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Meeting girls in college can be stressful, but it shouldn’t be. In college, you’re supposed to socialize and meet a variety of new people. If you find that you don’t have many female friends, you can meet new people in a class, during college events, or even outside of school. Once you know where the girls are, you can introduce yourself to them and start new friendships.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Meeting Girls in Person

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  1. If there’s an open seat next to a girl that you want to talk to, take the seat before the class starts. Start a conversation by asking her a question about the class or the major that she's in. If she seems like she wants to continue the conversation, introduce yourself, ask for her name, and continue talking to her after class is out. [1]
    • Don’t try to strike up a conversation in the middle of class, as this could get you both in trouble by the professor.
    • You can ask something like, “Are you a business major? I’m in the communications program right now. How do you like it so far?”
  2. Take a look at your college’s programs, clubs, and intramural sports. Find sports or clubs that interest you and sign up for them. Then, when the club meets, talk to girls before or after the session. [2]
    • Popular college intramural sports include basketball, cycling, and fencing.
    • Popular academic clubs include biomedical engineering, mathematics, and robotics.
    • There are also clubs for dance, music, and the visual arts. [3]
  3. If your campus has a dining hall, you may be able to meet girls there. Look for girls that aren’t sitting with anyone and ask them if you can sit at their table. Be relaxed and friendly when you ask. You may be able to strike up a conversation about classes or the food at the college. [4]
    • You can say something like, “Wow, this pizza is so good. What do you think of it?”
    • Girls may not be interested in chatting if they are already in a conversation or are surrounded by friends.
  4. Labs and group projects will force you to work with a plethora of people, including girls. This is a great opportunity to form friendships with new girls that are in your class. [5]
    • If you worked well with a particular girl, you can talk to her later or ask her to hang out.
    • You can say something like, "You made working in this group project way more enjoyable for me. Do you want to get something to eat this Saturday?"
    • This is a great way to get a girl's number and will open up opportunities to text with them casually.
  5. You can meet new girls by hanging out with a diverse group of friends. Ask friends if they know any girls that they can introduce you to. Then, when you’re all together in a group, your friend can introduce you to them. [6]
    • Girls typically have a larger circle of female friends than men so it might be better if you ask one of your female friends.
  6. Look at your college calendar or the schedule for local venues near campus to find upcoming events. Go to the events and look for girls to talk to there. [7]
    • Other events may include a concert, workshop, or trivia night.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Dating Apps to Meet Girls

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  1. You can find college girls on apps like Tinder , OkCupid, and Bumble . Download the apps on your phone and create your profile. Once you’ve set everything up, you can usually set filters to only see girls that are college aged. [8]
    • Around 70% of couples find each other using online dating apps.
  2. Create your profile for the apps you’ve downloaded. Bring up your dating apps and create your own profile. Fill in all the fields that are available and upload a few good pictures of yourself. It’s best to be genuine and truthful when filling out your profile. [9]
    • Your photos should be well-lit and show your face.
    • It’s best to fill out all the fields on your profile so that girls will know what to expect.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 350 wikiHow readers who've met girls online, and 51% of them agreed that the best profile picture to use is an attractive selfie that shows off your good side. [Take Poll]
  3. Apps will match you with girls based on the filters you set and the questions you answer. Most dating apps also have proximity settings so that you can meet girls in your area. Read through different profiles and find girls that you want to get to know. [10]
    • On Tinder you can swipe left on girls you're not interested in and right on girls that you want to get to know.
    • You can also can see whether the girl goes to college or not.
  4. Open with something that is funny and unique. Look at their profile and mention something from it so that they know that you’re interested in them specifically. If they respond back, you can ask what they like to do and see if they would want to hang out. [11]
    • For instance, you can say something like, “I saw that you like rock climbing. Have you ever been to Stone’s Gym on Main Street?”
    • You can ask a girl to hang out by saying something like, “Would you like to grab coffee sometime? I know this cool spot downtown.”

    John Keegan

    Dating Coach
    John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.
    John Keegan
    Dating Coach

    There's no need to limit yourself to the digital dating space. Don't be afraid to meet up with people in person, rather than keeping things digital.

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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Talking to Girls

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  1. It may help to listen to music to get yourself in the right mindset before introducing yourself. If you seem nervous or stressed, the girl might notice and it could make her feel uncomfortable. If you don't feel confident, you can pump yourself up before you make the introduction or fake being confident even if you aren't. In fact, most people say that if they fake confidence, they start to actually feel confident! [12]
    • Don’t say anything offensive or rude or you may give off the wrong impression.
    • Girls are more likely to respond if they feel relaxed.
  2. If you walk up to a girl and start talking and she doesn’t notice you, you may startle her. Instead, make eye contact with the girl and smile before you approach or start talking to her. If she makes eye contact and smiles back, there’s a good chance that she’ll be open to having a conversation. [13]
    • If she avoids eye contact and looks uncomfortable, you may want to try to talk to a different girl.
  3. Walk up to the girl and say something like, “Hey, my name is Sharone.” Don’t give into any anxiety that you might have about rejection. The worst that could happen is that she keeps the conversation short or doesn’t want to talk. [14]
    • Don’t have any expectations on where the conversation will go. Just make it your goal to meet as many girls as possible.
  4. Questions will keep the conversation flowing and feeling less awkward. After you introduce yourself, ask the girl what her name is or what major she’s in. You can ask the girl what she likes to do in her off time or what kind of music she likes. Try to make the conversation flow as naturally as possible.
    • It may also help to take notice of something the girl is doing. For instance, if she’s reading a book, you can ask her how the book is so far.
    • If you’ve read the same book before, it might be something you can have a deeper conversation about.
    • You can also ask her if she likes the activity or class that you’re in.
  5. Actively listen to the girl to maintain a good conversational flow. Listen to what the girl has to say instead of just waiting to ask the next question. This will help you get to know the girl which will help with the flow of the conversation. Ask her more questions about things she seems interested in and don’t be scared to talk about yourself when she asks you questions.
    • Most people enjoy talking about themselves so give her all the opportunities to do so.
  6. If the conversation went well, you should ask for the girl’s phone number so that you can talk to her later. You can wait till the end of the conversation, or if you think it’s going really well, ask her at the high point of the conversation.
    • Say something like, “Well, I really enjoyed talking to you. Can I get your number so we can talk or hang out later?”
    • If the conversation flowed well and you enjoyed each other’s company, there’s a good chance she’ll also want your contact information.
    • If the girl doesn't want to give out her contact information, don't pressure her. Instead, respect her decision and move onto someone else.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I find the right college girl?
    Joshua Pompey
    Relationship Expert
    Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert and Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking (NEM) based in New York City, NY. With over 15 years in the industry, Joshua helps his clients navigate online dating and has a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world.
    Relationship Expert
    Expert Answer
    A lot of this comes down to your instincts and how you feel about the people you meet. Try not to think of it like there are "right" or "wrong" girls; treat each woman you meet as an individual and don't overthink things. If you do find yourself falling for a girl, try not to get up in your head about whether she's the "right one" or not. Just enjoy your time together, put effort into the relationship, and have fun.
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      • If the girl doesn't seem like she wants to talk don't push the issue. Just walk away and try to meet someone else.
      • Don't be rude if a girl doesn't want to talk. Be kind and respectful to girls you don't know.

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