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Q&A for How to Be an Attractive Woman
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QuestionWhat is the most attractive outfit for a woman?Nejla Renee is a fashion stylist, image consultant, and personal shopper based in New York, New York. With over seven years of experience, Nejla specializes in helping people enhance their positive attributes and express their identities through style. Nejla holds a BS in Marketing and Finance from Northeastern University and worked in finance prior to starting her own business. Nejla combines her business experience with her personal creativity, passion, keen eye for detail, innate sense of style, and strong understanding of fit and proportion to help her clients create peace and acceptance around their style.Look for an outfit that fits your body type or work with a tailor so your clothes fit you perfectly. Additionally, try to balance your top and bottom halves. If your top half is curvier, add volume on the bottom, such as with a wide skirt. Try cinching your waist if your top and bottom are roughly equal in volume.
QuestionHow can I explore my sense of style?Nejla Renee is a fashion stylist, image consultant, and personal shopper based in New York, New York. With over seven years of experience, Nejla specializes in helping people enhance their positive attributes and express their identities through style. Nejla holds a BS in Marketing and Finance from Northeastern University and worked in finance prior to starting her own business. Nejla combines her business experience with her personal creativity, passion, keen eye for detail, innate sense of style, and strong understanding of fit and proportion to help her clients create peace and acceptance around their style.First, think about your lifestyle. What do you do for work? What is the dress code? What do you do with your time off? Then, take a look at what other people are wearing, and note elements you like or dislike. Think about famous people who you think always look good. Then, use that information to help you narrow down your style to what you like and what's going to actually work in your daily life.
QuestionIs a guy in love if he demands to see me naked?Community AnswerNo guy should ever "demand" anything like this from you, and you definitely shouldn't give in to these demands. Tell him that this is disrespectful behavior, and it has to stop. If you're a young person, and you feel unsafe, get a responsible adult involved.
QuestionI look gorgeous, but I want to be attractive too. How do I do it?Community AnswerYour looks may be gorgeous, but attractiveness comes from your brain, your intelligence. Be different and unique, be knowledgeable on many different topics, be kind and considerate of other people.
QuestionWhat if I don't think I'm attractive and am scared I'll lose him?Community AnswerBe confident, and be yourself. Confidence is the key to success and beauty.
QuestionMy boyfriend always criticizes me about my looks. What should I do to enhance my personality and my dressing sense?Community AnswerIf someone really cares about you, they wont judge you by your looks. People typically criticize because of their own low self-esteem. Rather than enhance your personality and fashion, you should probably find yourself a boyfriend who appreciates you for who you are, not what you wear.
QuestionWhat if I am not pretty or attractive?Community AnswerIt's not about your physical appearance, it's about how you feel and treat yourself. Be confident, and others will see your beauty too.
QuestionHow do you look gorgeous to get a boyfriend?Community AnswerA true, good, and healthy relationship doesn't depend on gorgeous looks. Just be yourself, and act with respect. However, good hygiene and a clean appearance do help.
QuestionWhat can a person do to boost their confidence?Community AnswerAll it takes is to know your worth. Knowing that you're beautiful inside and out. Also, learning to love yourself first.
QuestionI'm popular, but boys don't want me to be myself. They expect me to act a certain way, or I'm weird. What do I do?Community AnswerDon't change yourself for anyone. You'll meet a guy who likes you just the way you are and you'll be glad you waited for him.
QuestionHow can I look causal but attractive?Community AnswerWear a nice pair of skinny jeans, a fitted shirt and a leather jacket (or whatever works for your body type). Try not to dress it up too much -- keep it comfortable, but avoid sweatshirts. Leather jackets are really good for when it's a little breezy and cold outside. And try pairing this outfit with a nice pair of flats, boots, or sneakers/hightops. You could also add some simple jewelry.
QuestionI have a crush on this one boy, but he treated me like I was worthless. He was my only crush. I don't think that I could like somebody else. What should I do?Community AnswerThere will be a lot of boys who come along; you will find another, one who will appreciate you.
QuestionIs it weird to get a guy a gift?Community AnswerNot at all. If you have feelings for him or he is your boyfriend, it would make sense. If he is a friend it would be nice. Don't let anyone tell you you can't give a guy a gift if it's a special occasion like birthday or something like that.
QuestionHow can I stop my hair from getting untidy when I am outdoors?Community AnswerWear a ponytail. Any simple up-do, out-of-your-face style will work.
QuestionI am a receptionist at an eye clinic. What type of shirt should I wear?Community AnswerSomething modest that is plain or has a simple design. Do not wear something flashy or with a busy pattern on it. Blue is a good color to wear; people associate the color blue with trust and calm. Clients having eye problems or issues will be reassured and more comfortable with you when you wear something simple.
QuestionHow can I improve my appearance when I don't have fashionable clothing?Community AnswerYou could buy new clothes if you are able. You could make existing clothing more attractive by adding embellishments to it. Or, try a new haircut or different makeup. Small changes, such as keeping unruly hair tidier, can make a big difference.
QuestionWhat should I do to boost my confidence?Community AnswerTry power posing. Stand in a confident pose for a minute or two to emulate the sense of confidence the pose needs to accompany it.
QuestionHow can I be attractive in a dress?Community AnswerEvery women's body is different, but you can never go wrong with the little black dress. Try cover the parts your aren't confident about and highlight the parts you love most about your body. At the end of the day, if you feel confident with the dress on, people around you will be attracted to that.
QuestionThe boy has a girlfriend. Should I still try to date him?Community AnswerNo. You could come off as too desperate. Wait it out and see if they break up.
QuestionHow can I get bigger lips naturally?Community AnswerDrink plenty of water and wear lip balm. Also, consider lip-plumping glosses!
QuestionHow we can get a clear skin by removing pores on our face?Community AnswerYou cannot 'remove' pores from your face. Everyone has pores. However, you can reduce their appearance by taking good care of your skin and using the right products. Be sure to wash your face with a gentle cleanser morning and night. Afterward, you should use a toner (or a natural alternative like rose water). Then apply a product or two based around any of the following ingredients: AHA, BHA (also known as salicylic acid), vitamin C, niacinamide. All of these can help with pore size to some degree; AHA and BHA are probably the most effective; AHA should only be used overnight, as it exfoliates your skin and makes it more sensitive to the sun. Finally, use a good moisturizer. Always use sunscreen on your face after moisturizing in the morning.
QuestionWhat should I do if I'm in love with a man I know another girl is attracted to?Community AnswerIs he attracted to her as well? If not, keep pursuing him.
QuestionWhat if I want to be attractive, but I am a tomboy with no flashy clothes, makeup, etc?Community AnswerTomboys have their own special sense of style and many people find that attractive. You don't have to change anything, just be yourself.
QuestionOne of them was about clear skin. Everyone at school makes fun of my skin, so what am I meant to do about it?Community AnswerPeople shouldn't make fun of your skin. You can either ignore them and hope they will get tired of it, or confront them about it. And there's a lot you can do to improve your skin. See How to Get Rid of Acne .
QuestionHow can I be more attractive if I have to wear a school uniform?Community AnswerConcentrate on your hair and face. You can also accessorize your uniform if possible with jewelry or cool socks.
QuestionIf you are in the friend zone with the boy you like, how do you know if he likes you back?Annastacia S.Community AnswerIf he friend zoned you, he may want to give it time to find out his true feelings. Not all guys are the same, but don't give up hope. Be yourself, and be kind. Let him know you will be there for him and that the decision is up to him. He will respect that and maybe even open up to you more.
QuestionMy ex always notices the little things I do and says I look stunning. I want to get back together. What do I do?Community AnswerThe fact that he’s been saying you “look stunning” is definitely a good sign. As far as getting more out of him, give him some time, and ease back into things. It’s especially important to consider what broke the two of you up in the first place. If it was something very serious, really think this through first. If you look back at it thinking, “The reason we broke up was so dumb and immature,” then maybe he deserves a second chance. In that case, just be the you he fell for the first time.
QuestionHow can I take care of my skin properly?Community AnswerIf you have acne, there are tons of steps you can take to manage it, starting with visiting a dermatologist or trying some at-home acne creams. Drinking plenty of water will also keep your skin healthy. If you don't have acne, then just focus on washing your face nightly, washing your pillowcases weekly, and using a moisturizer on your skin. I would also recommend wearing sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage.
QuestionWhat happens when I meet a guy and I'm dressed up and he likes me like that?Community AnswerThen dress like that on more formal occasions. If he doesn't like your casual wear or is critical, however, you should probably break up with him. Above all else, focus on who you are, and not just your looks.
QuestionWhat if I think he likes me, but he just wants to be my normal friend too.? How do I tell? I think he likes my craziness. I'm 11.Vania GarretCommunity AnswerJust stay in touch with him and be friends with him, because sometimes friendship can change to love.
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