So you want to be the best teenage girl you can be? To start improving your life, you have to remember to be aware of your physical, mental, and social state. Being intelligent, healthy, and having good relationships with yourself and those around you keeps you happy. Not to mention having the trust of people around you is very important. This article will help you design your day-to-day so that you can have a happy life.
Well, common sense may sound like a no-brainer, because it is. You are your own person, and everyone else should respect that. Don't let anyone judge you upon first meeting you. If they do, they're not worth your time.
- Also say no to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes! They aren't cool. If someone offers it to you, just say, "Sorry [insert name here], but I don't want to mess up my body." If they think that's lame, they're the ones who are! You are the cool one because you know how to stand up for yourself and be smart! Also, drugs and cigarettes can lead to baggy skin, big under-eye circles, and yellow-brown teeth. And alcohol can make you act like someone you really aren't, not to mention all the bad things for your body.
- And remember you don't have to have sex if you don't want to. If someone wants you to do that even though you're not ready yet, it's wrong, and if they truly care for you, they won't try to persuade you or if they do and you say no, they'll respect that and won't ask again. And if they say "If you really love me, you'll do this", a red flag should go up! This is wrong, and do NOT say yes! Don't do it until you're ready! Don't ever feel pressured to do things like that. You don't have to do drugs, drink, or sleep around to be cool or respected. Being cool and earning respect from others comes from being yourself. Of course, there is nothing wrong with sex , as long as it is safe and consensual.
- The bottom line is that you must treat your body and self with kindness!
- Strengthen your common sense by focusing on what you feel is right and observing other people's behaviors.
Be sociable ! The most popular girl in the room isn't the one with the thinnest waist or fairest face. It's the one who has self-confidence and is happy with who she is! It isn't that hard at all.
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- Do not over-exercise or not eat. This could lead to an eating disorder, which is very unhealthy and could even be fatal.Thanks
- Being smart doesn't mean just in school! You could be smart in music, or sports, or anything else you may have a talent in!Thanks
- When you eat a meal, look at your plate. Is there a variety of colors of food there? That is a good sign. That means you are eating different foods from the food pyramid that are essential to you.Thanks
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- Don't ever try to be someone who you aren't, like changing your personality or looks to be in a certain clique. The most important part of being a happy teenager is to be yourself.
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- "Your article really helped me! Now I know I have to exercise and stop eating too much."