How do you get a boyfriend?
I'm ready to get into the dating pool and find a good guy that's right for me...I just don't know where to get started lol. I feel like you can't just bump into people like in the movies, so where do I even go to find a potential boyfriend these days? Any tricks to make a guy notice me and keep chatting with me? I want to hear it all!
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There’s always online dating, which is probably one of the more convenient ways. It's nice that you can sit on your couch and not have to go meet somebody for that initial kind of connection, but some people find dating sites really draining. There are other ways that are great for many people, such as just living your life and doing what you love. Put yourself out there, find hobbies that bring you joy, and you may find someone that has some similar traits as you.
As a woman meeting a man, you're kind of assessing if he's safe, if he's kind, if he's the type of person you want to be with. Those are the people you want to look for. I think for a man to come off super aggressive and really forward can actually be a little off putting, as far as first impressions go.
When you're feeling like someone is a good fit, just say hi. It doesn’t have to be anything spectacular! I think, as a woman trying to start a conversation with a man, it's nice to just smile, ask how they're doing, and just open that door for conversation.
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As a woman meeting a man, you're kind of assessing if he's safe, if he's kind, if he's the type of person you want to be with. Those are the people you want to look for. I think for a man to come off super aggressive and really forward can actually be a little off putting, as far as first impressions go.
When you're feeling like someone is a good fit, just say hi. It doesn’t have to be anything spectacular! I think, as a woman trying to start a conversation with a man, it's nice to just smile, ask how they're doing, and just open that door for conversation.
Reader Comments
Tbh as a woman, a little bit of initiative can go a long way in the dating scene. Men are used to being the one doing the courting and asking out, so if you take initiative and ask out guys instead, there's a good chance that it can go in your favor and you have more control over the guys you go after because you're going to them instead of having them come to you.
I'm a woman and I asked my current boyfriend out. At first he seemed a little surprised, but in like a "whoa I didn't realize you liked me and would ask me out!" kind of way, and then a split second later he was over the moon saying yes and getting excited to go on dates with me.
I know before you can ask a guy out, you have to meet one first. Consider joining hobby or meetup groups to find people who have similar interests as you. You can also sign up for a class, volunteer, or become a regular and some local establishments. And then once you find a guy, to get his attention you can strike up a conversation with him, be friendly and complimentary and genuinely interested in what he has to say. Good luck!
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I'm a woman and I asked my current boyfriend out. At first he seemed a little surprised, but in like a "whoa I didn't realize you liked me and would ask me out!" kind of way, and then a split second later he was over the moon saying yes and getting excited to go on dates with me.
I know before you can ask a guy out, you have to meet one first. Consider joining hobby or meetup groups to find people who have similar interests as you. You can also sign up for a class, volunteer, or become a regular and some local establishments. And then once you find a guy, to get his attention you can strike up a conversation with him, be friendly and complimentary and genuinely interested in what he has to say. Good luck!
Maybe this is a little old fashioned but my friend set me up with the guy who's now my boyfriend! When I was ready for a relationship, I let my friends and family know that I was looking for somebody and they would introduce me to people they thought I'd like. This may sound a little cringey but if you go about it in a way that doesn't feel desperate it can work out great! Like don't go "please please help me find someone i'm so lonely and single set me up with somebody anybody," instead just let it be known that you're looking for a relationship and are interested in being interested to anybody they may know who is also looking!
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What if the boy doesn’t acknowledge your existence but you like him really much and CANT talk to him or you will get embarrassed and humiliated cause your class hates you?
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I have a huge crush on one of my guy friends, he fills all the boxes, single, funny, similar interests, enjoys spending time with me, etc. I just dot know how to tell him, im trying my best- getting closer with some of his friends, randomly texting, even winning him prizes in games (Ive given him a can of soda, some oreos, a pack of gum, and similar thigs before) One of his friends even knows I like him and is trying to set us up but I think he likes somebody else, any advice?
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Just ask. If you don't ask you will be left in a position that doesn't work for your needs
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