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Find this elusive island for a chance to get rare Blox Fruits items
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The Kitsune Shrine is located on Kitsune Island, and it's one of the Sea Events that occurs in Sea Danger Level 6. Once you're inside the Shrine, you can complete the Shrine Event to get rare and unique items, including the legendary Kitsune Fruit. In this article, we go over how to spawn the Shrine, how to complete the Shrine Event, and what items you can get. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Get to the Kitsune Shrine

The Kitsune Shrine will only spawn in Sea Danger Level 6 during a Full Moon. The best way to spawn the Shrine is to wait in Level 5 until you see the Full Moon notification, then enter Level 6 within 25 seconds. In the Kitsune Shrine, you can complete the Shrine event to get rare items, including the Kitsune Fruit.

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How to Spawn the Kitsune Shrine

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  1. The Kitsune Shrine is found in Sea Danger Level 6, but you must wait to enter Level 6 to avoid spawning a different Sea Event. The best way to prepare is to sail into Sea Danger Level 5 and wait. [1]
    • The best place to wait is about 20 meters away from where Sea Danger Level 6 starts.
  2. 2
    Wait for the Full Moon text to appear on your screen. The Kitsune Shrine can only be found during a Full Moon. Once night falls and the Full Moon rises, you have about 25 seconds to enter Sea Danger Level 6.
  3. 3
    Sail into Sea Danger Level 6. As soon as you see the Full Moon text on your screen, sail into Sea Danger Level 6. As long as you enter Sea Danger Level 6 within 25 seconds of seeing the Full Moon notification on your screen, Kitsune Island should spawn.
  4. 4
    Enter Kitsune Island. If you see the system message "A mysterious shrine has appeared in the sea…" then the Kitsune Island has successfully spawned, and you can enter it to complete the Kitsune Shrine event. [2]
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Kitsune Shrine Event

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  1. 1
    Interact with the boulder inside the shrine. Inside the Kitsune Shrine is a boulder with a silhouette of a Kitsune on it. Interacting with this boulder will cause a cutscene to play where a beam of blue light shoots up from Kitsune Shrine, and Azure Embers spawn on the island. This cutscene initiates the Shrine Event. [3]
    • During the Shrine Event, you will have five minutes to collect as many Azure Embers as possible and turn them in for rewards.
  2. 2
    Collect Azure Embers. Azure Embers will spawn every 30 seconds around the island in batches of two to five. Simply touch the Azure Embers to collect them, but you'll have to chase them down to catch them first.
    • You can use Flash Step to teleport to an Azure Ember and collect it immediately. Use the Kitsune Ribbon and/or Human V2 to shorten Flash Step's cooldown.
      • The Rumble Fruit's awakened F can be used in a similar fashion as Flash Step.
    • The best Fruits for catching Azure Embers are transformed Gas, Yeti, Mammoth, Buddha , T-Rex , Kitsune , awakened Ice , or west Dragon .
  3. 3
    Offer Azure Embers to the shrine while the event is active. If the Shrine Event ends before you can offer your Azure Embers, you won't be able to offer them. However, any unoffered Azure Embers will stay in your inventory and can be offered if you participate in the Shrine Event again.
    • When there are 55 seconds remaining in the event, a system message will appear on the screen that says "The Blue Moon is beginning to fade…". If you see this message, return to the Kitsune Shrine to offer your Azure Embers.
    • You must have collected at least 10 Azure Embers to get any items. If you offer less than 10, you'll see the message "The Shrine is displeased with your offering."
    • You can offer up to 25 Azure Embers during a Shrine Event. The more Embers you donate, the better your chances at getting a rare item.
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Possible Kitsune Shrine Items

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  1. If you offer 10 to 14 Azure Embers, the Shrine will reward you with money or fragments . However, to get the rarest items, you should offer between 15 and 25 Azure Embers. These rare items are as follows: [4]
    • 750 fragments
    • The Kitsune Aura color
      • This Aura color is #17, and is a dark blue to purple gradient.
    • The "Tailed Beast" title.
      • This title is #180 and is a cerulean blue color.
    • Fox Lamp legendary sword
    • Kitsune Mask legendary accessory
    • Kitsune Ribbon legendary accessory
    • Kitsune Fruit
      • There is a 0.1% chance of getting a Kitsune Fruit from the Shrine.
  2. It is possible to get nothing, even when donating 15-25 Embers. If you get no reward, the Shrine will still say "The Shrine is pleased with your offering."
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