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Q&A for How to Be Less Annoying Towards Friends
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QuestionHow do I become someone people want to be around?Sheila A. Anderson is a Certified Image Consultant, International Branding Icon, and the Founder of Image Power Play, an impression management and personal branding company. With over three decades of experience, she specializes in empowering corporate professionals to raise their personal image to meet the value of their brand. Sheila is a Certified Image Consultant with The Image Resource Network and a Certified Universal Style Consultant with The Universal Style International. Sheila is a member of the C-Suite Network Advisors and the author of the book, I.C.U., The Comprehensive Guide to Breathing Life Back Into Your Personal Brand.Focus on improving your charisma! Add mirroring techniques to your day-to-day interactions, where you "mirror" someone else's body language and reactions. Also, try to talk to others in a positive, genuine, and uplifting way—this helps you build rapport.
QuestionI have a habit of texting my friend often just to say 'Hi', she finds it annoying. What should I do?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf you're not saying anything else to your friend than "Hi," then it's going to be annoying because she has to check the phone, see the same uninformative message every time and learn nothing about what you really want to say. In future, try to stop yourself from texting this simple message. Instead, only text her when you actually have something of interest or importance to say, so she'll know it's worth checking your messages. She'll be grateful and she'll stop suggesting that you're being annoying.
QuestionHow can I talk less?Community AnswerGenuinely listen to others. Count to three slowly before you reply so they have enough time to finish their train of thought before you cut them off. Practice this skill. It is extremely unpleasant to be on the receiving end of someone who is holding you hostage in a conversation because they won't be quiet.
QuestionI read all of these and I can tell by this that I'm a really annoying person. How can I make myself less unbearable?Community AnswerI can be a very annoying person too. Just remember that that is the way you are. And ask people for help. Tell them this: "If I annoy you, please just tell me, and tell me what I can do to be less annoying." The best way to find answers is just to ask. Don't be afraid.
QuestionI looked through my friend's phone because I thought she was talking bad about me. She was. What do I do?Friendlyfeelings247Community AnswerThis situation has happened to me. Some people in life are there for a reason and some are there to show you who you need to watch out for. If she was talking behind your back, I do not think that she is worth your time, and she wouldn't a very good friend. Don't have people in your life who make it harder, only hate will build up and hate is exhausting. In the end, it is you who decides what to do.
QuestionIs spamming someone with texts annoying?Community AnswerIt can be. You should just ask your friends if they mind you texting them all the time. You could also ask them why they don't text you first. If they are shy, just reassure them that they won't bother you.
QuestionWhat defines annoying?Community AnswerAnnoying people may pester others, make inappropriate jokes, be too loud or act obnoxiously.
QuestionHow can I get on a person's good side?Community AnswerBe kind to them, and try to talk to them about topics they're interested in. You can try giving them a gift as well. However, if you're not very close, this can seem strange, so nothing too extravagant!
QuestionHow do I stop arguing with my friend? We have different opinions and then he blows things out of proportion and I am too stubborn to give up.Community AnswerIt's okay to have different opinions, and even to argue sometimes. You have the right to defend your own views if your friend is attacking them. But you can avoid starting arguments yourself. If your friend expresses an opinion you disagree with, you don't have to respond to it with your own opinion every time, or even if you do, it doesn't have to be in an 'arguing' way. You can just say politely how you yourself feel. If your friend isn't able to keep the conversation calm and polite, that's his problem, not yours.
QuestionI've been told I'm annoying. I've read through this, but I feel that it would lead me to detach from others. Is there a balance between the two? Also, what should I do if people I love are annoying?Tom De BackerTop AnswererApply the tips and tricks of this article as much as you can. You will find that, rather than detaching from your friends, your friendships will grow stronger. If your loved ones are annoying, you can just forget about a few of the annoyances, forgive them every now and then. If they really truly annoy you, kindly point them out to them.
QuestionI have obsessive compulsive disorder and I want to stop correcting my friend's grammar because I know I'm annoying. How can I do that?Community AnswerLet your friend know that you are not doing this on purpose. If you are comfortable sharing, let them know you have OCD. Seeking professional advice might help you as well.
QuestionWhat if I talk a lot? I love to talk! How can I stop?Community AnswerInstead of being the first to reply to a question or statement, let others reply first. Literally (gently) bite your tongue if you're struggling to hold back the flow of words.
QuestionPeople call me annoying, because I talk too much and stutter. Any way to help that?Community AnswerIt can be hard, but you need to try and listen more. Next time someone says something you want to comment on, think if it is really necessary to what this conversation is about. If it is, then keep it short. If people want to know more then they can ask you more about it. If not, then move on. There will be plenty more opportunities. As a side benefit, calmly thinking through what you are going to say first may also help with your stutter.
QuestionHow can I have a less annoying voice?Community AnswerYour voice is just something God gave you! Appreciate it. You can always try to speak from your diaphragm so your voice doesn't go high and nasally.
QuestionI feel like sometimes I mildly annoy friends, but wish I didn't. How can I be more considerate towards them?Community AnswerAsk your friends for advice! That'd be very considerate of you.
QuestionI've been told I'm annoying and that I barely talk to this person irl, but I act like we are good friends online. Is this really annoying? (I'm generally more confident online.)Community AnswerIt can be hard to be yourself in front of people; when you are looking at a screen it is much easier to communicate. I don't think that's annoying, as long as you are being respectful and nice to the person you are communicating with. It's important to be kind to everyone at all times. If you think you are a good person and others say you're annoying, just brush that off. Don't let other people's words get to you.
QuestionThere's a friend of mine that pretty much lives to annoy me, but in a friendly, non-hurtful, non-joking way, yet it's somehow getting on my nerves. Is there any way to get him to be less annoying?Community AnswerTell him that you want him to stop. Annoying friends often pay attention to firm voices, so use a firm voice. If that doesn't work, it's best to have some alone time.
QuestionI got into an argument with my friend. I apologized right away and many times yet she ignored me. We are good now, but not like before. I feel like I'm just an annoying friend to her. What do I do?Community AnswerTell a teacher about your situation and she'll help you out. She should talk to your friend and you and see what's going on.
QuestionI have a friend who doesn't really talk with me very often, but when she does I can see on her face that she is annoyed. She says I don't annoy her every time I ask, but I don't believe this. What should I do?Community AnswerSometimes, listening to other people is the best way to go. When she has something to say, listen! This will help you get to know her better, and she'll begin to like hanging out with you. Remember that there are always people who don't seem to be all that kind, but if treated well, you can sense they are a good person inside.
QuestionI annoy people when I am over-enthusiastic, but I am genuinely just happy. I also annoy them when I am unenthusiastic. They get mad at everything. What am I supposed to do? I can't be happy or sad.Litzy BategekiCommunity AnswerBe you. Just exercise good self control. If these people don't appreciate who you are, that's their issue. Love yourself and don't worry about what people think of you.
QuestionI am a very loud person. How can I become way more quiet?Community AnswerYou could try asking questions instead of just talking and giving others a chance to answer and act genuinely interested in their answer. You could also think about what you are trying to say before you say it and think about what would result if you said it, and then decide whether or not you want to say it. Only say things that are helpful, kind, or contribute to the conversation.
QuestionMy friend does stuff like bug me to video chat with her all the time and sends me sad emojis when I say no. How do I tell my friend this is annoying without hurting her feelings?Community Answer
QuestionWhat if I have a generally really loud voice that's" annoying"?Tom De BackerTop AnswererYour first step is to not agree that your voice is annoying. We have little or no influence over our voices; it's a bit like if someone said "It's so annoying you only have two arms." You can take voice classes, sure, watch tutorials on how to better use your voice, but if others find your voice annoying, they have a problem, not you.
QuestionMy friend group is so annoying. One brags about everything, one always is complaining and I can't be then positive too and one has very weak nerves. I see them everyday, how do I cut them off?Community AnswerIf your friends are annoying you tell them that and ask them if they can stop it. If the don't stop it then you could hang around with other people too.
QuestionWhat if i have extreme ADHD and I can't keep still for a long time?Community AnswerTry doing distracting things like folding and unfolding paper in your hands, twiddling with string, and other small unnoticeable things.
QuestionI have a tendency to lie a lot. I want to stop, but when my dad tells me I’ve done something wrong I always try to back myself up instead of listening. How can I change that habit?ErinCommunity AnswerBefore you start a lie, think to yourself, "Will this make me feel good about myself?" or "Is this helpful to the person I'm talking to?" No one wants to feel guilty, so make sure you catch yourself in the act before doing it. If a lie slips out, the best thing you can do is correct yourself and apologize. If you're embarrassed about the truth or you did something bad and you don't want to say it, remember that telling the truth will always be better. It will build trust and you won't have a bad reputation of lying.
QuestionMy friendship group said to me and my bestie that we're too annoying and loud even though I don't think I'm annoying and I'm quiet. What should I do to get them back? Even if I've tried.Jen BradleyCommunity AnswerYou and your best friend should really distance yourself from those people if they're basically making false accusations about you. Don't try and get them back for what they said as it could only make the situation worse. If you want, you can tell the group that the things they said were hurtful and untrue and that they should seriously think about what they say to their supposed 'friends'.
QuestionSo I've annoyed my friends a lot and I bet they don't want to be my friend anymore. So how do I change that so they will be my friend again.Jen BradleyCommunity AnswerThis happened to me as well. But when you say 'I bet they don't want to be my friend any more' it sounds like you're making assumptions. This will only make you feel worse about it. I know it can be hard to not do this but just do your best. I'd recommend that you sit down with them, either face-to-face or via video call and just tell them that you feel you've been a bad friend lately and still want to be friends but make it up to them. Ask them what it would take for them to accept your apology and continue the friendship.
QuestionHow do I not be annoying when talking to my friends about something passionate?Tom De BackerTop AnswererYou have the right to expect your friends to 'suffer' your enthusiasm from time to time. When we're passionate about something, we love to talk about it. And who, if not our friends, can we talk to, show and share those feelings of passion about something? Even if they couldn't care less, they're still supposed to be happy with you; even if the topic doesn't interest them, the fact that you're happy should. You for your part can promise you won't go on and on about it all day and night, but expect them to suffer you as well.
QuestionHow do I stop being argumentative with my friends?Tom De BackerTop AnswererMany of the people I know who are argumentative with me seem to need my confirmation of their point of view to be convinced themselves that they're right. So perhaps it might help you, too, to think about what you need from others before you know you yourself are right or wrong. A debate is supposed to be a way to check your arguments to a certain idea, listen to others' arguments and be confident enough in your friendship to say, "Wow, those are some things I'd not yet thought of, I'm going to think about it and change my mind if needed. Thanks for taking to time to discuss this."
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