one right away. Find something else to do and try again later.
      • Try to find friends who also do magic. That way you have a group of people you can exchange tricks with.
      • Believe in yourself and have confidence. It will come across in your performance.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Glass of liquid
      • Straw

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about magic tricks, check out our in-depth interview with David Martinez .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To do an easy magic trick, start by holding a coin in your left hand, between your thumb and first two fingers. Next, pretend to pick up the coin with your right hand, but really let it fall back into your left palm. Then, act like you’re holding the coin in your right-hand fingers and blow on them while opening up your hand to show that it’s “disappeared.” Finally, reach toward your opposite elbow with your left hand before revealing the coin you’ve been holding, so that it looks like you pulled the coin from your elbow. For tips on how to do tricks with playing cards, keep reading!

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      • Tay Men

        Mar 13, 2017

        "I was looking for some magic tricks to impress my family. They were surprised and astonished, and after every trick ..." more
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