How do I confess my feelings to someone?
Look, I've been hanging out with this one girl for a while now, she took me to homecoming at her school, and I took her to my homecoming as well. We also hang out a lot and I think she really likes me, but I don't know how to confess to her. Any advice?
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Confessing to your crush can be scary, but it sounds like she reciprocates your feelings, so go for it! Our advice? Be direct, and tell her exactly how you feel—but be sure to let her know there’s no pressure. Say something like, “Hey, I had a blast at homecoming with you. I always have fun when we hang out, and I would love to be more than friends. If you don’t feel the same, no sweat—I just wanted to let you know how I feel, and if you don’t return the feelings, we can just stay friends.” Good luck!
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