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Learn what these winged creatures tell us about life beyond the grave
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Hummingbirds are often heralded as symbols of joy, beauty, and strength—but what do they mean when they relate to death? In some cultures, hummingbirds are sacred because they’re believed to be spirits of dead warriors. If you’ve just seen a hummingbird after someone close to you has died, it might mean that your loved one is watching over you and helping to heal your grief. If you’ve seen a dead hummingbird, it might be a sign to enjoy life and reflect on any recent changes you’ve experienced. Keep reading to learn more.

Things You Should Know

  • When you see a hummingbird after someone dies, it could be a sign that your loved one made it to the other side and is watching over you.
  • If you see a dead hummingbird, it’s a sign to appreciate the little things in life and engage in simple activities that bring you joy, like watching a movie with friends.
  • The Native Aztecs believed that the spirits of warriors return as hummingbirds. The hummingbird was even the symbol of their sun and war god, Huitzilopochtli.
Section 1 of 6:

What does it mean when you see a hummingbird after someone died?

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  1. If someone close to you has passed away recently, seeing a hummingbird may be a sign that they have successfully crossed the threshold to the other side.
    • For some, a hummingbird might symbolize that your loved one is still alive in spirit. Even though they’re not with you physically, they’ll always be with you in mind and soul.
  2. 2
    Hummingbirds can also mean that a loved one is watching over you. Some believe that if you see a hummingbird after someone has died, it’s a sign that the departed soul is trying to let you know that they’re protecting you and helping you move on. If you’re going through intense grief, they can serve as a reminder to give yourself time to heal. [1]
    • For some who are grieving, seeing a hummingbird can also be a reminder to keep moving forward, even if you can only take one step at a time. [2]
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Section 2 of 6:

What does it mean if you see a dead hummingbird?

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  1. Hummingbirds are often seen as symbols of love and appreciation for the natural beauty around you. If you see a dead hummingbird, it may serve as a reminder to stop and smell the roses while they’re still in bloom.
    • When a hummingbird’s life has come to an end, it can also be a sign to reflect on any changes in your life and the new beginnings that lie just beyond the horizon. [3]
    • Try starting a gratitude journal to capture all the little things you appreciate throughout your day.
  2. 2
    Rekindle any excitement and joy that’s missing from your life. Hummingbirds are often associated with joy, vitality, speed, and enthusiasm, which is why seeing one that has died can be a sign to embody these qualities and recapture their infectious energy. [4]
    • Engage in simple, joyful activities like watching a movie with friends, taking a long bath, or trying out a new delicious recipe. [5]
  3. 3
    Be cautious of the potential challenges that lie ahead. For some people, seeing a dead hummingbird can be a warning or omen to be careful of any potential dangers that might cross your path. [6] If you believe the hummingbird is a sign from the universe, think about what this sign could mean for you.
    • For example, if you just got offered a promotion, you might consider the dead hummingbird a sign to not take it or to choose a different career path.
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Section 3 of 6:

Hummingbird Symbolism in Other Cultures

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  1. The Aztec people believed that hummingbirds were resurrected warriors who should never be chased or hunted. The hummingbird even became the symbol of the sun and war god, Huitzilopochtli, who guided the Aztec people on their journey to modern-day Mexico. [7]
    • Huitzilopochtli’s name is a combination of the Nahuatl (the Aztec language) words “huitzilin” (meaning “hummingbird”) and “opochtli” (or “left”). [8]
      • Aztecs believed hummingbirds were dead warriors and considered the south to be the left side of the world, so his name most likely meant “reincarnated warrior of the south.” [9]
    • The Aztec people believed that spirits of the dead also return as Monarch butterflies. [10]
    • Dia de los Muertos came in part from the traditions of the Aztec people. [11] This is why you might see hummingbirds painted on masks and skulls during the Day of the Dead.
  2. 2
    The Mayans believed that hummingbirds were beautiful and sacred. The ancient Mayans believed that hummingbirds’ feathers had magic powers because they could hover over flowers without touching a single petal. [12] Mayans also believed the hummingbird was created when the Gods ran out of corn and mud and were unable to create more animals. [13]
    • So, the Gods took a jade stone, carved a small arrow into it, and blew on it to bring it to life. That’s how they created the hummingbird. [14]
    • Today, the Maya people still say that hummingbirds came from the best pieces of what God was creating. [15]
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    In some parts of Mexico, hummingbirds have magical properties. In pre-Columbian Mexico, hummingbirds were often used in love magic. [16] Today, on the Mexican black market, mummified hummingbirds may be illegally sold as love charms, packaged with rose petals and love prayers. [17]
    • The famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo painted a self-portrait where she wore a hummingbird necklace, which might symbolize falling in love. [18]
  4. 4
    Some Native Americans use hummingbirds as clan (family) animals. Hummingbirds carry different symbolic meanings depending on the group. In the Pueblo tribes of New Mexico and northwest coast tribes, “Hummingbird” was used as a clan animal, a name given to everyone within a family line. [19]
    • In one Indigenous California legend, a hummingbird was responsible for bringing fire to the Native people. [20]
  5. 5
    In Jamaica, the swallowtail hummingbird is their national bird. The doctor bird or the swallowtail hummingbird lives only in Jamaica and has been immortalized in Jamaican folklore and song for years. The Arawak, a Jamaican Native group, even believed that the bird had magical powers and was the reincarnation of dead souls. [21]
  6. 6
    In the Bible, birds symbolize freedom of spirit, peace, and resilience. Although hummingbirds aren’t directly mentioned in the Bible, all metaphors about birds in this holy text can also be applied to hummingbirds. Birds frequently appear as messengers of God, symbolizing spiritual freedom, restfulness, and patience. [22]
    • Some people also believe that hummingbirds carry souls to Heaven.
    • Hummingbirds and Angels also don’t have any direct connections. However, in some Native cultures, hummingbirds are considered messengers of good fortune, which might be similar to the job of Biblical Angels. [23]
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Section 4 of 6:

Dreams About Hummingbirds Meaning

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  1. Whether you transferred jobs, dumped a toxic relationship, or moved to a new city, your dream represents mourning the loss of your previous life, leaving room for new joys and new opportunities. [24]
    • A dead hummingbird dream can also mean that you have a hurdle that’s stopping you from completing your goals. Think about what might be holding you back and try to find a way around it. [25]
    • Dead hummingbirds can also be a sign that you’re ready to fully commit to a partner or project or that the difficult period you’ve been experiencing is finally about to end. [26]
  2. 2
    A hummingbird drinking nectar is a sign to savor the small things. Hummingbirds sip at everything life has to offer—if you see one drinking nectar from flowers or a feeder, it may be a sign to stop and enjoy the sweeter things in life. [27] Try to shrug off the small things that might bother you and enjoy the peace and power of being alive.
    • To live in the moment, try leaving your headphones at home and taking a walk. Take pictures of everything beautiful you see.
  3. 3
    A talking or singing hummingbird is a sign that good times are coming. If you dream that a hummingbird talks or sings to you, it may be a sign that hope and guidance are on the way. Hummingbirds often symbolize joy and the beauties of life—when you see one singing, it could also mean that you need to tune in to your inner self and embrace your own vitality. [28]
  4. 4
    A hummingbird with broken wings means that you don’t give up. Dreaming about a hummingbird with broken wings is a sign that, despite the obstacles you’ve been facing, you’re still resilient and determined to strive for success and happiness. Like the hummingbird, you’re not willing to let life’s setbacks get the best of you. [29]
  5. 5
    Catching a hummingbird symbolizes your achievements in life. Dreaming about catching a hummingbird might be a sign that you feel accomplished and happy about reaching your goals. Hummingbirds are fast but delicate birds, so chasing after them means that you’re not only reaching your goals, you’re creating a space where they can safely thrive. [30]
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    Uniquely colored hummingbirds In real life, hummingbirds come in all the colors of the rainbow. In the dream world, these colors can have certain meanings. Examine your waking life to see if the color of the hummingbird has any meaning to you. [31]
    • White hummingbird: A new beginning is just around the corner. You’re inspired to make changes in your life and the lives around you.
    • Black hummingbird: You might not have been using your full potential to achieve your goals, but you’re about to enter a new transformation that may change everything.
    • Brown hummingbird: You’re practical and like to keep things simple. In work and life, you set realistic goals and work through problems one at a time.
    • Blue hummingbird: You’re currently working towards overcoming your fears and insecurities. Trust your intuition to travel through this next stage of life.
    • Green hummingbird: Your personal projects are well on their way, but they might need more time and energy to really thrive.
    • Red hummingbird: Pursue your work with dedication, passion, and love.
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Section 5 of 6:

What do live hummingbirds symbolize?

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  1. Hummingbirds are often considered spiritual messengers, bringing comfort, joy, and good physical and spiritual health to those in need. They might also infuse those around them with a sense of hope, resilience, and prosperity. [32]
    • Seeing a hummingbird might serve as a reminder to live in the moment and appreciate your spiritual freedom. [33]
    • Hummingbirds also represent lightness of being, independence, courage, sensitivity, determination, endurance, wisdom, and swiftness.
Section 6 of 6:

Hummingbirds as Spirit or Totem Animals

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  1. If you have a hummingbird spirit animal, it tells you that you’re long overdue for some quality “me time.” You wear your heart on your sleeve and serve love to all those who surround you. Just remember to slow down once in a while and suck the nectar out of life. [34]
  2. If you have a hummingbird as a totem, you are the kind of person who lives fully in each moment, inspires those who need hope, and frequently adapts to your surroundings. You always see the best in everyone and try to analyze the entire situation before tackling a problem. [35]
    • Just as the hummingbird flits from flower to flower, you quickly investigate issues and make informed decisions.
    • Although you might love being the center of attention, you also tend to know where to draw the line and protect your boundaries.
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Join the Discussion...

I keep seeing hummingbirds outside my kitchen window and it's been making my day. I love seeing them flitting around out there! I even am pretty certain I've seen the same few more than once. It feels like they've been "sent" to me, especially since they've never come before and I don't have a feeder out there to attract them. Does anyone know what it means to see a hummingbird? Or why (spiritually speaking) a hummingbird would visit somebody so often?
Hummingbirds are spiritual symbols of love, good fortune, beauty, and pure joy. If hummingbirds are attracted to you, it may mean they sense that you're in need of these things in your life, or that you embody these traits. No matter what, it signifies good things are coming your way and serves as a reminder to appreciate the beauty in nature that's all around you! Seeing hummingbirds is always a blessing.
If you see a hummingbird, that could mean something in your life is healing! If there's something that's been burdening you, it could be a sign to let go and move on.

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      1. https://www.lapdonline.org/history-of-el-dia-de-los-muertos/
      2. https://www.history.com/news/day-dead-dia-de-muertos-origins
      3. https://worldbirds.com/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/
      4. https://naatikmexico.org/blog/tsunuum-maya-hummingbird
      5. https://www.aav.org/news/615010/The-Hummingbird-in-Mexican-Culture.htm
      6. https://www.aav.org/news/615010/The-Hummingbird-in-Mexican-Culture.htm
      7. https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/csp2.12679
      8. https://naatikmexico.org/blog/tsunuum-maya-hummingbird
      9. https://www.singulart.com/en/blog/2019/10/23/behind-frida-kahlos-self-portrait-with-thorn-necklace-and-hummingbird/
      10. https://www.native-languages.org/legends-hummingbird.htm
      11. https://www.native-languages.org/legends-hummingbird.htm
      12. https://opm.gov.jm/symbols/national-bird-the-doctor-bird/
      13. https://www.birdzilla.com/learn/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/
      14. https://www.birdzilla.com/learn/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/
      15. https://www.dreaminterpretation.org/dream-about-hummingbird/
      16. https://www.dreaminterpretation.org/dream-about-hummingbird/
      17. https://symbolismandmetaphor.com/dead-hummingbird-symbolism/
      18. https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/what-do-hummingbird-dreams-mean/
      19. https://sarahscoop.com/hummingbird-dream-meaning/
      20. https://sarahscoop.com/hummingbird-dream-meaning/
      21. https://sarahscoop.com/hummingbird-dream-meaning/
      22. https://www.dreaminterpretation.org/dream-about-hummingbird/
      23. https://www.birdzilla.com/learn/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/
      24. https://www.birdzilla.com/learn/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/
      25. https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/spirit-totem-power-animal-meanings/birds/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/
      26. https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/spirit-totem-power-animal-meanings/birds/hummingbird-symbolism-meaning/

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