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Q&A for How to Attract a Man's Attention
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QuestionWhat can I do to attract him if he's a little older than I am?Cristina Morara is a Professional Matchmaker, Dating Coach, Relationship Expert, and the Founder of Stellar Hitch Private Matchmaking, a luxury matchmaking service based in Los Angeles that serves clients nationwide and internationally. As a former casting director, Cristina specializes in finding the perfect partner through her exclusive global network and detailed, warm approach. Cristina holds a BA in Communications and Psychology from Villanova University. Stellar Hitch has been featured in the Huffington Post, Chelsea Handler’s Netflix documentary, ABC News, the Tonight Show, Voyage LA, and the Celebrity Perspective.Accentuate your mature side more than you normally do. Experience brings maturity, not age! Be genuine, comfortable, and engaging. Curiosity is a lot more important for a lot of older men, so asking a lot of questions and taking an active interest in what he's into will go a long way.
QuestionAs a woman, is it okay if I ask him out first?Cristina Morara is a Professional Matchmaker, Dating Coach, Relationship Expert, and the Founder of Stellar Hitch Private Matchmaking, a luxury matchmaking service based in Los Angeles that serves clients nationwide and internationally. As a former casting director, Cristina specializes in finding the perfect partner through her exclusive global network and detailed, warm approach. Cristina holds a BA in Communications and Psychology from Villanova University. Stellar Hitch has been featured in the Huffington Post, Chelsea Handler’s Netflix documentary, ABC News, the Tonight Show, Voyage LA, and the Celebrity Perspective.Definitely! Don't worry about breaking any traditions here; the old "rules" about the guy asking the girl out first is so outdated at this point. Some women will thin that men will be turned off if the woman makes the first move, but most guys will actually be impressed!
QuestionWhat should I do if I want to become more than just friends with someone?Community AnswerMany romantic partners start out as friends. Ask your friend out for a date. This shows your self-confidence and as well as your romantic interest. The worst he can say is "no." If he does that, do not force him or pressure him into dating, or you might lose him as a friend completely.
QuestionWhy do guys hide their feelings? Why is it hard to know whether he loves me or not?Community AnswerFirst, not all guys hide their feelings; it does nobody justice to lump everyone into one single-minded group. Some guys don't, some do, just as some women don't and some do. For the guys not revealing their feelings, some may believe it's not appropriate to express feelings and may find it harder because they've never learned to talk about feelings. For some, it may be about "being macho" (where showing emotions is equated to being weak). In other cases, reasons could include disliking sharing, lack of certainty about feelings, an unwillingness to commit to you, a genuine belief they're not yet in love, a personality disorder, and so forth. You'll need to decide what might be behind the reticence to talk, then role model a good way to talk about feelings that provides unconditional acceptance, including reassuring him you're a non-judgmental listener.
QuestionWhat if the man I fancy already has a girlfriend?Community AnswerIf you're interested in one man in particular and he has a girlfriend, you'll have to decide for yourself whether or not you'll try to get him anyway. If you try to break his current relationship, it may cause tension and hurt feelings, and your relationship will be starting off on shaky ground. On the other hand, you will get to be with the man you fancy. You'll need to weigh the choices for yourself.
QuestionWhat about during fireworks?Everything4youCommunity AnswerIf you and your guy friend are watching fireworks, lean your head on his shoulder.
QuestionHow can I turn a one night stand into something more?Community AnswerJust be honest and ask if they want to hang out more.
QuestionHow can I get my crush to fall in love with me, even though he has a girlfriend?CircdHusbandCommunity AnswerBe careful and patient. Ask him if he would like to hang out as friends and go from there.
QuestionHow can I tell if a man is flirting with me?CircdHusbandCommunity AnswerSometimes you cannot tell. But, if you find the man attractive, just be honest and tell him you'd like to get to know him better.
QuestionWhat if he just broke up with his girlfriend?CircdHusbandCommunity AnswerBe sympathetic and supportive. Everyone needs support when a relationship ends.
QuestionHow do I get a guy's attention if I am a boy?Community AnswerMost of these tips can apply to a boy as well. Just be yourself and look your best, and if you feel comfortable, be a little bit flirty.
QuestionIf he thinks he still has feelings for someone else and he takes me as an extremely close friend, what can I do to make him fall for me?Community AnswerJust try to be his best friend. You'll know most of his problems and you'll be close to him. If you feel comfortable, let him know how you feel.
QuestionHow do I get him to talk to me?Community AnswerDiscuss topics according to his interests.
QuestionWhat if he is flirting with me from across the room and I am really awkward?CircdHusbandCommunity AnswerMove closer and flirt back if you like. Who knows what direction it will take?
QuestionHow do I get someone's attention if I don't know them?Community AnswerTry flipping your hair, or putting it to the side. This exposes your neck, which gets many guys' attention. You could also try biting your lip, or staring at them for a while until they notice.
QuestionWhat to do If my crush can't form bonds with people?Community AnswerBe the person who teaches them how to form bonds. Show them how to be more social, how to trust people, and to be friendly and open. If you do this, they will probably value your friendship and you as a person way more, which may lead to you being able to become more than friends, if that's your goal.
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