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Discover your life’s purpose with the help of your north node
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What am I meant to learn in life? How can I grow and change for the better? If you subscribe to astrology, your north node placement on your birth chart has all the answers to these questions. If you were born between early January 1978 and early July 1978 or August 1995 to late January 1997, there’s a good chance that your north node falls under Libra—and we’re here to explain exactly what that means. Keep scrolling to learn everything there is to know about having a north node in Libra, including life advice and insights about your relationships, career, and finances.

Things You Should Know

  • North node Libras' main goal in life is to find more balance between supporting themselves and helping people around them.
  • North node Libras can really unlock their potential by looking for chances to network and cooperate with their peers.
  • People with north node Libras can really hit their stride by embracing commitment in their relationships.
Section 1 of 5:

North Node in Libra Overview

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  1. Astrologically speaking, your north node is the ultimate potential that you’re capable of reaching in this life. When your north node falls in Libra, this sense of potential centers on your ability to effectively compromise and work with others, as well as commit to relationships. [1]
    • Did You Know? Madonna, Kim Taehyung (V), Shakira, Zendaya, and Tom Holland all have their north node in Libra.
    • Not totally sure how to find your north node ? Plug your birth info into a free birth chart calculator to get the low-down.
  2. The north node (a physical point where the Moon's orbit goes over the Sun's orbital path) stays in each zodiac sign for about a year and a half. [2] So, it takes around 18 years or so for the north node to return to a sign. [3] Here are the different date ranges for north node Libras:
    • June 17, 1958 to December 15, 1959
    • January 8, 1977 to July 5, 1978
    • August 1, 1995 to January 25, 1997
    • February 19, 2014 to November 11, 2015
  3. In the world of astrology, your south node revolves around your old habits and inclinations from your past lives (as opposed to your north node, which focuses on your future growth). [4] Having an Aries south node means that you tend to be on the independent side and that you often prioritize your own needs above others’ needs. Like all south node placements, this comes with pros and cons—while you’re undoubtedly courageous and self-reliant, some people might view you as selfish and uncooperative. [5]
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Section 2 of 5:

Advice to Live Your Best Life

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  1. Thanks to your Aries south node, it’s not always easy to take a step back and put other people’s thoughts, feelings, and needs before your own. [6] Try conquering this challenge in baby steps by looking for chances to work in a group so you can achieve a little more balance in your life.
    • Tip: Opportunities to collaborate are all around you! If your workplace spearheads a new group project, volunteer to take part; if you’re bored and looking for something to do on the weekend, get some friends together to play a group activity, like soccer or volleyball.
  2. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having solitary hobbies, don’t be afraid to broaden your horizons and pursue group-oriented activities, too! Collaborating in a fun and/or creative setting can be a really fulfilling way to connect and bond with others.
    • Tip: In the mood for something active? Join a local sports league, like basketball or softball. Want to do something more creative, artistic, and/or intellectual? Sign up for a cooking class, start a book group , or join a club dedicated to some sort of art or craft.
  3. Active listening involves making a clear effort to show interest and engagement in what someone else is saying, like making eye contact and repeating back what someone says. [7] The more you practice active listening skills , the easier time you’ll have finding balance in your friendships and relationships.
    • Tip: Try incorporating active listening skills into your conversations a little at a time. Start by being more responsive in your convos (nodding, saying “yeah” or “uh-huh,” etc.). From there, move on to asking follow-up questions, or repeating back what the person says to make sure that you understand.
  4. It’s okay to do things on your own—but consistently taking the solo route in life isn’t good for your long-term happiness. Whether you’re struggling with something in your personal life or tackling a tough assignment at work, don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand if life’s becoming too overwhelming.
    • Tip: Take baby steps in asking for help! If asking for help in person is too difficult, you might shoot a text or email to express what you need.
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Section 3 of 5:

Love & Relationships

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  1. Full commitment isn’t an easy feat for a lot of people—but it can be especially challenging if you have a Libra north node. Your ultimate goal is to find and pursue a relationship that you can fully commit to, rather than breezing through partial or nonexistent commitments. [8]
  2. Take a closer look at how you interact with your friends and loved ones, and evaluate how often you put your needs before theirs. Striking a balance is key to finding harmony in all of your relationships! [10]
    • Tip: Make intentional efforts to get your friend or partner’s thoughts on something. For instance, if you’re grabbing takeout, take a moment to ask “What are you craving?” or “What sounds good tonight?”
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Section 4 of 5:

Career & Money

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  1. As a Libra north node, your life’s purpose is all about learning how to balance your sense of independence with your sense of connection to others, as well as finding a sense of harmony in your friendships and partnerships. What better way to do that than by choosing a social career that gives you a chance to mediate and work with others? [11]
    • Tip: Law- and diplomacy-centered careers are both ideal for Libra north nodes, as well as jobs with a focus on negotiation.
  2. You’re in luck when it comes to financial planning—thanks to your Libra north node placement, you may find it easy to master skills like budgeting and investing. Trust your instincts as you make long-term financial decisions in the future; chances are, you’re headed in a great direction!
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Section 5 of 5:

Libra North Node in Different Houses

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  1. The exact position of your north node on your birth chart depends on the day and time you were born. Knowing which house your Libra north node falls under helps you more precisely narrow down your life’s purpose and mission, so you know exactly what to focus on in the months and years to come. [13]
    • What are houses ? Think of your birth chart as a circle that’s divided into 12 equal slices—all of these sections are known as houses, which each symbolize a different set of themes in your life.
  2. Striking a healthy balance in life is the ultimate challenge for any north node Libra, especially if your north node falls in the 1st house . Take a closer look at all the different aspects of your life and try to see where balance is lacking. Are you frequently putting your own needs above a friend’s? Do you find it difficult to do group projects at school or work? The more you search for balance in life, the better off you’ll be. [14]
    • 1st House advice: Every so often, take a few moments of self-reflection to see how you’re doing in different aspects of your life. How are your friendships holding up? What about your relationships? Examining and reflecting on different aspects of your life makes it easier to take accountability when it’s needed.
  3. If your Libra north node falls in the 2nd House , your top priority is to seek harmony and understand other people’s perspectives and mindsets as best as you can. At the end of the day, all people have something in common—your main goal is to discover and appreciate exactly what that connection is. [15]
    • 2nd House advice: During any sort of conflict or tense situation, take time to examine the perspectives of everyone involved (even if you’re naturally inclined to side with a certain party). Taking time to explore and fully understand a situation can provide valuable insights that weren’t always apparent before. [16]
  4. Communication skills are important for anyone to finetune—but they’re especially important if your Libra north node falls in the 3rd House . As you take time to pursue balance and harmony in your relationships and daily life, try writing about what you uncover along the way. It can also help to hone your creative side as you learn to communicate through art, design, and more.
    • 3rd House advice: Pay close attention to how much you share in a conversation vs. how much you let others share. If you tend to monopolize the conversation, try practicing active listening skills by asking genuine questions and repeating back what someone says to make sure you understand. [17]
  5. It’s only natural to want to do things completely on your own. But if your Libra north node falls in the 4th House , it’s time for you to focus less time on individual pursuits and more time on making (and growing) your personal connections.
    • 4th House advice: Ask yourself if you’re currently maintaining a work-life balance . Do you spend a healthy amount of time both at work and at home, or are you constantly focused on taking steps forward in your career?
  6. If your Libra North Node falls in the 5th House , it’s time to take a closer look at how you view both yourself and others in your relationships. Are you putting your own needs and priorities first in your relationships, or are you giving your friends and loved ones the same amount of time and energy that you give yourself?
    • 5th House advice: Sit down with your closest pals and have a heart-to-heart about your relationship. How are things going? What are your strengths in the friendship, and how can you improve in the future?
  7. If your Libra north node falls in the 6th House , it’s a key sign that it’s time to put yourself out there a little more. Resist the urge to stay at home and do things by yourself—instead, seek out opportunities to work with others and collaborate. [18]
    • 6th House advice: Keep an ear out for any big projects happening at your workplace (especially if they involve other people). If the opportunity strikes, volunteer for any group projects or assignments that may appear on the horizon.
  8. When your Libra north node lands in the 7th House , it’s a strong sign that you need to try putting other people’s needs above your own. As tempting as it can be to forge ahead independently, it’s always better to travel with friends and companions by your side.
    • 7th House advice: Challenge yourself to do more activities with others, whether it’s during your work time or personal time. Tackling a big project for work? Ask a co-worker to lend a hand. Going on a big hike? Invite a friend to tag along.
  9. If your Libra north node is in the 8th House , one of your prime focuses is likely working hard and making enough money to stay afloat. Instead of solely relying on your own career and hard work, let yourself lean on other people in your life for financial stability, like a partner or spouse. [19]
    • 8th House advice: Sit down with your partner and take a deep dive into your finances together, especially if you feel the burden of being the breadwinner. What changes can you make to your household so you feel as supported as possible?
  10. Rascal Flatts was onto something when they sang how “life is a highway”—but who says that you have to drive that road alone? If your Libra north node sits in the 9th House, it’s time to let some people join your caravan as you explore the big wide world around you.
    • 9th House advice: Plan a road trip with some of your buddies, highlighting all the stops you’d like to make, along with everything you’d like to see on your journey. The more the merrier!
  11. Having your Libra north node fall in the 10th House comes with a certain sense of responsibility. Look for opportunities where you can apply or run for a leadership position—any role that allows you to make a positive difference in your community is great. Focus on positions that would help you make your community a fairer and more welcoming space.
    • 10th House advice: Stop by different community buildings (township buildings, community centers, places of worship, etc.) to get an idea of which leadership roles have openings. Do any of these roles resonate with you?
  12. If your Libra north node hangs out in the 11th House , there’s a good chance that you gravitate towards independent activities, hobbies, and sports—but it’s time to change that now! Take a deeper dive into your interests and look for people who share the same passions as you .
    • 11th House advice: Head over to Meetup’s website and search for groups that cater to your interests. It’s a great resource for meeting and networking with new people!
  13. It can be tricky to push the bad vibes out and let the good vibes in—but if your Libra north node sits in the 12th House , that’s exactly what you’re called to do. Take some time to smell the roses, both literally and figuratively, rather than viewing every pursuit in life as a competition. [20]
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